If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
Mother Teresa
Blog Blast for Peace is this week, people from around the World are honoring Peace by blogging on it, what it means and why it should be valued...treasured. For 7 years Mimi Lenox has kept this amazing forum going with Bloggers from all over writing and creating, honoring Peace, please do see the fine work.
I have been thinking alot about Peace this past month, because by accident I have been working daily with a family whose lives were destroyed by War...I have blogged below about the Iraqi Refugee Family I am working with, that are being resettled in the United States. I have seen their eyes and the sadness there, the Lost Look, and I keep thinking of our role in what happened to them. More than 5 Million Iraqis have become refugees since 2003 and they are settled in many countries and the UN is studying the plight of this many Iraqis who have been left without Homes, it is interesting that the UN has had many special meetings and teams working on this issue. I find it horrific that we don't hear any of the Bush team or really the MSM talking about this situation of so many people's lives destroyed by Bush's War based on Lies. The VETS here and their families, and the families there whose lives are devastated. And the Economic Crash we have had that was created by a Regime that was Hellbent on War and not taking care of The People...in Our Own Country or their Country.

I have watched the mom talk to her children and hug them and hold them. She has shown me photos of their PRE-WAR Life, their beautiful Home and the children in the school uniforms and hair neatly combed and beaming with the friends for the camera. The photo is taken just mere weeks before Bush decided that Shock and Awe was needed. I remember that March Night and how CNN and FOX played Classical Music for the "EVENT"...and yet now how she and her children hate Thunder Storms and Fireworks, for them there is NO Shock and Awe....I think it is called Other Things. They know the Sounds of War, and you can look in their eyes and know that they have seen too much. The look in their eyes keeps me awake at Night, and tugs at my heart. They have lost too much....There have been no consistent School days and school photos in many years.There has been no playground days or picnics or big family dinners or even simple trips to the Doctor for checkups. All car rides are an adventure for them, but a stressful adventure.When they play they play quietly , whispering and staying below the windows. It breaks my heart that they have lived like this for so long...and that our Country had a part in what has shaped their lives.

If we are to teach real peace in this world, and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with the children. Mohandas Gandhi
I pray for Peace , I pray for it with each visit to their home.....I pray for it for Children in this World.....I pray that even though this One Family has an American Dream ...that somehow daily Someone will honor that Dream for them and help them have a Peaceful Life here....I pray that their lives here will have joy and love, that they will not meet with Hate and Intolerance, but I worry for them....Not everyone here has been open and warm to them, there is Hate in this Country to People who are different. It is an ugly time in Our Country...So I pray that they don't meet up with this Hate....Hate and Ignorance is what destroys any chance at Peace....So I daily try to help this Family Resettle, but while I do so I try to educate their neighbors and the people they encounter, whether it be the market worker, the postman or the Landlord, that these are good people....That they are Refugees from a War Zone we created....I can bring them soup, warm blankets and sweaters and crayons and toys.But can I bring them Peace ? Or is that something that others can help them find ? I believe each of us helps them find Peace... That we need to help them find some Peace, Some Happiness....a Life without Hate...without War.
As a Longtime Blogger, I have been moved beyond words by the Internet Community, People from Twitter, Blogland,Facebook have given from their hearts to this family...daily teaching me about the Reach of Compassion , generous even in these hard times.....sharing what they have and what is needed....It has been a beautiful lesson in Humanity that I am so blessed to share with the family and with all of you....
( You can scroll down if you want to learn more about this amazing family.....email me if you want to help them in Resettling, as a family of 7 with one on the way, always more assistance is appreciated...You can read more about the family here for the update, and then this is the original post in October that tells their story. Sadly this is how the Story ended in December so I am not longer taking contributions or gifts, but it is part of the lesson).
Wiping my eyes...This is such a powerful post. Thanks for BEING peace, for DOING peace, for writing about PEACE in action. I am humbled and touched. I must just take a moment to reflect on all of this. It is overwhelming. But, thank you also for inviting us all into the action of MAKING peace. You are a beautiful person!
Pass the tissues, Billie, I am crying too. You did write about peace in action on a personal and powerful level. Their stories need to be told too and are most often the ones we forget. The innocent victims of war.
Thank you for saying it and for being a lifeline to this family.
May YOU also find peace in the thunderstorm.
You are Creating Peace in every single thing you do, you are compassion in action, reaching out to help a family who has suffered too much. You are Peace walking around on legs and extending its hand. Bravo to you! God bless!
Allie, I briefly told your story on my blog and directed my readers to your site to follow up on this story. You are truly amazing and inspiring. And a real human being. Namaste.
I came here tonight...and found your comments...I was really struck by what you said ...it is so true that we don't always here about who has been effected by war and we should.....
Sherry...I will read you blog....I am touched and honored that you would share from my blog...thank you....
thank you for what you said....I am sorry I realized today out driving...that I had forgotten to post more about your BlogBlast for peace in the story...I meant to include a link back-I need to do that this week...
Border Explorer...
oh thank you for understanding ....it is for me striking that this one family has shaken my soul...and woke me up on 20 different levels and I too am grateful and humbled by them...
Mimi, pass that tissue box on, will ya!
enigma4ever...I feel for this family, I feel for you in your prayers for this family and others. You have brought home to me one of the realities of war, the effects on the innocents and the destruction of their lives, the denial for them to have a 'normal', 'happy' life.
I send them my wishes of peace.
I send you and yours my wishes of peace. You make a difference!
thank you for caring and sharing in my prayers for peace for this family....and for blogging for peace...
Thank you for the reminder that even though we think we're doing OK, it can change in an instant.
More tears here for this amazing post, Allie! It is compassionate hearts like yours, putting love into action, that make me know it is possible to have a world where sanity rules and peace wins over violence. Thank your for sharing this important story with us on behalf of the many displaced people in the world...
You're doing great PEACE commitment every day.
Thanks for sharing this important message...
Just wanted to let you know that you are #1868 in the Official Peace Globe Gallery at blogblastforpeace.com
Praying for this family and thankful that they have people like you in their lives.
Your peace post is now linked in my blog: Peace Bloggers Unite
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