"A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
One day last week I arrived at the home and it was stormy out and the power on their block was out,so it was fairly dark. But spirits were high and I had a package to bring from Alaska. So I showed them on the globe WHERE Alaska is, "The Top of the World " they said and we laughed. And then they said "It's winter and snow ALL the time ?" And then there was much unwrapping and coloring books and books to share and all the clothes had to be tried on right away. There was joy, bliss and smiles.
The Gifts that I have brought them from the Online Community are from NINE states and everything from blankets to warm sweaters to baby gear to art supplies. As each gift arrives I take it there in a bright green shiny bag -they know that bag is something wonderful for them and their eyes light up, It is wonderful they are feeling the warmth and Welcome from so many other families. I have to say thank you to everyone here for helping them to feel "At Home" and helping their Resettlement.
Over the past two weeks there have been huge milestones accomplished, the Lease was signed , and the Heat was fixed. The children all had their First Pediatric appointment and dental Exams.So many Firsts. And they are smiling more and giggling and coloring and laughing.Their baby brother is now nine months and cruising and moving about and trying to talk, and the girls treasure him. The Dental exam was hard because we learned that two of the girls have extensive decay which will mean years of dental work ahead. Yet the visit had a wonderful surprise as a Translator showed up I saw the Mom's face light up and it turned out the translator, a Medical Resident was from Iraq, so she could talk to someone from home. And at their pediatric appointment there was a lovely woman to translate, and that really helped mom discuss her children.
As we walked into the Hospital Clinic there was a soldier who passed us, in full uniform and I saw how quiet all the children were, and the little one holding my hand said " Soldier ? candy ?" I realized that for them the soldiers bring up many conflicting emotions ? Worry, Fear ? Candy ? And I also learned that late at night if there attacks or bombings, that families huddled and mothers give their children candy as comfort.....Yet I am so in awe of this amazing mother who kept her children healthy and well and safe with no medical care all these years.
Under Saddam only some of the people got medical care and it was intermittent and preferential. And then after the war started the Hospitals were mainly only for wounded and trauma , there was really no care for families with young children. And Hospitals for them mean Wounded and Gunshots. So they bravely came with me to their Dental Appointment, I had no idea that hospitals were so scary for them, but they bravely came to the clinic at the Hospital.
And I learned that the oldest girl paints over and over the Red House it is indeed her house burning down, and I bring her more paints and I tell her to paint whatever she wants, that it is okay now. It is okay because I am listening , I understand and that she is safe now, that she is Home now, no one will set her house on fire again. I see hope flickering in her eyes, and a yearning to Understand. I give her hugs for the granmas and aunties that she left behind, and to let her know she is still loved after all that she has been through.
And their mama inspires me daily that she has come to this country and that even though we don't speak the same language we understand each other as moms. That we both appreciate children and how amazing they are, how resilient and funny and creative. That we have formed a way of communicating that is beyond words....beyond culture....
Other Posts on the Iraqi Family:
Blogblast For Peace Post ended up being a closer look at the effects of War on this amazing family....
The First update on the family...
The First Post on on the Iraqi Family....
If you would like to help this family from Iraq the four girls are sizes 2-8 and the baby boy is almost into 1yr old clothes, any toys or clothes would really help.Also Mama is pregnant and due in January so any newborn supplies would also be appreciated. If you want to help please do email me. Thank you.