To All my wonderul Blogatopia Friends that left goodhearted Messeges, It is time for Enigma to return, and I have. I also went through the long comment section from the winter. Sadly a very Sick Soul left some pretty awful messeges, and even at one point pretended to be me. I am so sorry for all of this drama and confusion. I am actually a very quiet soul, it is True I investigated Environmental Crimes in the Northwest, but it is time that I set the rest of the Record Straight as the Sick Soul may have harmed friendships and relationships that matter to me. All of the Sick Comments and Confusion have now been deleted.
I have been spending this week repairing my Blog and my Email Account.....Back in March I could access Neither, and I also was without Internet Access, so yes, for a period of time I took a Break. When one moves and things Break, cellphones and Computers etc. One can only fix so many things at a time.....
And now it is indeed Time for the Truth.
Remember this always , I am a nurse and a mom, I have integrity and honor, I never "Run" away from anything, and I certainly never ever give up or bail on things or people that matter. Blogatopia matters to me, and so do my friendships. My friends are my family, but I never ever call you all "Sweeties".And due to my circumstances I never have or will use my name on this blog.....I have a son to protect.
Also please know this I investigated and was a Witness that involved a Large Multi- Billion Dollar Chemical Company that was an International Company ( and was sold in 2005), and ended up being investigated by more than Eight Federal Agencies. I even worked with certain US Attorney's Offices, yes, our Justice Department, and yes, I was even offered Marshall Protection for Federal Hearings. Why? Because I supplied Evidence, including records, film and audio and maps to the Feds, all neatly put on CD-ROMS and sent to multiple Federal Agencies. I investigated a Company that dumped Millions of Pounds of Toxins on one little County for over 40 years in the Drinking Water,Beaches, and in the Air on Homes and Farms. That Dumping has stopped now and the Stacks that incinerated and emitted illegal waste came down in June 2006.
But when you Blow the Whistle on Such a Large Wealthy Criminal that has friends in High Places, life becomes Precarious and Precious, and at times treacherous. I constantly worry about my friends and family, and the members of my NonProfit, and I am more than protective of those I care about. This is partly because I have Good Reason. Good reason is tampered brakes, Unfriendly Encounters with Logging Trucks, Dead pets,Friends and colleagues dying or being injured in Mysterious Accidents, and even Encounters with Snipers. And yes, I lived in the Northwest many years, and after threats left in my house after it was ransacked in Fall 2003, I finally left the Northwest. I moved down the West Coast, living quietly with my son and praying that the Federal Authorities I had worked so hard to help would bring Justice to the Right People. And yes, when Silent Fallout comes out, there will be Revelations that will jolt many. But the Book needs to come out during the Election year......and It will. I am giving some shreds of it here....
And yes, in Fall 2004 I was very badly hurt and I moved to the Great Lakes Region in 2005 to get attempt get well and raise my son.I had to leave the wonderful West Coast, and it was the hardest thing to leave friends, family and "Home". That fall in California while living in a Rooming House with my son our little room was ransacked and the kitchen rooted through. At the time I thought perhaps some poor migrants were hungry. Within days Of this breakin I became very sick, with chest pain, muscle weakness, vomiting, and loss of coordination and falls continued for monthes. In California Doctors initially thought that I had ALS. But one retired Doctor was convinced that I had been poisoned. So we tested my spice containers and found that he was right. So I came to the Midwest to see Specialists and get better.It took many many monthes to get better and remove the poisons. When I was tested it was revealed that I had indeed been poisoned , with industrial professional grade poison, enough to kill a petite cow. I am ever thankful that my son hates spices. I do no know Who would do such an awful thing to a mom but I know I am truly fortunate to be alive.
I am ever grateful and forever spiritually grounded for being here.....
I Blog and Write because It Matters, but in the midst of moving this winter I also was suffering awful emails and some blog harrassment and then once moved, I had to cope with trying to settle my new home for my son while trying to also cope with a broken phone, wireless and computer.( and that was to say nothing of problems with the new home involving heat and water and the bathroom). And I was out of patience, money and heart......and after being unable to access my blog and email account I decided to focus on setting up the Home, and jobhunting, and that I would get Geek Help in late Spring once Life had settled. But please know this I never meant to worry any of you ....ever....I was trying to let Life settle. Most of my emails have been removed, especially from February and March.
And at the same time I was struggling with my own Moving Issues I learned of the Gonzo Fiasco involving the Justice Department. Mr. McKay's a Fine Attorney, it broke my heart and left me grappling for Hope that such Fine Attorney's in the midst of Prosecuting Important Criminal Cases should be Fired, Purging the Justice Department of Honor and Integrity .....
But I am Back Now....for Good. Because after much hardship and soul searching this long treacherous winter and spring that I of all people Know that this Country, OUR Country has suffered Rape and Pillage of it's Constitution and it's System of Justice....and I of all People need to speak out........Loudly.
NOTE: Due to many Internet Problems, my address file needs to be refilled, please please give me try to write me and leave me your email addresses, also feel free to update me on blogs that need to be added to the Blogroll. Also the Beauty is called Flaming June, painted by Lord Frederick Leighton, who loved the Redheads and is worth exploring.