Sunday, June 30, 2013

The Wisdom of Bobby Kennedy ( His Famous Capetown Ripples of Hope Speech)

#Food4Thought I share this photo as Nelson Mandela remains critically ill, and as many still hold his legacy, his work, his hardship , his strength so dearly....Apartheid is not merely a memory , a is a dangerous condition that can creep into any society or culture or country, there are always people who will seek to create divisions as they greedily seek more power and they do not care who they harm in this process. Therefore there must always be people of courage and conviction who speak Truth and Fight via Twitter ( Michael Beschloss ) @BeschlossDC This image shows Robert Kennedy speaking in South Africa 1966 literally under sign of apartheid. LINK to the Speech and AUDIO is here and the AUDIO is in remarkable condition.

1 comment:

Robert Katula said...

Bobby Kennedy's speech is one that will live forever. I personally ache for politicians to inspire us only the way he could.