~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Vintage Radio Ads posted to Honor the History of Radio.... "During the past few decades, modern technology, with radio, TV, air travel, and satellites, has woven a network of communication which puts each part of the world in to almost instant contact with all the other parts."~~David Bohm American-born British quantum physicist who contributed to Manhattan Project.Friend of Albert Einstein and later investigate by House Un-American Activities Committee for his "radical" politics. (He was a member of the Mobilization for Peace Organization)~~
First we have the Introduction by Kim @waopradio and then we have the 99 Report 7:15-7:30 PM and then Kitchen Table Politics by @mommapolitico from 7:30PM to 8PM. And at 8PM Our Guests. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our First Guest is Laine Causey an aspiring Film Maker who has written a Lesbian Love Story set in 1960s Texas. She is moving to LA this winter to start Production on this Film. As there have been few Lesbian Love films and ever fewer set in the Texas of the bygone Sixties this will be an interesting discussion. Her Film Company is Magnolia Bay Films is based In Houston Texas. You can read more about Magnolia Bay Films and her film Marfa Texas to learn more. She is also on Twitter at @ProducerLaine. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
John Clark "LIVE" "Hope in Hard Times" ( Michelle Shocked has been playing this song world wide) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Clark is our second guest. He and his wife Mary Ann are down in Tampa Florda working hard to support the Occupy Movement. We will talk to them about Occupy, but also talk to John about his music and how his music has contributed to Social Justice Issues and Causes. He has written another song called "What We Came Here For" that is dedicated to the Occupiers. You can listen to more of his LIVE tracks saved on MYSPACE And it's free and in MP3 format.
On Facebook:: http://www.facebook.com/johnclarkthebakeract http://www.reverbnation.com/johnclarkthebakeract
On Twitter: @JohnClarkBaker ******************************************** If we have time we might play some of the video below, one of our Listeners sent this to me, it is a Video made as the anthem for Occupy America, and in the beginning the first few minutes have some chilling poignant words of Martin Luther King,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( Originally posted 11.21.11) Daniel...Leading a March on Wall Street, November 17th, He had been arrested on Tuesday early AM at Zucotti Park, was freed and then hours later there was a March. Daniel is an Organic farmer from New England, his family lives in Japan. And In Kobe Japan his family and friends have been watching Occupy Wall street unfold. They are proud of Daniel standing up for such an important cause. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Police beating down the protesters, and clearly you can see very long weighted sticks now. ( What ever happened to little 12 inch long billy clubs ?) When did these huge weighted sticks become the new norm? How many people have been hurt by the Police Brutality by these new tactics. Oakland with VETS being wounded with a ruptured spleen and a Vet with a Head Injury. And the Vet that was wounded got NO Medical Care for many hours, it appears that Beatings now are encouraged and Medical Care is not to be given, regardless of the wounds. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Daniel's Parents all the way in Japan woke Friday Morning to See this on the New York Times and for many hours they had no way to check on Daniel , even though they had seen that the Police Beat peaceful Protsters.The Police would give them no information. They were not even sure he had been arrested, or merely beaten. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Today is Monday November 20th This is the Letter that Lori Vest Wrote to the Mayor and the New York Times,
From Lori Vest.. (*mom of young man in the NYT Front Page Photo*)
Nov. 20, 2011
To the editor of the NY Times, Mayor Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Kelly, and US citizens,
I made my first trip to New York City last summer and spent a small fortune (not for you, Mr. Bloomberg, but on our school teachers' salaries) enjoying city life. We paid our share of sales tax, city fees, tourist fees, etc. Little did I realize that this would help fund the NYPD to beat my son over the head with a metal club, as he was peacefully trying to follow his convictions and help the US people. He was on the front page of this paper, the NY Times, on Friday, Nov. 18th. My son is a self-employed farmer, a small business owner, an educator in sustainable farming, and a young man who has helped build houses for Habit for Humanity in three different countries.
