HEY THERE NSA , CIA, AND FBI TALON.... ( and anyone with a delicate constitution - have the salts ready- Enigma is uncorked). You want to spy on me? Fine, BRING IT ON. Yeah, Mr.Bush, you are such a big Cowboy you think it is Okay to spy on Doctors and Nurses and Moms and Quaker Grannies baking Cookies for their Anti War PEACE Meetings. I didn't get the Memo- since when did Peace end up on the Data Mining List ? Or Concerned Parent? How About Poisoned Parent? How about Concerned Educated Whistleblower ? Or People that Need to be Silenced ?
You want to open my Mail - fine - help yourself. What did you find ? Oh, so SCARY- lots of Homeschooling Magazines- stuff about Albert Einstein and Other SCIENTISTS. And National Geographic Magazines and Maps- I bet that makes me look real Suspicious. And I ordered that Book on Religions of the World- that probally is flagged too. And Yeah, well, kiss my ass I am a geek and I LIKE to read Quantum and Nuclear Physics in the Bathtub- Hey- it ain 't sexy- but it isn't any of your fucking business what I do in my bath tub now is it ? But see at some point I blew the Whistle on the Big Bad Chemical Company- so your Ol Friend Lee - who was a big cheese at the Ol Company but first was friends with Daddy Bush and a Big Ol'Cheese at the EPA, said hey we got some bitchy mamas out West giving my ol' Company a Hard time- can we keep an ol'eye on them? Cause you see under Bushco the Big Chemical Companies didn't have to fix their gates, or their fences , or their security holes, but they could give lists of "troublemakers" to the Government. . ( Now when you read that- you know that means lists of people that the Companies viewed as troublemakers.And Yeah, Homeland Security has the Lists.).
( He was such a big ol'Cheese he was on the panel this week on cpsan for the 35th EPA anniversary...Lee...)
And well, Sure enough you sat down with Gonzo and the Boys and you were already making Lists and checking them twice, so what the Hey, let's put some more Suspicious Folks on them lists, make sure they don't make no trouble or talk to people that might be trouble ( Human Rights Watch, ACLU, Greenpeace ). And Hey Let's tap their friggin phones and also label ALL their packages that they should be checked for explosives, that'll teach'em a lesson. And yeah, the Enigma's House had wires hanging off of it that looked like spaghetti wall. The Feds were working with the Local amatuers and they did a crappy job. So crappy my neighbors used to come over and take pictures and laugh at it.Them Moms complaining about Mercury and Heavy Metals Hurting their Kids- the Fucking Nerve. And that Damn Nurse going and educating 1000's, even the plant widows and those Indians and calling the EPA and the CDC. Didn't she realize that she was also asking for help for Indian Folks- that crossed another line. She needs to be taught a lesson, let's mess with her car like they used to do in the Days of COINTELPRO. Shitman it 's just the Brakes- No one will ever figure it out. WHOWEEEE look at all them wires hangin' off her house that will shut the godamned Redheaded bitch up, that way we can watch her and know when to run her off the road with a logging truck or red tanker truck.....Shit if she doesn't shut up we can always shoot her, and make it look like an accident. Make her an Enemy of the People, stick them Good Ol'Boys cops on her house 24 x7 , ya' know put her on one of those Hippy Ecoterrorist Watch Lists, shit the FBI will love that. Give them something to do...I mean shit , she is JUST a Godamned woman and godamned that makes her Fucking Fair Game. Even send people to interogate her with fake badges and cards.
And just for fun.let's put her on some No Fly Lists, ya' know so she can't go nowhere.And yeah, her pets, well they are just fucking animals, and she did bitch about poison.That will fix her. The nerve of this woman studying Mercury and Methylmercury,PCB"s, and Dioxins and radioactive waste, and what it does to kids, VETS, and old people, and pregnent women. I mean come on, Gore said it on Monday " In Early America Men Feared Women and Burned Witches". Hell , there was a lesson that the Kowboy King of Krawford just couldn't learn fast enough. And hell she ain't even a Christian , she is one of those NON - Christians....shit that must be as good as burning a damn witch , right ?
