I did not think support Obama's Health careplan 100% during the election ( I thought that Kucinich had the BEST plan with Edwards a strong 2nd...) BUT....I am reading Daschle's book to see HOW Obama intends to start overhauling this Broken Carcass of a plan, and create a path to a National Plan....Click the title it has a Review of the Book...I think we all need to read the book- it will help us understand where Daschle is going with his ideas....I will blog the highlights as I read it....give my pissed off jaded un-insured Nursing Perspective ( I plan to write Tom ALOT of letters).
This Common Dreams Article by a physician really explains WHY we need a National Health Plan.....
We sure could use one that cuts the HMOs, insurance companies, and other "Heath Care Providers" out of the picture - please!
You could exchange a chicken or basket of apples for treatment not too many decades ago... Now you need a Porsche to swap.
I am looking forward to reading your thoughts about the book.
I think I will spend the next month putting chunks of it on here, and reviewing it- as a Nurse with 20 +++ years experience I should have some Opinion ;-)
and thoughts....and when I write Dashle I will post the letters here too...
we need a fresh plan without alot of Insurance Companies making demands for their "needs"...it is time to make a Plan that puts US back in the Driver seat....( since we are all paying for this debacle..)
We need to advocate for us...because NO one else will .....and if we pay taxes why shouldn't we be having some say and some input in this....
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