As a first grade teacher, I spend lots of time discussing that it is not okay to hurt others, no matter how mad you are. Lately we have all seen pictures of dictators abusing the people of their country and we are appalled. President Obama said on Jan. 28th, 2011, “The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere “. However, the same brutality is being shown to peaceful US citizens. It is time we get appalled and stop it, whether we agree with the OWS protests on all levels or not. Each one of the demonstrators is someone's son, daughter, parent, brother, sister, etc.
Lori Vest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When I see a policeman with a club beating a man on the ground, I don't have to ask whose side I'm on." ~~George Orwell
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Blogpost Explaining this Letter. Today is Monday November 20th This is the Letter that Lori Vest Wrote to the Mayor and the New York Times,
Nov. 20, 2011 ( emailed from Japan)
To the editor of the NY Times, Mayor Bloomberg, Police Commissioner Kelly, and US citizens,
I made my first trip to New York City last summer and spent a small fortune (not for you, Mr. Bloomberg, but on our school teachers' salaries) enjoying city life. We paid our share of sales tax, city fees, tourist fees, etc. Little did I realize that this would help fund the NYPD to beat my son over the head with a metal club, as he was peacefully trying to follow his convictions and help the US people. He was on the front page of this paper, the NY Times, on Friday, Nov. 18th. My son is a self-employed farmer, a small business owner, an educator in sustainable farming, and a young man who has helped build houses for Habit for Humanity in three different countries.
As a first grade teacher, I spend lots of time discussing that it is not okay to hurt others, no matter how mad you are. Lately we have all seen pictures of dictators abusing the people of their country and we are appalled. President Obama said on Jan. 28th, 2011, “The people of Egypt have rights that are universal. That includes the right to peaceful assembly and association, the right to free speech, and the ability to determine their own destiny. These are human rights. And the United States will stand up for them everywhere “. However, the same brutality is being shown to peaceful US citizens. It is time we get appalled and stop it, whether we agree with the OWS protests on all levels or not. Each one of the demonstrators is someone's son, daughter, parent, brother, sister, etc.
Lori Vest ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "When I see a policeman with a club beating a man on the ground, I don't have to ask whose side I'm on." ~~George Orwell ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Front Page that Lori Vest a Mom far away saw Last Friday Morning.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Questions about Our Civil Liberties in this Country... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rev. Freddie Pinkney speaking about Democracy ::
( He is with the Benton Harbor Occupy, and on Awopradio we will be giving them a Shout out..and his radio show on BlogTalkRadio).
( We used to have a Scottie that would do this with Geese, and my Bassatt in California used to try to follow Deer in the Park...she was a lousy Hunting Hound, she would sit and watch them eat bushes at the window-that was the extent of her "Herding" or"Hounding" skills....) But Benton in the video gets the Entire Herd of Deer Moving....
Oregonian filmed this. Portland. Wed.Nite. Girl did throw up and recover. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UC Davis Lt Pike Sprays students in Face ( I will post video below the Students all did the right thing, Chanting Shame and Filming.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PEPPER SPRAY AND TEAR GAS REMEDIES ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If site is to be exposed to Pepper Spray or Tear Gas protesters have to learn how to rinse face and eyes and nose and mouth with this solution to remove the sting. It is a 50/50 Solution of Mint Maalox and Water and it works better than anything else ( Egypt has really taught us much about coping with Chemcial Sprays). It is called a LAW solution as it is Liquid Antacid and Water as the basic solution. Do be sure it is MINT Maalox as the Lemon or plain has no cooling effect. Get Spray Misting Bottles that you can mix the formula in, have atleast a couple and teach everyone how to make this and have some made if you suspect Cops are arriving.