So whoa- the Enigma seems a bit pissed. No shit Sherlock. Every Christmas Present or present I have gotten since 2001, yeah, BEFORE 911, has been PRE-opened and gone through and Broken...hell, sometimes things just get kinda of broke. ( and some packages I just never got at all- that would be called INTERCEPTION. And When I moved and I shipped ALL of my favorite Books, Rachel Carson, and SCIENCES, and yeah, Albert E., and Buddha, and ALbert Schweitzer, and Oppenhiemer, Edison, and Ben Franklin, and Euripideses, and hell even Books about Martin Luther King, Biko, and the Kennedy's.Did my books arrive in my new home- my fifth in 2.5 years due to harrassment and threats ? Hell. No, because the Goons took "stuff" out of my shipping containers while "checking for explosives". Yeah. They took my godamned favorite books.
And hell, I am a sinner. I go to the nearest Walmart every two weeks and I tidy and rearrange, I put the Gun Magazines behind the damn knitting magazines so kids won't see them. I been doing it since Columbine. Yet you Fuckers Check my packages and mail for Explosives and Weapons, you even put stickers on my packages and tell me you did this. Didn't your little SS Homeland Security Goons feel kind of STUPID checking my packages for Explosives- and Stealing my books on Buddha and Ghandi ? And didn't they even feel stupid going through my trash and my house , looking for what ? Am I a Criminal because I read ? Care About People ? Worked as a Nurse ? Took care of my neighbors ? Reported Poison? Does the President KNOW what it feels like to be spied on, have one's home rooted through? Am I terrorist ? NO Am I a Criminal? NO.
I have been hitting the Blogs again I am still noticing this trend on more moderate blogs and also in the Media to back down about this Spying issue. I wrote last month about this issue and how critical it is ( see the Enemy Within ).
And if one more little size 2 Twinkette in Vera Wang on the screen calls it "Eavesdropping" I may have to start throwing something sturdier than marshmallows at the TV. I am sick of Religous Geesus crap and Military uniforms paraded Fauntleroy Style across my screen giving speeches about protecting the Homeland. See after my home has been entered illegally numerous times in the past three years, I don't really know much about "security", especically at home. And some other time we can talk about what they did to my Medical Records and Library and Bookstore records. ( or you can read my post from earlier in the month about Closing the Cafe).
"When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Flag carrying a Cross". Upton Sinclair wrote this in 1933, wise soul. It ain't on the way baby- It is already here. I have Prayer Flags and a Buddha in the Bedroom- so I guess I am officially screwed or off to a work camp.
Hey CNN and MSNBC - you all are missing the Real Story, the Fucking Truth, Real Americans have been Hurt by this King. I realize that Media and Journalists have been Corpoortized beyond recognition, so that makes it hard for them to "tell" the whole story and not be good Stenographers. I mean hell I turned down 60 Minutes because they wanted to do a Tragic Nurse Story- but not TELL the Mercury Poison Story. ( yeah , editing my own damn story-so I told them something not real ladylike, and yeah, like ANY of my story is Ladylike. So I should shut up ? Because Media is Missing the Truth. ? )
You know what is really Worrying me, really ? Scaring the living Pejevens out of me...
That I bet there are 1000's of people with Stories like mine- I bet that I am not Alone. That this "Government " has been targeting people, and Harrassing them. And it ain't about Protecting People, and WHO talked to Osama, or Where's Waldo, it is about Retribution, Intimidation and it is All about Silence of the Masses.
[[[ Part one of this is WHY the Enigma Cafe Almost Closed earlier this month. Have a read- the Enigma has quite a tale- and yeah- I am going to talk about it- because the Media sure as shit won't. You also can read the Introduction to my book, it is over on my Blogroll, it is called Silent Fallout. And yeah, I may cuss a little, but I have been on Lists since 2001. It 's" Hard Work".]]]
Please go over to" How This Ol'Brit Sees It "-scroll down on my blogroll and give him a Read and Some Love- he has a great post up about thise issues. I would link you- but something is kinked up on here tonight. Artwork again by the Talented Brave Son, who we call Mr.6'4''. Enigma loves you all, but if she doesn't rant about this for a while her little ol'head will go Kaboom...thanks. Remember Silence is Betrayal.
Hmm, so you read this and you go WHO is "OL Lee",
whelp-here is a little hint- on cpsan there are airing the EPA 35th Anniversary ( yeah- they had the nerve to "celebrate"it HA?!....) And sitting on the panel....there is a fellow in a suit named Lee...a shining Expert...yup...
( I got some opinions where he Should be sitting and it ain't on the ol' stage....)
