Thursday, January 26, 2006


Now you all know that I hate waking up and having a Elvis moment. I had a good American morning, I woke up and walked my dog past the homeless people sleeping on grates on my broken urban streets. And then midmorning I made the fatal mistake of turning the TV on to check on the world's events with my morning caffeine. And yes, there he was the King Criminal driving the podium for a "Special Presidential New Conference" grandstanding the View. Now other than I was not fully stocked and prepared with my Marshmallow Weaponery, it actually had some little highlights that were worth suffering. ( I do Hope to hell that Fitz was watching and taping). I am struck that he now out pretty much daily whoring his Illegal programs, as he was just on the screen less than 48 hours ago. It reminds me of Nixon, and how he went on camera EVERY chance he could snag to attempt to rewin the people.Sigh another Glory Watergate Memory. Fine, he can keep coming out and giving these Watch&Cringe Speechs, it does not make the Case for Innocence.

In some ways I do feel Imprisoned in my own country and having the King give speechs every two days does seem to confirm that the Regime is attempting to make their Own Laws is enforcing that Concern. For most of four years they operated in Complete Secrecy, and now because they are out every few hours telling us WHY they Broke the Laws and violated Constitution I am susposed to magically Absorb that revelation and feel oh-so-Safe ?

(1) First he kept humping the NSA spying program was Legal and the Constitution was NOT "circumvented" in ANY way . ( The more he said it with a snicker and a sneer and a stutter it continued to lose steam over the reporters). He is now saying that the World is a different place and those 1978 FISA laws just don't apply and that Micheal Hayden of NSA is USING the Spying the way that it needs to be used. He would not address that he basically has destroyed ANY credibility of the FISA Court or the legal process of That court. [ I could not help but wonder if the judges of the FISA court were watching and cringing]

The reporters tried to ask about the Illegal Spying ( and Finally that Damn "Eavesdropping" word has been deleted from the dialogue). The King made it pretty clear that he and Micheal Hayden had a stratgy meeting yesterday, and that it is going to be very difficult to give much information to ANY Upcoming Investigations without giving up National Secrets.

(2) Katrina came up in the dicussion. The President seemed a bit miffed and peaved that the State and New Orleans have not come up with alot of Preparedness Measures as the White House has requested.It is really hard to come up with Preparedness Plans when the state is in obvious shambles. Oh, and Nevermind that He has not been Forthcoming with the Documents and Data about WHO Knew What WHEN before Katrina whalloped NOLA into Oblivion. Never mind that there was 44 page MEMO warning the Whitehouse 48 hours before Katrina HIT. Nevermind that Brownie is a Criminal that should be charged with Knowing Endangerment and other crimes.

(3) Those Damn Abramoff Pictures came up atleast five times, and he was miffed that it was a subject that would not go away.He claims that he is photographed many times , especially at Christmas. He would not answer Where the Photos are, but it is clear that there are indeed photos.It was also VERY unclear if the Whitehouse has been Helpful to the case in supplying said photos.He repreatedly said he doesn't "know the guy". Yet, he Expressed NO concerns about the misuse of money, or that his chief folks are being Investigated for stealing and misusing millions of dollars, not even one iota of some of that fake "Ain't it awful" carpetbagger crapola.

(4) He also reminded us that his speech next week is going to be the same ol' "Peace& Prosperity" speech that he always gives. He is going to focus us on the Wondrous Economy. Good I will invite some Homeless and some Katrina Refugees up for that golden delicious moment. And hell Maybe even some Ford Employees.And maybe some homeless VETS with PTSD would like to come heave marshmallows with me as well.

(5)Here's the thing Mr.Bush don't come driving the podium in my living room unless you can say something Meaningfull or atleast half truthful. And don't come on my screen every 48 hours and try to convince me that you have the RIGHT to spy on me and my neighbors. You don't have the Right. Even Criminals get Air Time, but it doesn't make them law abiding. It's called Propaganda.



