Monday, April 06, 2009

COBRA to become more affordable...Click the link to learn more..

I hope his helps people and wakes up the Government about NEED and how many people are truly effected....(I think it will...)


Fran said...

We were all psyched about this new program until the double whammy/Anvil came down on our heads. ...

the employer is to cover this difference.
If the employer files for bankruptcy & money is frozen, you are SOL. (shit out of luck).

Our employer declared that they were self insured, therefore COBRA does not apply....

but first they pulled the plug on the health insurance coverage without telling 2,200 employees.

Followed up by 3 words:

Class Action Lawsuit

enigma4ever said...

thanks fran for pointing out the Pitfalls...

unreal about the self insured part... and the bankruptcy...

personally the system is beyond broke- and is still too expensive and people should not be scrambling and having to pay more....

I am so sorry for what you family is trying to navigate- it ain't right...