At Seattle Occupy on Tuesday Night this woman who is named Jenn or Jennifer was taken away after being sprayed and according to one report ( not verified) that she was hit and kicked ? Also according to internet and facebook and Twitter reports is Pregnant ( some reports said 2 months, others said 4 months).Again if anyone can verify her condition and situation that would be appreciated.

This Man was taken away from Zucotti Park ( According to Tweets it was after the Food Tent was sprayed and people were tweeting that some was having trouble breathing. If anyone knows him or his condition please do make contact). Also this situation arose after the Police had destroyed and dismantled the Medical Tent which clearly put so many at risk as that tent was supplied for injuries, but also even for Breathing troubles and even had patients when it was raided. If you look at his Stomach clearly Someone on site was writing his vital signs on his stomach.

Monday Night at 3:30AM Zucotti Park This cop is clearly punching a woman.
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