Oh, no! Anything but Fluffy!!
Holy bat guano, Batman! Way to go e4e. At the moment I'm feeling very inspired.
BTW, excellent graphic of Fluffy. What a look! Scary. Scary indeed!
See, yesterday was a "nice" day. In the past 5 years, "nice" days have become exceedingly more rare. And after an early matinee with the wife, I returned home to blog. I hadn't anything particular in mind, til I stumbled over that goddamned John McCain's ass kissing carcass (again). I devoted the next hour or two to that bastard; and, better than any Timex watch--how he takes a (Bush) licking and keeps on kicking.
But obviously I wasn't into it. Besides writing about McCain's wimpers is non-news, so common are they. No, my blog lacked anger. Maybe because McCain lacks anger. Maybe the Viet Cong extricated that part of his brain, enabling him to endure mountains of abuse by every and anyone, especially his "president" and to keep coming back for more. He's a f*ckin' wimp with the backbone of paraplegic jellyfish. My blog lacked passion. The anger just wasn't there. I didn't post it. Folks can read about McCain anywhere regularly, he's a limelight parasite.
But that was yesterday. So here I am, in the cafe with first cup of coffee in hand, reading, and I'm feeling the passion welling up inside. And I'm getting angry. And I'm thinking maybe today'll be a "better" day. Thanks for the inspiration e4e.
It's funny. This flux we sometimes seem to experience between exhaustion and energization. Could it be the moon? Brain chemistry? The weather or season? Is our solar system passing thru some gamma ray radiation belt? Whatever the reason, I'm glad you're back with a fury. I think if this goddamned nation ever got as angry as you, as angry as they ought to be, we'd have been out of this situation long ago. So, thanks for your ire to inspire. To continue the battle and motivate others to take up for the cause.
Oh, but one minor criticism of that excellent rant...it's the part about reading of quantum physics while soaking in the tub. That was way too descriptive and extremely distracting. (grin)
Fluffy......that's Fluffy the Vampire Slayer, right?
(Wadena smiles from high in an oak tree.)
I hate when my physics books get wet in the tub!
JP: yup Fluffy..be Afraid...very afraid...grrrrr..yup that is Fluffy growling at your slippers....
Wadena: hey, there Fluffy says stay in your tree...
Dada: glad you stopped by for some coffee...and some AM angst..."Ire to Inspire"- now that is good...oh, and sorry about the "destraction"....and yeah, I gotta stay a bit pissed, bit fired up...cause they can't take that from me now can they ? and cause the above is ALL true, every last bit....Well , it 's pretty simple, here in my sandbox, I guess you have it figured if someone kicks sand at me I usually kick back....and yeah, I had a down spell ( gee I wonder why ?)...but now they have Gone TOO far...and I am not backing down...no more. I can't, there is too much at stake....
To the son - I figured out what I owe you for Foul Language Jar ( aka iPod Money) , F Words Alone =$4.25, and for S Words $3.00. Sorry.
( Hell, if I had just used the C Word- you would have hit $10.00 - but I didn't feel like talking about Condi- today anyway...)
You mean Condi-liar?
I stand corrected..yes Condi-Liar , thank you Eric.
So PT what gave them away the cool Shades or the bad shoes ? sorry, they came to your door....but you are right they look like J Witnesses...
Lovin' it! Is Fluffy any kin to Flufficula? If your new leather shoes start to look strangely pale, BE AFRAID.
Girl, I'm angry because I see what these people are capable of, and fear the worst. But you've experienced it first-hand. Keep talking, keep letting people know this is not just paranoia.
Speaking of which, did you notice that as the stinking apples of the Republican machine are starting to float to the surface en masse, we suddenly have new threats from bin Laden? Guess what, America. Just because Saddam's in the dock, doesn't mean squat. The real enemy continues, as he has since the early nineties. Glad you 'stay the course' folks out there have been paying attention...
America faces two real threats: the random, but very real possibility of further attacks here at home, and the FEMAfeebs leaving us wide open for same, while persecuting anyone willing to speak up and tell the truth. I fear al Qaeda far less than our own leadership, who aid and abet through negligence, chicanery, and smoke-and-mirror misdirection. Osama might (and chances are not that great, BTW) blow my ass up, but he won't disappear me, extraodinarily render me, steal my mom's blood pressure meds, or my fucking country.
