1st person Tsunami video....stunning
Amazing footage of buildings in Shinjuku swaying in Tokyo. This technology saved many lives.

8.9 Quake at 2:46PM Friday Afternoon Japan time. ( as of this afternoon now some Cal tech scientists are saying quake is 9.1 ?) Huge quake, 81 miles from coastline, 15 miles deep.Many aftershocks, many over 5.5 to 7.4. ( Now Nagano near NW Coast-on seperate faultline has 6.6 quake). Will update this later.....Do give to International Red Cross, there will be much need. ( Japanese Leaders already recognize and have asked for International Aid).There has been much that has happened in the first
36 hours, Japan is struggling to cope with the Quake Damage, hundreds of aftershocks ( 5.4-7.4 shocks,which are really large in size). In light of all of Japan's well designed improved infrastructure and prepared population, this disaster could have been much worse than it already is.There are whole towns and small islands that are still unaccounted for at this moment. Japan had sea walls and tide walls set up along the Coast to help mitigate the Tsunami effects, it shows that taking precautions may not prevent disaster,but might in the long run save some structures and some lives.
When a Nuclear Disaster compounds a Natural Disaster : Fukushima
Sadly Japan is a country that does rely heavily on nuclear power, 55 plants in the entire country. six in the hardest hit NE regions. Fukushima is the main nuke plant that was hardest hit by Quake and Tsunami, 5 reactors are of concern because they are overheating. Steam was vented. ( For many years scientists and energy experts have debated whether Nuclear Power Plants should be built on or near Faultlines and Coastlines due to risks of Quakes and Tsunami's. We are now watching a disaster unfold that is teaching us lessons regarding this situation ). 26 hours after the Quake/tsunami the first reactor exploded after it had overheated for hours, and even after steam had been vented. The issue is that if the coolant pipes were damaged and the coolant generators were damaged, then there was no circulating coolant. (Hillary Clinton had stated that America was sending coolant, but actually we were sending generators-whether any of that had reached the site is not known. Also whether the Plant still has functioning teams is another.)
The evacuation zone for Fukushima has been increased from 2 miles, to 6 miles, and now as of 35 hours, 12 miles ( Technically they should increase the evac zone to 20 miles, especially if the other 4 reactors are still out of control /and or overheating). Sadly with such tsunami devastation and quake damage, shelter may be limited. ( Evacuation has begun for 83,000 people, but the entire 20 mile radius for Fukushima is 290,000. Also most likely complicated due to lack of means to communicate and inform and the extensive power outages for millions). Iodine distribution has begun, it will be very important that these people are well hydrated and medically followed. Sadly since this large disaster is effecting power and water distribution, this situation is more than worrisome.....
( The bigger question is did the Plant have mechanisms in place to Emergency Shutdown the reactors if the backup generators failed ? I have more questions than answers regarding this nuclear nightmare....Anyone who has studied Chernobyl and 3 Mile know that this part of the disaster is more than critical to monitor at this time.)
More info on TEPCO's poor safety record ( this raises even more concerns regarding their transparency in this disaster.
(( More Nuclear articles below, but bear in mind, Analysts say Japan may have hours to prevent nuclear meltdown ))
Explosion of Reactor1 at Fukushima at 0630 GMT ( or approximately 3:30am EST, TEPCO did say that the ceilin collapsed first-the bigger question is did the floor also collapse, is the core in meltdown ? it was built 40 years ago-was it a double walled containment ?? )
From @BBCWorld: Video of an explosion at #Japan nuclear plant: http://bbc.in/gG6e84
Best analysis: article found by Joe Circirone worth reading to better understand coolant issues and meltdown issues.
NUKE UPDATES 3.12.11::
Video from Fukushima, Explosion - March 12, 2011.flv at same time on Twitter: via @REUTERSFLASH: Explosion heard at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi plant around 0630 GMT - media
WSJ "Japan Scrambles to Avoid Meltdown."
NYT "Fears Rise Over Nuclear Reactors."
WAPO: "5 Nuclear Reactors in Peril."
(( CNN has been interviewing Janie Eudy on her husband's status in the Plant-her husband is one of the workers-not clear if he was injured or is suffering radiation poisoning. 3 are being treated for poisoning according to Japan Media-not confirmed by TEPCO....))
Aljezeera Blog has live udpates this is the video of the explosion at Reactor#1
** LINK :: Livestreams Radio/TV/news media that are covering Japan
AL Jezeera Live Blog incredible coverage,video, interviews etc
Americans who need info on American family/friends in Japan call the Office of Overseas Citizens Services at 1-888-407-4747
Excellent Resources and Information ( Updated)
27 Things to Help Survive #quake in #Japanese via @RedCross Safe Download
CNN Live BLOG -Japan
Stunning photos from Japan being collected by The Atlantic
Japan's Earthquake Off the (Seismic Risk) Map via @EnnNews
Kate Shepperd at Mother Jones is doing excellent job covering Fukushima
GOOGLE People finder ( set up to track and help people find loved ones in Japan)
Via @japantimes
U.S. citizens looking for info on family, friends in Japan, go to http://ow.ly/4cY5c or call toll-free 1-888-407-4747, or 1-202-501-4444.
Google has set up site locate family and friends in Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean
From Japan Times : Japanese Red Cross has site for locating family, friends||English only but Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Portuguese coming...
NYT: Confirms nuke plant exploded, radiation leak of unspecified proportions 150 miles fri Tokyo
NHK is the Japan media source that is worth following closely for updates....
Updates on radiation leak at quake-hit Fukushima plant
from @AJELive Nuclear meltdown in Fukushima plant #japan looking more & more likely, [...] our live AJ blog .
(1PM Sat) Kyodo says core at Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant "may be partially melting," quoting nuclear safety agency. NYT
Risk of Nuclear Catastrophe Escalates in Japan - \'Worse than Chernobyl?\ via @forbes
Earthquake in #japan "strongest in 1,200 years," expert says
Tokyo emergency numbers and websites page updated here
BBC Live Feed for Japan
Energy map from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration shows the intensity of #quake-generated tsunami.
(2AM 3.12.11 this was about 1 hr before Explosion at Nuke Plant) \\)Watching 3 network Japan mashup here, w/ Japanese social stream. Just heard EAS tones on 2 of the networks
3:30PM Updates 3.12.11