Gather what is Needed ( if you pick Certain Pharmacies or Dollar Stores you may even get Some Supplies willing Donated if you explain the purpose). If you can try to supply the Occupy Site with One Stationary Bin and One Mobile Medical bag that could be used for Marches or to bring Aid to someone in need. ( IF you are in NYC please do contact the National Nurses Union link below and see what they need to replenish their stocks after the Monday Night Raid).
Supplies in Medical Bag ( Street Medicine): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sturdy Duffel Bag Label with Large Medical Cross (encourage the Site Medic to wear a Cross on Arm-can even just be Duct tape). Bandage and Dressing Supplies (Do add absorb ant materials including sanitary napkins or cloth diapers-as they can absorb volumes of blood) Saline in Bottle Form( Sensitive Eyes for Contacts, as this is good for later washing eyes out after Gassing or Pepper Spray) Peroxide for wound care Tape ( water proof and even Duct Tape as it holds well and can be used for Pressure Dressings) Hot Cold Packs that you can press and the change temp Water Bottles Minted Maalox (see below) Extra Face Masks, Goggles, and Scarves, Bandannas Extra Tubes of Icing ( For Low Blood Sugar as Diabetes is a real urban problem) Good Surgical Scissors Sewing kit ( if needed ) Crazy Glue To Mend Cuts ( and if stitches are not available)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (As part of honoring Radio's part in our History I try to find iconic Vintage Radio Posters, if you wish to purchase it please go to this link. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our Radio Show is from 7-9 PM EST Sunday Night . 7:00 PM Kim welcomes the show, and then 7:15PM to 7:30PM I give the 99 Report and then from 7:30PM to 8PM Perry has Kitchen Table Politics. Our Blog Talk Radio LINK is here, so Tune In and Listen Up....
Guest Nell Minow, "Movie Mom", 8:00- 8:30PM joins us to talk about her website as a Movie Mom and her upcoming Book "101 Must See Movies" that is due out in January. She has two wonderful Must See Websites, Movie Mom.com and GMI Ratings.com. Both are really wonderful for Movie junkies and a real find. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Our 2nd Guest of the Evening is "Laffy" or @GottaLaff as she is known on Twitter. She is a Twitter Wonder, keeping thousands connected and informed daily. She has found a way to weave News, Political Events and Humor that is a Must Follow whether it be on Twitter or on her Blog that she writes with Paddy called "The Political Carnival". On her Blog she also posts short edited Video Segments on Timely Issues called "BLUNTS".These segments have gotten National Attention , even recognized recently at a Van Jones Event in DC when shared and honored by Lizz Winstead. BLUNTS are created by people from the Internet and Twitter contributing their own commentary for 30 seconds and then she edits them into short segments adding music and humor. Indeed she has created an effective progressive tool that creates thoughtful dialogue and a way to share on critical issues of our times. ( There is a whole Library of BLUNTS that cover a multitude of issues and is wonderful to explore). You can check out BLUNTS here and indeed you will be hooked. and her Blog with Paddy, the Political Carnival is is here and is a must read, updated throughout the day.
On another note if you want to listen in to Laffy she is on the Nicole Sandler Show "Radio or Not" on Tuesday Mornings, it's a great show and a must to add to your schedule. ( Reminds me of Air America Days, listening to Smart Women really talk Political Turkey.)
“Few are willing to brave the disapproval of their peers, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world that yields most painfully to change.” ~~Robert F. Kennedy
Seattle PI photo by Joshua Trujillo Taken Tuesday November 15th in the Evening. ( By 6th and Pine or by Westlake Center) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From the Seattle PI::: "Pepper spray was deployed only against subjects who were either refusing a lawful order to disperse or engaging in assaultive behavior toward officers," said Seattle police spokesman Jeff Kappel ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
When this little elderly lady was Pepper Sprayed in the Face on Tuesday Night did the Seattle Police realize who this amazing little lady was ? Did they care ? Is this how Elderly are to be treated peacefully marching or assembling on a Seattle Street ?