(oops -- how much do I owe Mr. SixFour's iPod?)
Hey there Mel....I am not so worried about Osama- I think that the tapes get strategically "released" when it helps distract the World from Bush's Own Mess...I am more worried about another Katrina Event that the Leadership can let happen and people die for atleast five days...And a government that would spy on normal people, Rendition Flights and Gitmo...and worse. I think these Thugs- Rethugs or Repugs I call them are Dangerous- they have NO morals and don't care about people. I want our Country Back...it is more Important hiding behind a Bush waiting for Terra, or checking the "Color". The lesson about me is that I am not paranoid, or even really scared anymore- but I am pissed that MY COUNTRY Would do this to me and others- and we know that there are Others....Thanks for letting me vent. I am already working on my next post on Medicare...But the Spying issue is still something I will bring up..and talk about, because it has changed my life .Forever.Thanks for your support.
Keep fighting the good fight, enigma! I'll be along shortly with tea and cakes for the troops.
Nice. I nearly threw my fist in the air after that one. Thanks for the link to my site, I put one up for you as well. God, I keep finding great sites, I am going to be glued to the computer.
I think there's an entire 'fuck with' department located in some back part of the Pentagon. I just recently figured out my overseas mail has been tampered with - some of it possibly stolen outright! There's no other explanation for my not getting certain cards and letters I know were sent. Mail doesn’t get lost quite that often!
Wonderful rant. I feel the exact same way. Keep tilting at those windmills, my dear. I still believe that eventually good does triumph over evil; even if I do despair about the state of things from time to time.
FLS- We all dispair from time to time- that is why we need to vent...and let it rip-We can not be silent...and I should tell the truth- it is imporant...otherwise WHO will know or believe how bad this can be...
I am so sorry about foreign mail- INTERCEPTION IS NOT covered by any LAWS period- and you are not the only one..I have heard this alot...and I also have had the same experience....
Trex- you came come here anytime...always welcome at the Enigma Cafe...I will even save my Trolls for you to smack around ( I ususally sweep them out the door pretty fast)
graeme- you can raise your fist anytime, raise it high ...
jr::: Oh goody a friend for Fluffy- send Maddog photos....fluffy says grrrrrr Bring it ...
Good nite folks....enigma going to craw off into the back..stay and visit the tea and coffee are still on..
Found your place, will be back tomorrow when I can spend some more time reading. Are we stuck in the same midwest red state?
I ain't a'messin' with that dog, man. That is one scary dog!
Well, if you [or anyone else] ever doubted whether you should continue or not - hah - I thinks the answer's here for all to see. Keep it coming, enigma.
Btw, thanks for worrying & trying to be helpful about my 'comment alert emails' problem - but guesse what? Yesterday, 38 missing ones arrived out of the blue -- all together. Weird or what, eh?
RICH: any red state is rather hellish isn't it ?
PT: oh, the stinkin'badges....I hate when they do that...
NEIL: Lovely to see you... Down Fluffy....Fluffy NOOoooooooo
[[hmmm....where did I put those bandaids]]
THIS OL"BRIT: I 'm still here, yes indeedy....and thanks...and I am glad that things are under repair over on your side of the pond...stay for some tea....
I love your energy and spunk, lady! You can rant like nobody's business!
Yes, it has become a crime to care about toxins, children, pollution, spying, the planet...apparently.
Great to see you around, love your comments and learn a lot from your raging text!!!!! Keep at it. And by all means...
I think I need a curse jar...:)
Lilly- such high praise for the Enigma...myohmy...and after I used such foul language and was worried that everybody would run out of the cafe for fear of watching my head explode...You are spunky too, Blogatopia needs us spunky feisty ranting woman...the fate of the Lands is up to us womenfolk...
( sorry guys but it is true...and I don't mean it in a controversial way...I mean that when you have this many mutant assholes in suits in DC fucking things up you need more and better manpower- and that means women..Doubt me? Think and read about the French Resistance...or the Underground Railroad....and then get back to me...)
And to other visitors here, and that means lurkers too, go over to Lilly's she has a great blog- insightful, sharp, kind of like those knives that Laura keeps having to take away from Georgie....and very funny...and great graphics...and she has a nice posse over there too...
Keep blogging it Lilly- and you know the cafe is always open for you...I will even leave out some scones for you...