NEWSGUY said...

Are Fluffy and Mrs. P. getting fat cleaning up the marshmallows?

enigma4ever said...

Yes, indeedy...and they were getting hungry- we ran out of troll ears ( and they don't come here anymore). I have promised viscious critters a whole bag of marshmallows for the President's address. ( My son asked why the hell I keep watching if it is going to make my eyes bulge like that??!, whelp because I am waiting for that Golden Unscripted Uncontrived UnRoved Moment when he Totally screws up...and if he keeps driving the podium drunk enough , often enough- I KNOW IT will happen...)Thanks for coming by Newsguy....

Dada said...

I think I had an epiphany from this wanker president. Talkin about his example, "I'm above the law." Being at least his equal if not his superior, op cit ergo ipsum, "I'm ABOVER the law!" So, like the Georgetown University law students who stood and turned their backs to Bush's main law humper, Gonzales, as he was addressing them (pictures on my blog), I shall not concern myself with his extremist shills now sucking the blood from the republic. Laws are made to be violated.

Pass the marshmellows and 'Screw unto others as they would screw unto you!' What's good enough for the sons of pigs and monkeys is good enough for the people too. (With my apologies to real pigs and monkeys--no offense intended.)

Anonymous said...

And good afternoon to you, my ragesister.

I feel like I just cannot watch anymore, I watch and read and stare and then suddenly I realize I just have to walk away and go play in the snow or something. Its mind boggling, the silence is mind boggling, the tolerance- I'm dissappointed that the demo in march isn't picking up more enthusiasm, many people are saying 'whats the difference'?

I hear that, but I say "Whats the alternative? Sit here?"

By the way I posted "The Passion of DeLay" even though it had nothing to do with my post, but just so I can GRIN.

Anonymous said...

gawd, Nixon (crosses index fingers at arm's length while scrambling to find HST's "Kingdom of Fear" and not successful), that evil, black-hearted thug and general scumbag! (shudder)...hope he's in hades getting tanned and rested and no longer ready to run for office!

managed to pick up a stray copy of last week's edition of the big city paper to find coverage of Gore's MLK speech on Page 3 (not bad for the country bumpkins up here) and he looked fit, not so gaunt and he's lost that awful beard...presidential material again??? (one can always hope!)...saw that good ole Arlen Specter (R-wherever) is still haunting us, wasn't he the author of the magic bullet theory? who votes for these guys???

Anonymous said...

Collins cast a "Y", will try to make my voice heard for Snowe!

enigma4ever said...

DADA:Ohmyoh an ephinany from a wanker...and yeah, Let's throw alot of marshmallows , and tonight it looks like a Filibuster is on the roll call and email them- give them your support. ( hmm, gee I guess the King's Pep Talk backfired)

LILLY:Thanks for posting Delay- I will wander your way next. And yeah, sometimes it seems like such a waste...rage on sister...rage on...( and go play in he snow if you need to ).

MAINE FRIEND: Hey there, you go for it ...Senator Snowe is someone that listens- and she has concerns about Patriot Act and the NSA spying- she is definently worth some phone calls and emails.Chaffee still hasn't voted either....

Hang in there folks- I am putting an extra pot of Brew on- we need to watch and see what is going to happen...

Anonymous said...

Don't you think at least some of those senators who were around back when Thomas & Scalia weren't filabustered regret it now? They better stand up this time lest we all notice their complete gonadal atrophy. D.k.

enigma4ever said...

Hello DK, and yes there is nothing worse than being confronted with gonadal atrophy.... So where are we with the votes? 32 was the last I saw at 9pm....I hope they can Fili...and yes, even better would be some repugs coming to join this decision...

Anonymous said...

Last I saw about an hour ago, they were close to 50 to stop filibuster & I think they need 60, right? I just checked C-Span, but saw nothing ... except I did notice Molly Ivins will be on tomorrow AM to talk about why she doesn't support Hillary. D.K.