Dorli Rainey is 84 Years Old, 4 feet 10 inches and full of spunk and politically active and aware. She joined in a Occupy Solidarity March in Seattle. She is not just anyone's Granma that bakes cookies, she is a real American. In 2009 she was concerned about many issues facing Seattle, including Homelessness, Tent City Dwellers needing permanent shelter, and Infrastructure and Water Quality and Sewer issues. Smart sharp little lady who loves Seattle and her country, enough to run for office at 82 years old. She withdrew from the race partly because of Bus Stop concerns and too many late evening meetings, but also because she was worried no one was taking her concerns seriously. So she withdrew in May 2009. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday Evening she was helped away from the scene ,taken care of by other Protesters. Please note how tiny she really is, she surely posed no threat to any one on site. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Photo from UK Daily Mail) Please note the Canisters and how close they are to faces, I am still trying to get verification from others as to what type of Pepper Spray was deployed. Nurses have been actively encouraging Occupy protesters get safety goggles or even swim goggles, and to have LAW solution at the ready as well as to wear a scarf to protect face and breathing. ( LAW Solution is made up of Mint Maalox and Water 50/50 and placed in a spray bottle, can cool and calm face against Pepper Spray. And according to the Arab Spring Protesters can also work fairly adequately against Tear Gas.) It is unclear if Ms.Rainey had any protection and any access to medical relief at the site. It is also unclear if she has any other medical conditions that would put her at risk, example Glaucoma or Cataracts are very sensitive to such Chemicals and Sprays. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Story could well end with the horrific photo of her injured crying tear stained face, but it doesn't, because The Stranger reached out to her and interviewed her, And I am sharing their post with you it is quite amazing.
"Dorli Rainey, a longtime liberal activist who moved here from Austria in 1956, also sent us this email explaining how it happened:
Something funny happened on my way to a transportation meeting in Northgate. As I got off the bus at 3rd and Pine I heard helicopters above. Knowing that the problems of New York would certainly precipitate action by Occupy Seattle, I thought I better check it out. Especially since only yesterday the City Government made a grandiose gesture to protect free speech. Well free speech does have its limits as I found out as the cops shoved their bicycles into the crowd and simultaneously pepper sprayed the so captured protesters. If it had not been for my Hero (Iraq Vet Caleb) I would have been down on the ground and trampled. This is what democracy looks like. It certainly left an impression on the people who rode the No. 1 bus home with me. In the women's movement there were signs which said: "Screw us and we multiply."
Ms. Rainey, you are a civic treasure." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Indeed The Stranger got it right, Ms.Rainey is indeed a True American Treasure....and Amen to what she said " Screw Us and We Mulitply." And she raises a good question, IS This really What Democracy Looks Like ? And note once again an Iraq War Vet came to her Aid and Protected her. Our VETS really are protecting and serving Our Country , and we need to thank them, as we battle to find our ways in these times. And I have been haunted all day I keep thinking about MsRainey how for 10 years she worked as a Translator for our Military while she lived in Austria after WWII and how she wanted to come to America to be part of a Democracy, that is what she yearned for. So in 1956 she came to America and she came during the Cold War and the Ike Years and The Hearings for those That were Anti American, and now here we are. What kind of Democracy is she experiencing now ? What kind of Democracy are we ? How did this happen that an 84 yr old petite elderly woman could be treated so horribly....There is Something Very Wrong in America. ************************************** Here is an amazing interview with her from August 2010, The full interview is 28 minutes, but the first 3 minutes of her explaining about surviving WWII Living in Europe, and hungering to live in a real Democracy is haunting.....( She also did Translation for Our American Army in Europe for 10 years, as she was born in Austria:
"An elderly woman, a pregnant woman and a priest were among those who were pepper-sprayed during a protest in support of the Occupy movement on Tuesday.The demonstrators taking part in the Occupy Seattle movement marched from their current camp at Seattle Central Community College to Westlake Park late Tuesday afternoon.