( and we know I sweep the trolls- unless T Rex comes by hungry for trollie ears for his necklace...)
You deserve high praise- you speak the truth. Many will not want to hear it, but it has to be said. Thank you for your kind words.
I actually came by to tell you that I worked on your "Jumpsuit DeLay"... as referenced elsewhere... nothing makes me feel warm and cozy like making mockful mugshots of republicons..
How's the Perp Walk dvd coming????
Hey Enigma! you totally stole my dog! I posted that same picture (without the fluffy label)on December 2, 2004.
That's cool though. He is an awfully cute little guy and I can't get too territorial because I borrowed him from another website myself.
Good post by the way.
Hmmm ..stolen dog...He is busy chewing up the Woodward pile of books...when he is done I will send him back your way....
hmm, Alaska might be a little tough for him to walk all that way...
but if you need him back...let me know...
( don't you think "Fluffy " suits him? )
Some of my story may indeed look unreal, or not rational. Sadly It is real. If you want to learn more about Other situations that might help you understand Whistleblowers, and things that happen to them. Judi Bari.org is one place to start. Also rent the Insider. And Read the Civil Action. And sadly look up the COINTELPRO projects.....Maybe if all of us learn more we can fight back better, and so some other mom won't have to go through this.
Does Fluffy have a cat-o-nine-tails? If so, Fluffy needs to come over to my house and "train" my poodles, if you know what I mean.
I do the same thing with my wife's first novel when I see it in a bookstore. I move it so it faces out instead of just the spine facing out. Our youngest daughter and a friend actually moved it from the shelf in one Borders to the front window!
I spend time each week reading rightwing Christian blogs. Am I crazy?
SM: you a poodle man ? I am shocked...Fluffy loves training.... anything...About moving the books- that is so sweet- between your daughters and you your wife should be a best seller...( and at Borders no less...)
Now about the Christian right wing blogs- hmm....don't tell Fluffy....( you are lurking over there right ?, we love lurkers here at the cafe)
Holy Crap Enigma,I had no idea you'd been through so much(though it might help if I kept up with your blog,eh?Sorry for that).
Which is why you shouldn't stop blogging.I have a feeling my mail is being tampered with too,movies are missing from Netflix,magazines are arriving later and later than ususal.I know someone's been in my car AFTER I'm sure I locked it,and something's up with our phone,it clicks or the line is sometimes dead when I pick up the phone.
I hide the gun mags behind the Cat Fancy magazines,lol.
Hey E4E,
I love that you go into the walmart and rearrange the gun mags. Fantastic! I'll have to take a gander at my local store - I still haven't walked into a walmart for about four years now - and see if they have gun mags.
Incidentially, it looks like you have many different points in this one post. Would it be possible to split the post up into about two or three different, but shorter posts? just and idea. As a person who loves to leave comments, I get lost on posts that have more than two or three great ideas on them. And then my comments get all muddled. No worries it that twists your writing style into a knot. It's just a suggestion.
Blog on, Sister. Blog on.
AOB: You are always welcome here...and yeah, it has been hell...and I have not said much about it...until now...seems like the right time..
Windspike: I wish I could break it up, but you see it is all about ONE thing- ILLEGAL SPYING, and sadly it has taken me YEARS to be able to talk about it ..... I admit I rambled in this rant- but sadly 4 years of HELL will do that to any sane living breathing person...but here is an idea- read it in pieces..read some ,....take a breath...have some tea..and come back later...( maybe in small doses it is more tolerable )...I know others write shorter posts, but I kind of treat this like a newspaper column twice a week...and then you can sit and read a decent editorial....but I will go back later and see if I can smooth it out for you....as I said it was quite simply a rant....and I like the comments long( especially with no trolls and no spam) then it is like a bustling little cafe with people talking to each other....
Kvatch: Oh, how you thrill me and tease me...I will have to return the favor...I am running over to check out the emblem...is some kind of Token from the Grand Wizard?
( hmm, now that was rude...a Hekuva Job Award?)
That lapel pin was classic! Hilarious, En. Go see.
Blognonymous for those that don't know what we are talking about- go. Kvatch has unraveled the mystery.
hey there Lilly-
So Kvatch's link did not work...
it went to the old blog- but thanks for sending people there......
so try this http://blognonymous.com/ , and let me know if that works...
Nice one. Love that dog!