Tina said...

Enigma: I spent 3 hrs calling every single Dem senator today. I am faxing them all tomorrow, and I am sick to death of hearing about the Red State Dems and how they have to compromise. SCREW that. This is bigger than their state. This is bigger than these Red State Dems needing to kiss the butt of a few GOPers who just might throw a vote their way if they keep playing nice and leave their spines at home. This is bigger than a few moderate GOPers toeing the party line b/c they don't want to anger the Almighty One in the White House.

This is about AMERICA. Alito will be screwing up our lives until that bastard dies. We're already a nation that has an economy circling the bowl... how ever will we afford to pay for Mad King George's coronation??

enigma4ever said...

Hey there DK and Tina- I think they need to break the Repugs 60% that is needed so if they top 41, I need to find out more - Dmeocratic Daily is covering and also Will Rivers Pitt is covering in DC for the Democratic Underground ( he was with Truthout - so some new info also might be up on Truthout as well) And I also think Chaffee and Snow were and are worth working on....I sent emails out all week, and I had been emailing Kerry and Kennedy every day for about a month ( I was afraid I was going to be in trouble for harrassment- but I figured what the hell).....Keep at it...we need to keep this bastard off...and atleast make it as difficult and as nasty as possible.....NO MORE STINKING APATHY....( time to fight the Gonadal Atrophy....someone said that above...?)
Keep up the Fight...

enigma4ever said...

Okay so here is the deal- the DEMO's do indeed need to be aligned on this- ALL of them need to find their balls- AT THE SAME EFFIN TIME...AND IF ANY REPUGS COME OVER- CHAFFEE AND SNOW???? THEN THERE IS A CHANCE...THE REPUGS NEED 60 to pass the if Kerry does indeed get 41 it is possible- now as of 10 pm the count was 32 NAYS and 55 Yes...NO dems have voted Yay have hope...and the person that is really pussyfooting the Filibuster is yeah REID- SO CALL HIS OFFICE AND SCREAM..I him too...He needs to find his balls STAT...

Anonymous said...

The main senate phone is 888-355-3588. You can call & ask for your senator or any senator you want. You'll end up leaving voice mail, but they'll have to tabulate responses.

Graeme said...

The dems have been saying they want to save the fillibuster for an extremist, well here you fucking go

Granny said...

Thanks for the comment on isamericaburning. I just wrote another post about the filibuster with a link to John Kerry's website (petition).

Meantime, I'm going through the motions with phonecalls.

I can't bring myself to watch the shrub. It never changes, he always lies, and I want to crawl under a rock somewhere (or pick up the rock and throw it through the t.v.).

meldonna said...

Hey, e4e...

Pitched in my two cent's worth re: Alito filibuster...we will see what happens in the morning.

I don't know if we can beat Alito, but you know my patron saint is Jude...

gray...the dems don't even seem to know an extremist anymore!

Don't despair, folks. Just keep doing the good work. We made 'em forget about Social Security...

Neil Shakespeare said...

"Ya see there's 'good' spyin', and 'bad' sypin', and what we do is the 'good' spyin'...but don't call it spyin'. It's 'surveillance'! And that's a pretty darn big word for me!

Anonymous said...

enigma, i had a cut'n'paste from today's form e-mail for senator snowe which would have been nice to share here for your readers to use as they will, except it got lost...the gist of it was that (your undecided senator here) should listen to the eloquent remarks made by Senators Lieberman and Byrd...both in regards to Mr. Alito's "judicial character" and particularly Senator Byrd's point about jumping party lines and voting with his conscience...

Anonymous said...

damnation!, called the number above (thanks anonymous) and mailbox is full!

good thing or bad, I don't know!!!

Dada said...

"Ya see there's 'good' torture', and 'bad' torture', and what we do is the 'good' torture...but don't call it 'torture'. It's 'probing'! And that's a pretty darn deep word for me!"

Drew Dallons said...

