Sunday, July 15, 2012
Bain and Suffering : How Romney is Taxing Trust Levels of Everyone...

Friday, July 13, 2012
99 Report for Friday July 13th Guests Rachel Lyn Brody of "HOT MESS " and Jason Leopold of Truthout

Second Guest on The 99 Report is Jason Leopold. JasonLeopold Editor of Truthout and founder of The Public Record. ( You can find him on Twitter @jasonleopold) We are having him on today to share about his ongoing Investigative pieces on GITMO and the latest post revealing Prisoners being medicated with mind altering drugs, http://truth-out.org/news/item/10248-exclusive-department-of-defense-declassifies-report-on-alleged-drugging-of-detainees
MUST READ Of DAY : Jason's ongoing series on his FOIA regarding the Occupy Monitoring. Please read and do see the Video.
Jason's ongoing fine Journalism is part of my "Power of Five" Today ::::
(1) This Post about Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield on GITMO is a must read.....and was updated 1/9/12
(2) And this post from Nov.2011 is also shares perspectives from an Former GITMO Prosecutor.
(3) This November Post about the Pentagon Propaganda Video is also a Must read.
(4) This link is to the Interview with Leopold about his Interviews of David Hicks of Gitmo.
(5) This RT/Truthout Link is about Jason's Interview regarding NDAA and Ongoing Detention issues.
Friday, July 06, 2012
The 99 Report Radio Show Returns Today with Guests Lee Camp, Joey Kirkman, and Col.Barry Wingard

Today’s Show Returns to Blogtalkradio at 3PM and I will be adding the Links and the Audio clip to this post later in the day.
Today’s Show has three amazing guests. At the start of the show we will hear from Lee Camp about his ongoing Moments of Clarity, and his Tour and his new smash CD “Pepperspraying the Tears Away”. Do see more at his website www.LeeCamp.net.
Our second guest is Joey Kirkman who will be sharing his amazing Healthcare story, as well as telling us about his radio show down in North Carolina and his new non-profit. A tax practitioner by trade, part-time tour manager and full-time antagonists on the international show, Bully the Bullies, Joey spends most of his free time combating religious fundamentalism and enjoying time with his children. He is currently co-authoring a book with J.D. Shapiro, who wrote Robinhood – Men in Tights, about the harms caused by religious fundamentalism. Joey has managed comedy tours across the country with different entertainment companies and is the founder of Be the Miracle Network – a secular non-profit committed to activism. You can hear him confronting religious fundamentalism bi-weekly.
And finally we have Col.Barry Wingard who will be sharing the latest regarding his representation of prisoners at Guantanamo. There are developments to share as there have been Charges dropped against the Kuwaiti Fayiz, which is raising many questions and discussion as to what happens next for the Kuwaitis at GITMO.
( Please note I am trying to set up a New Blog/website for the 99 Report as there are ongoing problems with Blogger, so I will be adding the Links and photos and audio files during the day to both sites. Please bear with me while I make this transition. Blogger’s Layout has changed and links no longer work,. so this is an important change that I need to make to improve the show.)
More on GITMO:
(1) http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/25/2867424/change-of-command-at-guantanamo.html
(2) http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/29/2874431/pentagon-drops-kuwaitis-war-crimes.html?story_link=email_msg
(3) http://news.kuwaittimes.net/2012/07/01/relatives-misled-many-times-struggles-of-kuwaiti-prisoners-in-guantanamo-far-from-over/
#MittHappens Required Reading:
(1) The Vanity Fair Investigation Piece on Romney's Offshore Accounts,http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/2012/08/investigating-mitt-romney-offshore-accounts
(1) @Gottalaff and her New Parodies...I will post the Links later, but the Vagina one is very special
(2) @FlameGoddessLee Lee Ford is going to the Olympics and ParaOlympics she is an Archer so send her lots of love these next few weeks
(3) @DailyDimmick an amazing Aussie NewYorker who has Daily Videos that are inspiring and insightful and meaningful...( hoping to have him on the show before he leaves New York, but do Follow him and see his videos at www.DailyDimmick.net )
(4) @WeActRadio and David Shuster for rocking ACA coverage
(5) @LeaderDog for their work and Services for the Blind
(6) Do follow and support @Shannynmoore for her work fighting for Bristol Bay #NoPebble against Mining this beautiful place...
(7) Prayers and Love and Light from the 99 Circle to @MaysoonZayid
"By The Way....Your Friends are people with you in your deepest darkness, not those who marvel when your star rises" from @CharlesBlow ( posted to twitter...very profound....)