Saturday, February 03, 2007


ALL of them...
I don't think that all the death and destruction they have wrought upon the world should pass without ANY Justice.
I mean if someone walked in and was taking money out of your house, would you let them ? Would you call the Police ?
How about if they damaged your home? or hurt your children ? Do you ever watch the news late at night and think about the Iraqi Moms, and what they go through daily? See I think it really is that simple...not complicated at all. It doesn't even involve a single Blue Dress.....

Remember they lied about the WAR and the REASONS for the War.....not an affair with an intern...

Impeachment is about Justice.


msliberty said...

I couldn't agree more.

Impeachment IS about justice, and the tiime has come for justice to be served.

Coffee Messiah said...

Accountability, and no one seems to get the message! ; (

deuddersun said...

What the Dems should be doing, instead of inviting Shrub to brunch, is investigate him and his whole crew. I'm sure chargeable offenses were committed. Screw impeachment, let's indict!