Enigma: I had no idea about your situation, but I guess my post nearly 2 wks ago about Say Anything Sammy Alito's boo hooing wife dovetails nicely with your post and why exactly we should be screaming from the rooftops about the illegal spying: (I'm not trying to blog whore either... just want to express the same sentiment)
"Boo frickety hoo Mrs Alito. I feel ZERO sympathy for you... unless of course you just came to the horrifying realization sitting in that hearing what a racist misogynistic prick you are married to. And keep this in mind Mrs Boo Hoo: Women who are forced to have back alley abortions cry alot, too. People who are tortured cry, People who have their privacy illegally invaded by warantless spying cry. People who are forced to goosestep before their dictator/monarch cry, too. Grow up bitch, and make sure to bring a box of Kleenex b/c we're all weeping for the demise of America that your asshole husband is actively killing."
Again... I can't even begin to know what your situation has been like, but we all need to speak up before all of us have our lives destroyed and invaded.
hello, enigma4ever, you have picked up another reader...i do not blog, prefer to spend my time in reading and correspondence (every writer needs an audience, eh?) and look forward to the reading of this blog...
if you or your readers have not done so, please have a look at this site i think those of a similiar mind will enjoy it!
Hmmm. Thats how I get to our beloved kvatch...what an...enigma. I'll look into my confusion.
Another Link for you on worker safety. Hang in there, En..
Hey you go girl!!! loved this post..hope you keep fluffy tied up with a BIG chain..he looks mean as hell lol.
Yeah..the "peanut butter" protest at Halliburton was considered terrorist activity..i almost shat myself when I read THAT one.
Dusty- Love that little kitty- soooo cute- down Fluffy...be Nice...and thanks for letting me rant...
Lilly- morning---and yes I still have to fix my link to you something is not riht..thanks for the article..
Goth- thanks...luv backatcha...
Maniaec- (sp?) new folks welcome anytime...have a read... I am not so sure about the Link you provided as of "like mind" but maybe I missed something?
Tina_ thanks for your thoughts...we will all get through this Wretched effin Regime...
Kvatch you have indeed Won us all over with your Token Expertise....I hope everyone runs right over and takes a look at this Handsome Jewelery....Where can we Get One?
( I confess I have been back three times to look and laugh...)thank you....
enigma4ever, it is "maine-iac" as "i live in Maine"
and by "like mind" i mean people who agree with this opinion
"Cause you see under Bushco the Big Chemical Companies didn't have to fix their gates, or their fences , or their security holes, but they could give lists of "troublemakers" to the Government. ."
and this one
"When Fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in a Flag carrying a Cross". Upton Sinclair wrote this in 1933, wise soul. It ain't on the way baby- It is already here. I have Prayer Flags and a Buddha in the Bedroom- so I guess I am officially screwed or off to a work camp."
and all of the others that you so eloquently express
Disreputable Lazy Aliens
I am so sorry Maine friend...
I was definently not trying to offend...please excuse my dyslexic error for what it was- a slip of the letters- getting up reading the sunday papers and not enuf coffee on board will do that- so sorry...
and I am appreciative that you Got What I wrote...really...
About the Aliens link...I went there..but I felt a bit overwhelmed...but I will head back and give it another chance- okay?
Your On E4E. Next time I come over, I'll be armed with a double machiato. Blog on sister, Blog on.
Windspike: I will always try to have extra coffee and muffins for you..but I agree- I need to smooth out my text next time...(the Rant just got away from this time..it was like trying to type with hot matches in my hand)....
Worried American: Thanks for your comments and your concerns- please send anyone you want over this way...it is important that people KNOW that this is real..can happen to anyone...( I am now heading over to your blog)
enigma4ever, no need to apologize (you can't be too careful about what gets posted in your comments, the point of your post, eh?) and i don't care what i'm called as long as its not "late for dinner" (hahaha)
thanks for following my link and yes, that site is definitely overwhelming...i find that i have to skim and speed-read, see if i can get the point and then go back and read some more if it interests me...yours is much the same...
Quantum Physics in the bathtub, indeed...one of my favorite subjects as well...
( and on Desperate Housewives Gabby kicked the Nun's ass)
on another more serious note... a question...a BIG question:
QUESTION: ( Enigma's Question of the Moment)
So if the Rumors in Blogatopia are indeed TRUE...and Christine Amanpour's Line was tapped last year- during the Election....isn't that a problem?
