I am up here by the Great Lakes experiencing something that is called The Artic Blast. That means that it is FREEZING, I have been waking to Negative Temperatures ( which I don't understand- does that mean we OWE Warmth to Someone?). With Windchills that makes it like 20-30 below Zero.The weather people, who I trust, can't seem to come up with the last Dates of such Consectutive Cold Weather,but they think it was atleast 11 years ago. I find it interesting that they won't admit that such a Long Lasting Blast is not Normal.Gee, I can only wonder is this a Side Effect of Global Warming.
How cold is it ? Well, I sneezed and thought I had dropped my Keys. ( Because of the crackling noise it made). It is so cold that I can not let Lilly pee squatting , because she will be stuck to the little icey snow mounds. It is so cold that during the move I bashed the hell out of my knee and Never felt it- until later when I looked down and realized that I had a giant purple lump on my knee- that I never felt, until I was inside hours later. It was astounding, I used to live in New England, and I don't ever remember experiencing Weather like this....
Now This is not the Ideal Week/Weekend to move.And the Blast Hit Mid Move, meaning the Big stuff got moved just in the Nick of time, but the FOOD and the TV etc were at the old place. So 6-6 and I have been hanging at the old place, trying to figure out how to move the last odds and ends. People with Dead thyroids and heart" issues" are not supposed to be out running around with boxes in the snow and ice and Negative Temps....So It has created an interesting circumstance, or a new kind of Urban Camping. We have lawn cushions set up in front of the little gas fireplace here at the old Place and it is very cozy. And we have Hot coco and tea and chili, so we are really very lucky,
Anyways, The Cable and the Internet is supposed to be hooked up at the New Place tomorrow and maybe it will be up to FIVE tomorrow. We might even wake with Temps above Zero. Wow, that will be exciting. Thank you for letting me grumble about the Artic Blast. I know there are people that have it worse, but I needed to grumble.
**** Song is Boston by Augustana , to warm your soul****