While en route, they came across police officers at several points. At the intersection of Fifth and Pine, the crowd was met by a line of several dozen police officers on bicycles who blocked the way.Tensions mounted until police deployed pepper spray in an attempt to disperse the crowd and get the protesters out of the streets. About a dozen people were hit with the stinging fume.
"Pepper spray was deployed only against subjects who were either refusing a lawful order to disperse or engaging in assaultive behavior toward officers," said Seattle police spokesman Jeff Kappel.
Police said six people were arrested during the march. A 17-year-old girl was pepper-sprayed then arrested after allegedly swinging a stick at an officer. Three others - a 17-year-old boy, a man and a women - were arrested for suspected pedestrian interference. A man was arrested after he allegedly threw an unknown liquid at an officer's face, and another man was arrested for alleged assault.By 7:30 p.m., the protesters were back at their camp at Seattle Central Community College.
The local protesters were marching in support of the Occupy Wall Street protesters who were kicked out of their camp at Zucotti Park in New York and a judge ruled that their free speech rights do not extend to pitching a tent and setting up camp for months at a time.The protesters have been camped out in the privately owned park since mid-September. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he ordered the sweep because health and safety conditions had become "intolerable" in the crowded plaza.
On Monday, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved a resolution in support of the growing Occupy movement." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update The Night after the Arrests Dorli Rainey was interviewed on Countdown by Keith Olbermann, it was one of the best interviews he has ever done, and while he was interviewing her she began to trend on Twitter. I will post the Link here and post the entire interview below. Here is Dorli Rainey's amazing interview by Keith Olbermann on the importance of Activism.
Zucotti Park Occupy Site had an amazing Library of more than 5000 books on so many subjects, from Peace Leaders and Non Violence Training and Economics and even health eating and childrens books and Pet Care. When the Camp was raided at 3:30 AM Very Late Monday Night ( early Tuesday Morning) Much of the camp was destroyed or scooped up and put into the trash dumpsters that came. Tents were slashes and pulled apart and belongings thrown away. It had been set up in a Tent donated by rocker Patti Smith.
There are some items that are still being searched for including the Bike Powered power generators and the Professional Drums and yes The Library.At first it was said it was destroyed in all the confusion this seemed likely, and the protesters were given less than 10minutes warning and were asleep, so there was not time to gather that many books. And then later yesterday the Mayors Office said that the books were moved to a storage area, but the photo showed only a few hundred books. So on Twitter the cry went up to Rebuild the Library and yes, you can ship them to NYC. Here is more about how to Ship them, So let's all give to the People's Library, here's the link, let's get busy sending them Zinn, Mandela, MLK etc etc... You can also go help retrieve the ones that Sanitation Dept stored.
The UPS Store Re: Occupy Wall Street Attn: The People’s Library 118A Fulton St. #205 New York, NY 10038 (via Occupy Wall Street Library Blog)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY UPDATE ON THE DESTROYED LIBARY SITUATON::: So the day after the Raid of Zucotti Park, teams of people with vehicles went to the Sanitation Garage to retrieve the Library that the Mayor had claimed via a Tweet had been saved and taken to the Garage. These photos are what is left of the OWS Library. Gone are all the Shelves of books and materials, even the Reference Library and the Kids Library. 5500 Books, the Laptops that kept track of everything. These photos show only a few hundred books and a damaged chair. When Books are treated like Garbage we are indeed in Dark Times. I do ask that you read the attached websites and do find a way to give or send books. ( I personally think we should all mail copies of "1984" to the Mayor's Office). Books had been donated from all over and even autographed and sent, so we need to Rebuild what was truly a wonderful thing. Libraries have been closing all over, but that Librarians worked so hard to make this a REAL Library is beyond heroic. ( And the Librarians were even Jailed that night as well.) Please do what you can to Help this Noble Cause.