( her husband was on Kerry's Advisory team....)
Just asking...some blogs are saying to watch Raw Story and Atrios and Kos this week- some "things" are "abreaking"
I don't know what it means..but I am willing to watch and find out....
Have a good week folks.,..New post on Tuesday..
gawd almighty, enigma, this is OUTSTANDING STUFF...where have you been hiding???? just had a quick go through your blog, do you have any concerns if i cut'n'paste your letter to Dubya, embellish it with my own thoughts, sign it with my very own name and send it to my duly elected representatives who are bound by whaever ethics they might have or by their oath of office to listen to me? or send it to the King, himself???
and if one letter a week won't work, then i shall send 2 (like Mr. Andy Dufresne, a fictional character in this movie who REFUSED to be institutionalized!!!)
will it get me on a LIST? I cannot wait, I love lists, come and get me you evil, right-wing, men-in-black members of the corporate oligarchy who want to take my country away from me and have it for your very own....i paid my f***ing taxes!
One Quick Note ( before the Enigma shuts down for the night- the cafe stays open 24/7...but even occasioanally the Enigma, a free-wheeling Insomniac falls asleep)
(1) Maine Friend: Please do write, cut& paste and call your reps- I would not waste breath or paper on the King at this point- but Senate and Congress need a swift kick to get in gear....ASAP...and we all have to do what we can to get OUR fucking country back...and that isn't ladylike- but so be it...
( THINK ABOUT IT... for me..I am paying to be spyed on??? does that make any sense?...they say the Power is in the Money- and we pay THEM...maybe we shouldn't pay them....just thinking..)
enigma, fortunately, my representatives are women, who, while being republican in name, exhibit compassion and empathy, as is the wont of the fairer sex...
re:insomnia, as i emerge from my life-long battle with substances and resulting depression, it seems that the 10 hours a day i used to spend sleeping has had a cumulative effect, and now, i get by just fine on 4-5 hours and occasionally "oversleep" to 7 hours...so you shall be hearing more from me!
I see "worried" arrived long before me and I had missed your earlier comment on isamericaburning
So glad you didn't shut this down. The more voices the better.
Best wishes.
You should seriously consider throwing some baking powder in a nice big envelope and mailing it to yourself. If it comes back opened, you can only imagine the hilarity that must have insued on their end.
enigma, re: not paying taxes, there are consequences to that action (liens against and/or taking of my home which i would not be able to stomach, so i shall be a good boy and let them have their tithe...it is not the taxes that really drive this insane government, but the rampant consumerism (more! more! more! and all for me! me! me!) that is the real problem...
Nice post.
Man, Upton Sinclair nailed it. Give the man today's gold star.
I stopped reading after the photo (reading's hard!)
That said, Fluffy is my desktop photo o' the day.
Drew is the man!!! THAT gets a gold star.
Enigma, did you watch chimp on tv? If you were close we could both throw shoes at him together.
Methinks you need a new post before the comment spool goes down to Texas. And you know what they would do with your comment spool there....
With a rant like that I am going to put you on my blogroll,,,and fluffy.
Didja get my email? What plan are you cooking up????
Enigma Back....Sorry
(1) Blogger has been giving me difficulties, so sorry about the delay getting back to folks..could get to other's blogs- just having trouble with mine ;-(
But here's Back-at-cha....
( New post tonight)
LILLY : Emailed you back twice...with some evil plans...did you get ? I will stop by your blog....and yes we need to give Drew some sort of award...
WithinReason: I love that name!!! You can add me to your roll and Fluffy too, be careful though, I mean we all know how vicious Fluffy is...
REX: you can put Fluffy on your Desktop anytime, gee I hope he behaves himeslf- he is The Destroyer after all...
CRUEL ANIMAL: So glad you came by...and yes, Sinclair Nailed it ....and in 1933 no less...another era of great Fascism...
DREW: you crack me up...Although my son is dissapointed all those Victoria Secret Cataloges have not gotten to the house ( yes, I know that I shouldn't order those what with all of Gonzo's Protecting the Children and all...I know the Goons are sitting somewhere enjoying them....
GRANNY: You are welcome here anytime..and yes, you are right, the more voices the better...
ED-DOG: You are welcome here anytime , thanks for your input...and thoughts
Maine Friend: Hey there...come by anytime...We'' keep this dialogue going.....
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