Via @tokyoreporter Map showing Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Plant evacuation area: NHKニュース 原発 避難所未決地区は屋内に http://nhk.jp/N3uf68Go
From @HirokoTabuchi
Back in Tokyo, heading to Fukushima this afternoon. Latest on the stricken nuclear power plant there http://nyti.ms/fZHoxX

"Containment" Structure for #1 ( after explosion) Please note that there is No visible cladding, no steel or cement seen at the top, only air, how can MSM not report that this is now open to air ?
5:30PM EST 3.12.11 ( 5AM Sunday Morning breaking in Japan)
From Reuters 5:40 PM EST 3.12.11
FLASH: Japan's TEPCO says it has started preparations for releasing pressure from Fukushima Daiichi No. 3 reactor after cooling failed.
(1) Via @Reuters: Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant faces new reactor problem http://t.co/dYKloNO
(2) Japan's nuclear safety agency reports an emergency at a second reactor -
(CNN showed NHK video-but the video only showed 3 of the 5 reactors at the Plant site ? did tweet CNN asking what is status of ALL reactors at the site as of 3PM we learned that they were flushing site with boron and seawater)
Tuesday 3.15.11 Update to be added tonight regarding Fires, Explosions and Radiation issues......sadly the situation remains dire, day 5.
The earth has to adjust and it's heartbreaking that sometimes as a result of it--life is lost. My prayers are also with the people of Japan.
Glad to see the post Allie, missed you. Hope all is well.
It's the nuclear threat there now that is paramount...good thing the Japanese have retrofitted so many buildings. Still I fear the death toll will rise tomorrow...
3am EST ( 0630 GMT) reactor 1 explodeded- we don't know status of reactor 2 or the other 3 that are being watched for trouble- we have seen NO live photos or feed all day.
3 workers are being treated for radiation poisoning.
( hope they have prussian blue doses ready).
Video from Fukushima, Explosion - March 12, 2011.flv http://bit.ly/dQOlx3
RT @REUTERSFLASH: Explosion heard at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi plant around 0630 GMT - media
WSJ "Japan Scrambles to Avoid Meltdown." http://on.wsj.com/IYK20
NYT "Fears Rise Over Nuclear Reactors." http://www.nytimes.com/
WAPO: "5 Nuclear Reactors in Peril." http://wapo.st/STPfP
From Reuters 5:40 PM EST 3.12.11
FLASH: Japan's TEPCO says it has started preparations for releasing pressure from Fukushima Daiichi No. 3 reactor after cooling failed
Via @Reuters: Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant faces new reactor problem http://t.co/dYKloNO
@donlemoncnn Japan's nuclear safety agency reports an emergency at a second reactor - AP http://bit.ly/hk8r1u
@BreakingNews: Japan's nuclear safety agency reports an emergency at a second reactor - AP http://bit.ly/hk8r1u
CNN showing >> NHK video U showed was Fukushima NukePlant-it only showed 3 of the 5 reactors? Does CNN have video of ALL reactors at plant?
Al Jazeera still doing great job covering Japan ( LiveBlog) http://bit.ly/e4LWS6
First there is some controversy re, the contamination map ( but from my research it is accurate).
WSJ: Relief Effort Continues as Nuclear Worries Loom http://bit.ly/i8W6fA
10 minutes ago via twitterfeed
WSJ: Japan Responsible for Nuclear Cleanup http://bit.ly/fp0l9R
10 minutes ago via twitterfeed
Crisis At Nuclear Plant Adds To Japan's Woes http://n.pr/hshOI7
The bigger question is did the Plant have mechanisms in place to Emergency Shutdown the reactors if the backup generators failed ?
This is frankly puzzled me as well since the Japanese are have some of the best engineers on the planet. What I have heard but its sketchy is that the third set of backup generators, and maybe the second as well, were housed in the basements of each building.
When the tsunami came in it rendered them useless, on a side note the same thing happened in New Orleans hospitals during Katrina when the water surge hit land. Federal regulations now require all hospitals to have backup generators raised above ground level.
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