At Seattle Occupy on Tuesday Night this woman who is named Jenn or Jennifer was taken away after being sprayed and according to one report ( not verified) that she was hit and kicked ? Also according to internet and facebook and Twitter reports is Pregnant ( some reports said 2 months, others said 4 months).Again if anyone can verify her condition and situation that would be appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Man was taken away from Zucotti Park ( According to Tweets it was after the Food Tent was sprayed and people were tweeting that some was having trouble breathing. If anyone knows him or his condition please do make contact). Also this situation arose after the Police had destroyed and dismantled the Medical Tent which clearly put so many at risk as that tent was supplied for injuries, but also even for Breathing troubles and even had patients when it was raided. If you look at his Stomach clearly Someone on site was writing his vital signs on his stomach. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday Night at 3:30AM Zucotti Park This cop is clearly punching a woman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (*Originally posted Nov.10th*) 36 Hours ago the MSM began reporting that there was a "Sex Scandal Breaking Involving Penn State Football Program". This Headline that was on Tickers could not have been more Wrong Headed and Misleading. What was "Breaking" was a Horrendous Crime Cover Up was being revealed, that involved Children and Predatory Crimes against them including Rape and Sodomy. When I first saw the Headline I didn't even think of going to look it up, I thought it was some Slimy sex mess, I had no idea it was about Children that had suffered at the hands of a Pedophile or that it had been covered up by a Large University and it's powerful Leaders and Coaches. Someone emailed me the PDF link and I sat and read in horror of what the Victims, mere Children suffered.
The One 2002 case that is most haunting is of a 10 year old child's rape by Sandusky that was Witnessed by McQuery in the Penn State Locker Room, Sandusky who was no longer employed by the School, but still had access to the Facilities for his Charity Work. He had originally set up his Charity in 1977, as a way to supposedly reach out and nurture Troubled Children who had unstable Homes. It reads like a a Predatory Horror Film. He even has written a book about his work called " Touched" that is troubling and disturbing, and hopefully the Authorities will read it closely for Clues and possible other Victims. The Grand Jury report outlines Crimes against 8 Children, but that is only of the last 10 years, and even now another Victim has come forward this week. (Criminally Sandusky is already facing 40 Counts. Yet at some point there are many that Enabled him and his Crimes and and even lied for him, one has to wonder when they too will face Justice). In 1999 He was let go from the School so he could supposedly work more on Second Mile , his Children's Charity, yet one has to wonder did the Administration let him go due to Problems or reports ? If so then the 2002 Witnessed Rape should not have happened ? But A College where Children and Young are Nurtured and Taught and a Rape is Reported and the ONLY thing that happens is that the Locks are Changed and Keys take away ? And McQuery the Witness went on to an illustrious career at PSU , how could he go to work everyday and walk by that Lockeroom ever seeing a CHILD raped and knowing he did NOTHING ?
In America today we are witnessing What Broken Trust Looks Like ? What happens when Power and Money and Greed and Ego Collide , are Crimes Committed ? Talk to Each other about This, it is not a small issue and this unfolding Horror Story is not about Old Coaches and Broken Dreams , it is about Crimes and When Greedy Men Cover Up Crimes. America is at a Cross Roads....Let us hope many find their Moral Compass...for the Sake of the Our Children.
************************************ Be sure to tune in at 7PM EST we have a great show. Kim @awop and Perry @mommapolitico are the main hosts and there is the 99 Report and Kitchen Table Politics and great guests. We have a talented Indie Musician known on Twitter as @Pirate_Larry and we will talk with him about his music ( you can give him a listen here). And then those that are following Occupy know that Oakland has really been in the thick of it and we are lucky to have SpencerforHire or @oakfosho coming on to give the Latest on Oakland which is having a perilous weekend and Oak has been doing an amazing job with the Ustream this weekend.
More From Larry, His LIVESTREAM channel. Larry is a talented artist lending his expertise to others and also helping OCCUPY ( in Tijuana as well.)