So last night we learned that the Senate did indeed vote to vote and end the debate of Scumlito and I guess we now for sure we will be seeing his Stand-by-Her-Bigot-Man Olivia Dehaviland reholpolstered wife up in the balconey with Mrs.Prozac tonight. And so sometime between the Vigorous Debate and the Cloture Vote The Democrats lost their Balls, can Anyone explain that to me.Is it like a Game of Clue? Frist did it in the Coat Room with a Hanger? ( okay I admit that sounded rude, but 38 NAYS and then for cloture it was down to 25???) I mean did they leave them over at Signatures Resturante? or in the Hillary's handbag? I want to know damnit, because it Mattered.,,,and it still does.I have seen newborn chimps at the zoo with bigger ones.
That being said I am grateful for Kennedy and Kerry for giving it their best shot, and if all of us need to write and call and raise Hell again I would do it in a Heart beat- because it was better than sitting here on my ass waiting to be spoonfed More Badshit Results. It was worth the Fight. ( and yeah , I need to put $7.45 in the Curse Jar for this post- so just grin and bear it- this is raw baby)
Now that being said, tonight is the King's Big Moment in the Pompous Delusional Spotlight . He struts out all cowboy swagger and the Band plays and he pretends to be all Humble and Shucks and Gee ain't I great - so kiss my ass Harry...and his wife smiles demurely from the Balconey with some stooge. ( My favorite will always be CurveBallSlamDunk Chilabi- but I am a traditional girl. I know that there will be some Token Purple Fingered Iraqi from Detroit and freshly scrubbed Katrina Victim Faces).
And I will keep my score pad : I get to eat MM's for the following words after I have tallied up. And yeah I have my case of marshmallows and a pair of old slippers I am saving for the Big Finale.
(1) FIGHTING TERRA ( cause it's my mandate)
(2) THE WORLD CHANGED AFTER 911 ( cause I say so, so that is why I have to break the law and spy on ya')
(3) We're Spreading Democracy ( like fresh manure on Dale's farm)
(4) We're experiencing Economic growth ( really tell the Ford employees that...)
(5) We've had a prosperous year ( well, shit yeah- Exxon has)
(6) We are fighting crime, that is why you are safer, and cause I say so ( hmm, does he mean Rove,Duke or Delay or Scooter)
(7) The Medicare System has brought signifigant changes to better the lives of our elderly ( yeah, tell that to the old people buying catfood to take with their meds)
(8) Katrina taught us all So Many lessons ( yeah like to keep a fucking ax in the attic and write your name and social security number on your arm with Indelible Sharpie so that when you float down the street- somebody might Know you had a name and a home.)
(9) Katrina brought us ALL together ( shit yeah, unless you were black, poor, mexican, elderly, vietnamese, children, or sick, it must be a new Selective "Togetherness")
(10) Some Shit will be spewed about how Well the Iraq War is going, and the Changes and Freedom that NONE of us see because we know how to read and watch the News on TV. ( and not the Pat Roberts News)
And of course he will Belly Up to the Podium and lean all over it like a Tuesday drunk reaching for Friday's high.
And he will try to be Folksy and Cute, Victorious and Inspiring, and EveryDay Redneckman Done Good Patriot. ( and my sincere apologies to any Redneck members of the enigma posse).
And will the Senate or the House in anyway Honor US ? !? Those that Elected them and put them there. And yes, I am one of those people that wrote letters and emails all week BEGGING them to Vote NO on Alito and also to turn their Backs on this Lying Sack of Shit Criminal of a Leader....Or even better Walk Out....