And through it all, I told him to Hang On, Hang On to Your Dream, that it matters. I told him that if we met people who understood and also valued his dream it would be okay. I told him that it mattered, that his future mattered. I told him that I had made a Promise and I was going to keep it, Hell or High Water. ( and yes , I wish I had not said that, as now that phrase has cryptic meanings that I know one day will make me laugh...just not yet).
And for the past 28 days we have been living in Hotels and I kept saying that we will find a home, that it will work out, that these are just bumps in the road. That the Flood was actually the beginning of our Adventure , Our Journey....But that the flood had clearly defined what mattered. That we had each other and the pets...
And so we began the trip to NYC not sure of what or who we would find. And we have met amazing people, people who did not know us, who reached out and really went the extra mile for us because they had to. And there were and are some circumstances that made this situation so precarious, but they did not let us down or back away....so I am beyond grateful. And 6-6 and I are thankful in ways I can not even measure or describe. A very small circle worked to save 6-6's Dream and they were and are so special, I will spend a long time making sure they know we value them.
Things are still Falling Into Place.....But this I know 6-6 is on the way to his future and he is in the Right Place.....Thank you to all who helped and especially this 2 months when so much was painfully broken, I am also grateful to you, you helped keep us hopeful and anchored.