4.9.09 Sattelite Image released ( Guardian):
The WorldView-1 satellite is operated by the US imaging company Digital Globe, which snapped the North Korean rocket on its launchpad last week using another satellite called Quickbird. Allison Puccioni, a senior image analyst for IHS Jane's, said it was the first time a satellite had captured a rocket mid-launch.

This is a photo of South Koreans watching news of rocket launch from a railway station ( Guardian article Sunday AM). ( I would prefer to see more photos and images and even video, which it seem like would be accessible ? Their leader does love filming things ? ) Sunday AM Guardian article here has more details.
Articles as of 11:30PM:::
Times Online from the UK...
There is a brief article on the BBC.....
11:48 PM:::
Yet This Article from China was posted an hour ago- and it says the Rocket has not been launched, and is Imminent....
11:51 PM:::
Here is More in which is says that the reports are coming from Japan and North Korea.....
From China's Xinhua's report they are now saying it was indeed launched .....carrying satellite and that the boosters fell into the Pacific.
BUT already earlier today Japan had claimed that a rocket was launched, so we really do need Better Reporting on this situation, accuracy, and photos....
This is supposedly a "recent" photo of Dear Leader ( I think it is questionable- anyone else think it looks photoshopped ?) Anyone else wondering if he is even alive and functioning ? and WHO is really in Charge there ?
No good news here, the Dear Leader (psycho NK) has just upped the ante, w/ ICBM in his crazy hands, and two US citizens in custody they hold the high cards..
Too bad the right will go crazy about this why did Obama allow them to launch...rember how Bush allowed the Chinese to capture an American surveilance aircraft???
Christ for some good news....
All I know is if that they were monitoring what came out of my back side today like they do North Korea, I would be labled as a Nuclear Threat.
well i say NK should speak out and admit proudly that they are developing long rang missles. i mean US and Japan etc want us to beleive that they are peacefull and unarmed and that they are not developing any weapons and not waging wars. come oooon!!! the US gloat each day that she has the stronges army and most advances amrs technolongy .10000 nuclear heads ready to be launched and destroy the whole world if they want.missles that can reach any place on earth,bases all over the world,nuc subs roaming the seas,attacked Irak and killed 1M iraki to destroy weapons of mass destruction and it turned out as we all espected a skam and and a lie and no one judged it or said a world, bombs other countries and supports wars wages on civilians in lebanon and palestine. US is the most agressive and warlovig nation in teh world but if a country tries to have missles or nuc tech they threaten it with war and destruction.and the only reason NK and Iran are developng weapons is teh counter the US thread bcz they have seen wht they did in afghanistan and irak and vietnam and korea and yougoslavia. tell me all of u there where is justice and equality when it comes to the US ?? they say charity begins at gome . lets see that in action
Take a breath...NK has a right to space, Iran has a right to nuclear power. The other nations of the world have a right to defend themselves from any evil offshoot of these things. But I wonder, do we need more war on the planet? Isn't there enough already?
NK especially wants the world to remember that it exists, what they fail to realize is that the Chinese are NOT going to come rushing over the Yulan to defend them if they commit themselves to war.
wow..walking man- that was well said.....thank you....
I still have seen nothing to document the event- the Japanese had said mere hours earlier that a rocket was launched- but it was not true...
we don't need more war...and we don't need more troops in afganistan ...and we need to get out of Iraq....sooner..than later..and gitmo needs to close- and we do need to promise justice for bush- the rest of the world needs that...
red eyes:::
you have your opinion and that is fine...that is how you see it.....
I do thank you for always putting everything in perspective...LOL....
so sorry friend....yes the right will go all nutso on this- and yet FOX did not report on it last night...really odd....I actually think we don't know who is really in charge there...( and see if we still had some kind of relations we would know alot more....)...it's gonna be a bumpy spring....
I agree with Walking man. Korea launched a rocket... yawn. How many wmd has the U.S. tested this year? N.K. is a threat like... uh kinda like Iraq was a threat. The only countries nutty enough to use Nukes are the U.S. and Israel. And Israel would be stymied and as powerless as NK EVEN WITH a nuclear arsenal if not for the blanket protection of America.
I just can't feel the imminent danger of this event. It's like a U.S. general, circa 1890, saying the Apaches have gotten gatlin gun technology...
well i respect ur opinions. but if we want to be real well u cant force peace on other countries and u cant force not to develope weapons especially when u are the biggest weapons developer and the bigest war maker. its like a man driving an 18 weeler wants to make a man driving a honda buy an elec car but the 18 weeler will continue to drive the 18 weeler and polute way more than the honda.
red eyes.....
gotta tell you- most of the folks here are very much Anti War..and protested ALL of the crap that went on for the last 8 years....and have spent the entire time trying to end war and bring the troops home...the odd thing is that neoconal repugs that like that kind of thing are very few....Obama is trying to reach out to other parts of the world and let them know the bush era is done- BUT I do worry about Afganistan and his plans there....
but no most of the people that hang out here are very much anti war...anti military complex....there are alot of us in America that the rest of the world does not know about , because the fricking media never even bothered to cover our protests....
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