I don't understand who on the Dem side thought that it would be good to just give this guy a pass to begin with? Having Alito in the Supreme Court with be the final check mate on progressive laws and policies in this country. Are they too blind to see that????

Anonymous said...

You know, if Kerry actually leads this filibuster, it'll go a long way toward redeaming him in my eyes. Not completely .. his cut-n-run in Ohio broke my heart .. but a partial redemption & a glimmer of hope. D.K.

Unknown said...

Kvatch, be careful or you are going to get sucked into the fun of reading speech texts over at the white house web location.

The scarier thing is to realize that each speech is just a warm up to the State of the Union propaganda slated for later. Much like Hollywood tests films in audiences to make final edits before release, we are getting a preview for what the Shrubster will finally end up with when they ramp up the MSM on that day.

I'm having my television turned on to something else. I can bare to watch him crucify the english language and outright lie to us in public. I prefer to read it and then comment later.

Blog on.

Unknown said...

His lack of command of the english language was frightening yesterday. I watched it dumbfounded..the man is a complete idiot, 12 year olds have better grammar skills than the Shrub. The Dems are backing away from the filibuster saying there are other more "pressing" subjects at hand..bullshit i say!

They have to oppose him at every step..including suddenly appointing the head prosecutor on the Abramoff case to a federal is that crap? The guy immediately stepped down..which he didnt have to btw..

My favorite quote from yesterdays Q&A.."I want to give you some thoughts about what I am thinking about" a baseball fan..this sounds like Yogi Berra. As a US citizen it sounds like a moron that cant find his ass with both hands unless Rove is there to guide him.

All the smokescreens are designed to protect Krazy Karl..the Shrub needs him..he cant wipe his ass without him. All the bs is to cover Karls tracks and deflect interest in what really matters..corruption at the top.

enigma4ever said...

5pm I see someone put another pot of brew on...and kept the dialogue going....Welcome....

DUSTY: Yes, your assessment of his language skills is scary and accurate, my son said best " You know his mom went overboard on that Literacy Campaign- didn't help George much". About the Abramoff case-I wills stick to my theory that it is bigger than any stain on any dress. Thanks for coming by...

WINDSPIKE: We do still watch- but for different reasons- we sometimes leave the TV muted and watch the the poos close caption person attempting to "write" his "speech", and then other times we listen and rate his drunkeness- and I as an old ER nurse am not joking. And yeah, I also do read the transcripts- lookig for Imperial Editing..Obsessive-yup...but we need to watch this SOB- and may his own words come back to haunt him .....

KVATCH : Somewhere Orwell is cringing and shaking his head.

DREW: I haven't a clue what the hell the DEMO's are thinking and what they see- I think any that vote for him need EKG and EEG to check heart and brain function.

DK: I do indeed just like seeing SOMEONE OR ANYONE fight back at this point.

more dialogue with Cafe residents next comment....

enigma4ever said...

Part II of conversation at the Enigma Cafe:

DADA: Good Torture and Bad Torture and yeah "Probing"...there 's a word that Dada can wrap his wee brain around....

MAINE FRIEND: Hey there we are rooting for Ms Snow to show what Maine is all about- clear thinking...and yeah that damn phone box is STILL full- but let's jam ALL lines on Monday.

NEIL: Good and bad spying - you kill me..yeah,right..and spying on those damn vegans and damn activist women...

MEL: you are right it is a fight worth fighting and yeah, it is still not over...thanks for all of your ahrd , late night work...

Yup, this is IT- the fucking Etreme...worth fighting every inch....

GRANNY: We are still working it...

No Blood for Hubris said...

Hey. It's just a piece of paper.

Is it not?

enigma4ever said...

Yup, the preznit Toad Eploder called it "a Godamned piece of paper"....yup..that about says it all , doesn't it ?.....Well, I want Our Godamned Piece of Paper back...and I want Our Country back too...

First we will have to dismantle the Gestapo though...

Anonymous said...

