I was going to post New Snow photos...But they are TOO white...so this is actually from earlier in the month...and 3 feet of snow earlier ( apparently this is the Snowiest January in Ctown...ever, gee I am shocked)....Below is a round up done late last night....I will be back later today....Scroll down there is plenty below on earlier posts this week....Have good Friday...
WHY I think it is fair to say that we all feel raped and pillaged by Bush and his Criminal Oily Cronies.....
1.3 Million are are left without power, heat, and water in Middle America.....due to a Winter Storm. And the Repugs have the NERVE to ask WHY we need work on Infratstructure ?
Lee Stranahan wrote a great post over at Huffpost about about ALL the Layoffs, he raises some good questions and some important issues......
Do go see Skippy and learn all about Blogroll Amnesty Day that starts on Saturday.....it's a wonderful thing....enjoy....
Fallenmonk is doing a great job following the Peanut Butter Fiasco....
Wonkette really pays tribute to Blago nicely.....hehe...
Annette really gives Kantor some Well Deserved attention this week. I have been very torn WHO is the Bigger Asswipe of the Week- Kantor or Boehner..I remain conflicted.....
David Corn has a great post up about Obama's Stimulus Package and how the GOP is reacting to it....
And because I have been cursing the GOP Rethug Asswipes ALL week....Here is George Carlin's SEVEN words....just cuz..... ( and if you need more george- I linked a favorite to the title).
Okay I confess....I am having train urges...Get out of Dodge urges...so here is Pat Methany" Last Train Home"....the joke is where Would I go ? Where would you take a train ?
New Music...." Home" by a band I stumbled on called Blue Rain- very very good...
Friday Wisdom Eeyore grumbling to Pooh:
"It's snowing still," said Eeyore gloomily.
"So it is."
"And freezing."
"Is it?"
"Yes," said Eeyore. "However," he said, brightening up a little, "we haven't had an earthquake lately."
Obame declared 8 Counties Disaster Areas that can NOW apply for AID....something Bush NEVER did.... I blogged the NW Floods in great detail earlier this month from 1.7.09 to 1.10.09, you can review more here....