Sunday, July 23, 2006


Lebanese Forced to Bury Casualties in Mass Graves

This Video of Mass Buriels that MSM will not show and should Show.The Truth.Please share the Truth. Namaste.


sumo said...

How sad for the loved ones that remain to see this done to their families.

enigma4ever said...

SUMO: I so heartbreaking...and if this were on local news alot more people would be up in awful...wrong.

meldonna said...

I'm still waiting for a check to come in so I can upgrade to a newer computer, so I'm unable to watch online video. Probably not a bad thing; I came across an article earlier this evening that profoundly upset me. I wasn't exactly sobbing, but it was a close thing.

I think maybe it was the photo that put me over the edge; Ali somewhat favors my little brother in appearance when he was 12 himself. Maybe if King Fucktard could picture old Babs in that abaya, he might get a bit of an idea of why the world is anguished and angry.

And I bet the Americans stranded in Beirut have had a glimpse of the frustration the Katrina folk tolerated; I understand you have to sign a waiver to pay back the cost of your emergency transport to get out of Lebannon. Once again, no humanitarian catastrophe is without renumeration for these moneychangers.

Jesus has wept to the point of dehydration.

gugon said...

You're right - this is the kind of news people should be getting. We are so insulated here in America - so warm and safe in out little cocoons.

Michael Bains said...

namas te indeed.

It's a total shame and terror that so many folk don't get that.

enigma4ever said...

Namaste is said to Mean many things in means "I share your pain, I am with you", I learned this during the tsunami...and that is how I mean it these days....

And yes , it is a shame that more people don't get IT....I hope and pray that they get it soon.

enigma4ever said...

Okay I am stunned I went over to Graeme's and saw some sniipy quotes that were susposedly me- that I left on his blog - about MASS Graves...I NEVER wrote them- I was horrified- WHO the FUCK Did such a

Graeme said...

I don't know who wrote under your name or how that happened. That is the problem with haloscan, I don't think they have a user verification. If you want me to erase them, let me know

enigma4ever said...

Tom: thank you for what you wrote..and understanding what I was trying to say...

Graeme: thanks for fixing the haloscan error- or whatever the hell that was..thanks...