Holler when its over. I'm going to ski and ponder filibusters some more...

Dada said...


Maybe you meant, "I'm going to SURF and ponder filibusters some more"? At least that's what I hope you meant.

If you really are skiing, maybe you shouldn't be pondering filibusters at the same time. Just enjoy the slopes. I have this terrible fear that Representative Sonny Bono, while skiing in Heavenly Valley, CA, may have been contemplating senate filibusters just before he slammed into that tree. So do be careful!

Anonymous said...

Dada- I live on a mountain- no surfing in these parts! Snow-shoes,skis, or sleds.
Ice skating might be possible but only the small ponds are frozen and I wouldn't want to scrape up all the pesticides and lawn chemicals.

I am just outraged by Scotty's little snipe at Kerry that he was 'on the slopes pondering the filibuster' when he was actually at a conference in the Alps (with Republicans in attendance as well, by the way) but of course they want to portray the Dems as slacker leisurists. (not a real word as usual)
Enigma I won't send my treasure trove of DeLay porn to you. Besides I want it all for myself. But I posted "Jailhouse Lovin" for ya.

Anonymous said...

By the way, thanks for the link. But its 'losenoose'. 'losethenoose' takes you to a test page. I should put something on the page to redirect I guess, since that happens alot... Sorry for the confusion. I did this when I really did not know how to blog. Not that I am much better now...

I do appreciate that you did your blogroll, though. Sweet thing.

Kathleen Callon said...

Great post. Happy about the filibuster.

(Unsure of which pic you meant, but if it's this one, I took it, and you're welcome to save it.)

I love watching his speeches... I turn pens into spit wad shooters and see if I can get bulls eyes... it's become quite a fun sport.

Ironic with all that NSA spying no one caught on to Abramoff beforehand, eh? I have a pic of them posted, but it may be photoshopped. Cheney is in it, too.

Have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

If you want a one-stop place for contact info to voice your support for filibuster, go to
These ladies have set it all up for you. D.K.

Anonymous said...

Great post,you know if 1978 is outdated I would be afraid to mention 1776.

Granny said...

I read all the mailboxes were jammed last night and one of the publications urged we start again today.

Link is on isamericaburning

I'll be back with it.

Granny said...

Here's the link to "The Pen" which provides an update. Unfortunately, the phone numbers, etc. are for California only since that's where I am.

By now, everyone knows who to call or write.

enigma4ever said...

GRANNY: Thanks so much for the link and keeping the Battle fires stoked.

FREE LIBERAL: Hell at this point...I think 1984 is outdated...and that is with a huge mea culpa to Orwell.

DK : thanks for the Codepink link- any and all appreciated...

Kathleen: Thank you for coming by the Enigma Cafe- welcome aboard. Spitballs are good- esp. when one runs out of marshmallows- but the marshy mallows have such a nice THUNK!!!! Oh goody Bad Boy photos I will be right over...

More comments next block....

enigma4ever said...

GOTH : you are always welcome here at the cafe, and I love it when you have new posts, I will be right over...

LILLY:Love your comments, and yes, Scotty should not have made fun of Kerry and misrepresented WHY he was in Switzerland.. and take time play in the snow and ski, most of the emailboxes and phone lines were jammed this weekend..gee , I hope Ms. Scumlito went shopping for some new runproof mascara- she might need it- those damn Americans are not being nice to her Hubby...

Dada: You had to go and bring up the SonnyTree incident...gee with any luck maybe the King will take a sudden interest in Skiing....and we KNOW how long it took for him to learn to ride a bike....or his Scooter...( oh, not THAT Scooter...)

Dada said...

e4e....ahm, that last comment you made, directed at me,......did that contain a double-entendre by any chance?
I mean, I think one could take it two ways. Ah--that's it--of course! That's probably what Bush asked his scooter, huh?
"Which way you wanna take this?"

Ooooh, geezuz, it's there anyway to delete this now that I've posted it?