Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Drenched in Summer....

I am painting my stairs and office floor "Sandy Sage", it mostly is making me have Beach Yearnings.
I went looking for Beach Photos and this is what I found. Enjoy. Have a seat.

At Sunset I walk my dog in this little neighborhood in the evening,
and it has all the Summer Aromas that I love.

Sundried Linen swaying on the breeze of an old Clothesline.
Wet watered petunias and geraniums and Lilacs.
Cut grass and the birds that like the clippings.
Cats asleep window railings and windowsills
-draped to catch the last warmth of sun.
Children playing tag as they dance through the sprinklers.
Towels drying on a porch rail,
wafting of Coppertone and sand.
BBQ Chicken nesting on a grill , buttery corn on the cob,
and the clink of cold beers in an icey bucket.
Children gathering lightening bugs in old Mayo Jars
and dripping popsicles.
College boys talking girls and baseball on a porch
as one plays the guitar.
The slight singed smell of burnt S'Mores.

My dog walks hurriedly drinking it all in, sniffing and
and wagging....smiling.

Sometimes we all just need a Little Dose of Summer...

**** WONDERFUL SUMMERTIME READING: Rude Pundit for a Laugh, Stone Soup Musings for the BEST Health Information Ever, and please do read Poetic Justice the Poetry Man has a lovely Tribute to his Aunt Dorothy.****


enigma4ever said...

I won't normally post so many times in a day- but I could not look at Dick on the post below it was too disturbing....( he's below the "fold" now)...

Unknown said...

Great pics m'dear Lady :)
I could hear the waves as i read your post.

I am sick of the Big Dick too..but disheartened more by the four SCOTUS rulings yesterday :(

Larry said...

Everyone needs a way to deal with the dirt that others impose in life.

Mary said...

Sounds like summer to me and good advice. TV off.

enigma4ever said...

Mary: Yup...can only do cpsan so much...Summer calls ;-)

Larry: hmm, yup.

Dusty: I saw about the Scotus issue- and it is just one more thing to put on the Bushco Crapola Pile....how high will it go....I have no idea anymore....

azgoddess said...

welcome back!! yea -- so glad to see you around and about!!

Anonymous said...

is sandy sage more tanish or greenish? I did some accent painting in our coffered ceiling in desert sage. It's very soothing. Summer smells are wonderful. I like watermelon, casaba melon, those wonderful blushing san juan canary melons, really any melon. ~~ D.K.

Anon-Paranoid said...

Its been a long time since I went to a beach and enjoyed the cool salt water breeze.

Thanks for a relaxing moment in these troubling times.

God Bless.

enigma4ever said...

AZ: thanks....thanks so much...it is good to be back...

DK: hmmm......this is very soothing...very pale- kind of sand colored with just a hint of yellow and green- so pale you can't see unless light changes...but it is still making me homesick for the beach....ahhhhh, melons...I LOVE ALL MELON....esp."Honey dew"- I was actually looking for that color for my little office...to go with the floor....

Hmmm, I am watching the NBC eve news...they just mentioend RFK about the war shiftling cliamates....( well, comparing Lugar's speech to RFK is quite a stretch)..anyways still good to have it the lead story...

enigma4ever said...

oooops we overlapped there ANON P. sorry...
yeah...we all need little repreives and retreats from the stress of every day....and Other Messes..

take care....

Frederick said...

I love the labels for the post, and that's just what I did all afternoon.

Peacechick Mary said...

Ahhhhh. This post is exactly what I needed - calm, peaceful, full of sights and sounds and a dog.

Anonymous said...

Normally, I'm not much of a fan of summer, but your suggestions of things make me sigh a little I must admit.

Drew Dallons said...


Made me think of Avon, NC.

I'll have to go back one day soon.

billie said...

enigma honey- you can keep your summer!! it is 95 degrees with like 80 percent humidity and i can't finish painting the dreaded stairwell until the weather breaks. my home looks like a condemned building :)

NEWSGUY said...

Lordy I haven't seen a lightning bug in 25 years. We had plenty of them of an early evening back in Indiana. Sometimes we'd catch a few in a Mason jar to make a sort of Nature's Flashlight. Lightning bugs are magical summer things. We don't have them in California.

sumo said...

Sure sounds peaceful...and after todays bs with the scotus I'm sort of put off my root beer...hope not too long!

Coffee Messiah said...

Sounds great. Actually heard some Cicadias for the first time this year in our neighborhood. And fireflies were out in force last "humid" evening.

Looking forward to the end of humidity!

Anonymous said...

Hi Enigma,
Thanks for visiting my blog! I am presently on vacation in the desert, Kingman, AZ. Your beach looks good. Cee Jay

enigma4ever said...

Ceejay: Please give me your blog address again- so we can add you to the blogroll ( sadly it is not in blue in the comment). Enjoy the desert of AZ....

Coffee M: Crickets - now that would be wonderful.....I did find out last night that we have an OWL....WHO ? WHO?

NEWSGUY: hmmm, no Lightening bugs ? I got a clean MAYO Jar drying in the rack- maybe I should mail you some ?

SUMO: sorry about the SCOTUS mess....well, maybe this little spot can be a retreat from that...

BETMO: whelp, my home is in bad shape too...I am working on it though...I am being inspected this week...yikes...and it is in the 90's here too...did you know paint bubbles in the heat ? whelp I know NOW.......

Andrew: ahhhh beaches in NC....Heavenly...

Poobah: I have some Popsicle reciepes that might help ;-) and I am not a fan of weather this hot to be honest...

PeaceChick: ahhh, yes, bits of Summer and yes, with me there is always a Dog...

FRED: LOL....I have decided that the Labels are the most fun...finally a new Blogger feature that I can play with....

Be back later folks...

Dada said...

love the very descriptive sights, smells, and sounds of your walks with "fido", enigma. Sounds to me like you have a stargate in your neighborhood that you walk through and come out the other end in the 1950's!

Just don't forget the way back whilst the rest of us keep fingers X'ed it doesn't close when you're on the other side.

enigma4ever said...

It does remind me of my childhood- some of this does remind of my childhood ....the smells and sights and sounds......and sometimes to does feel like a different time....Doggy doesn't care- she is just out hunting those S'Mores....(and during this hot spell we have found that she loves popsicles...grape esp.)

and Newsguy is right-if we just had some Crickets ;-)

Kathy said...

Thanks for the recommendation to my health posts.

I agree that we all need a little dose of summer, especially since you and I live in areas that get snow. All winter long, I look forward to sitting on the porch at night with a cold drink. That's my favorite part of the day, until the mosquitos come out!