Sunday, January 15, 2006


So many folks left me wonderful stories,wisdom and words of encourgement, humorus jabs and yes, even Hope. I would be a fool to not listen and take such words to heart. I think I fought too hard and too long, and was willing to betray the one lesson that really matters. My son was livid with me, that I would stop writing, or blogging. He pointed out that I was the one that said it Matters, it Makes a difference. And that if I stop now, then I let him down. But that I also betray Everything I ever taught him or worked on.It was a very humbling week. ( Anyone that has a 14 year old will tell you that they can humble you with a single look,especially when they are 6 ft 4inchs). He pointed out that for over two years I stayed up night after night emailing people and writing letters- 1000's to help lead to the demise of the Evil Chemical Company."You fought them with words, not money". He told me to just listen to other people. It was about listening to the Lesson, listening to Others, and not to my own despair.The Battle is only half way over, but it isn't over, unless I let them win....and I can't do that. There is still too much to fight for....


enigma4ever said...

artwork by my son, Mr6-4 ( he wants to be the creative director- and I think I need one)....messed up layout by enigma...

Neil Shakespeare said...

That's a GREAT picture! Love it!

Richard said...


It's so good to see you made the decision you did. I knew you'd make the right one. Heh. It seems as though your son did too.

My best to you both.

Anonymous said...

Love that picture!! Keep at it.

They want you to get tired and shut up because the state of the nation depends on it.

Sometimes our voices are all we have. Damned if they'll get that too.

(close son's eyes)
Fuck empire.

Justin said...

Good to see you stayed on.

No Blood for Hubris said...

Wonderful pic.

Drew Dallons said...

Thanks for coming back, E4E. It's always enjoyable reading your blog!

Unknown said...

Glad you see you hanging in there :)

The kid is right..

enigma4ever said...

Neil,Richard, Lilly, and Dusty,Drew, Justin and No Blood for Hubris...thanks for stopping by- and yeah, my son and I love this picture....made us laugh really hard- I am not even sure why....( probally get ol' Scooter all excited...)

( I hope Newsguy stops by he is the one that always makes good jokes about animals on the White House lawns...)

NEWSGUY said...

Glad to see you're back. I have felt the same way about just chucking it and letting my blog drift for a while, or even just dumping it all with a click. But then I wouldn't have a place to exercise my rights. And if you don't exercise, you get flabby and weak and then you die. To hell with that.

The Bushies are out there doing all the damage they can do with their culture of ignorance and death. It's our job, as the inheritors of our Founding Fathers' Enlightenment vision, to carry our small candles in the dark against these Middle Ages knuckle draggers.

Anonymous said...

Enigma4ever, I came to give you some love and Light too, sending you some energy to boost your Spirit. I always love to read your comments at Firedoglake, and so I'm thrilled you are getting back into blogging and continueing the good fight and the good work.

YOU have inspired ME to start my own blog and get right in the trenches with you. I'm on my way to sign up for one today. Your last sentence says it all:
"There is still too much to fight for..." Thank You!

I will leave you with two Lakota teachings-affirmations for further inspiration of your beautiful soul:

*Chunupa Wakan ~ Prayer
"I seek to become of clear Intent in all circumstances. I seek the intention of Spirit: Harmony, Balance, and Love"

*Niyan, Air ~ Life Force
"Within each breath I inhale the gift of Life, and exhale the gift of myself into the World"

enigma4ever said...

Newsguy- carrying small candle in the dark against the Knuckledraggers...priceless....and yes, we all need to defend what is left of our country....

and Shez- you go and get yorself a blog...I will come visit...
and thank you for your kind words and the inspirational quotes- they are beautiful....and lit more hope....

Yukkione said...

Well well well, so the forces of evil haven't defeated you afterall. Welcome back, you've been missed.

Anonymous said...

Of course what you're doing is important.

We have an incompetent, lying simian in the Oval Office, a rubber-stamp Legislature, and a fawning MSM that props El Shrubbo up at every turn. If there is going to be real change, it as to come from us. And we can't afford to lose anybody.