Weapon X a American Iranian wrote this song about 10 days ago.....
"They don't care about us" ( mashed up now more than 50 times for Iran, and this version has a very touching part ahout half way in...)
Going Green for the Forth...
No one should ever die for their Vote...or be terrorized by their Government....No One.
"During times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." - George Orwell
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Tuesday June 30th, Day 18 of Election Fallout and Uprising in Iran

Many are wondering what happens now in Iran, after 18 days of The People's struggle to demand a Legal Election and that their Votes be counted. At first there was outcry against the results, millions took to the Streets. Then there was the demand for a Recount. Then there was a demand for an Annulment. But yesterday the Guardian Council handed down their decision, that the Election had been "fair", and that 10% of the Votes had been re-examined.And the State TV continues to say that the Vote was fair, and that Ahmadinejead won even more votes. Please do look at the photo from the State TV story, please note that the Ballots are not even FOLDED. ( pointed out by an Iranian).It was a rigged Election, and now has been falsely legitimized.
Read here how Ahmadinejead says that the Enemy Plots have failed in Reuters...
The Guardian is still trying to put a Face on the Detained or Dead. Please do read this post. Please remember many of these that are Detained, are Imprisoned, for no reason, other than they were on the street.And others were protested the Legitimacy of their Election . Others were journalists that were covering the Election.Others were wounded that were taken from the Hospitals. People are trying to investigate if there is any way to send in International Red Cross and check on the safety of the prisoners at Evin Prison.Evin Prison is by some accounts "full", and supposedly people are being kept at other Facilities now, the veracity of that issue needs to checked, but it remains concerning. At this point remember people were also arrested for having cellphones and cameras....and the Exact Number of how many detained is Questionable ? Estimates are that 2000 have been imprisoned in recent weeks.
And what is their fate ? and will the Government really plan to execute all of them ? or some of them ? and the Journalists ? and the Students ?
Detained in Tehran, about the Greek photographer This photographer has been detained since June 17th.
What Iranians go through to get their story out...
This Human Rights Watch Report does detail how the Government is terrorizing it's own citizens. HRW and Amnesty International continues to monitor this situation closely.
The Sunday LA TImes had a very good story examining the situation there and raising some interesting questions please do read.
Andrew Sullivan 's post The Revolution is not over is striking and thoughtprovoking....
This site continues to have amazing updates and photos...
Nico Pitney posted this on Huffington Post yesterday, and it has been making the rounds on Twitter, please do watch this video of Life in Iran today...in a Military lockdown....(this was filmed on Sunday it is believed).
This video was found via Twitter last night ,( it was filmed in the past 5 days? it is disturbing, but there is no actual blood in this video, but it needs to be seen, and has been forwarded, it clearly shows what a Street Clash looks like.) it is footage shot bravely by a woman , appears to be filmed with a camera, as she wears dark robes fully cloaked, she holds the camera up to film part of this, it appears it is a street scene, there is a crush by paramilitary units, but from somewhere ? above ? gunfire admits, there is also Basiji , in a matter of seconds, there is crushing chaos. Even though the paramilitary units with various uniforms have full armour and Shields they too are swept up dodging bullets,they also do not appear to understand the language. Note the casings on the ground and hitting the sidewalk.It is unclear if this was a protest, or just people going about their daily life.The video ends in a hurry, with gunfire still echoing....It is unknown what happened to the camera woman....
About the Police, or some of the Basiji that get paid 200.00 a day for beating people.....on the street.
Troop of Riot Police bashing cars in an alley:::
Nico Pitney posted this amazing photos link, must see,....
And Tehran Bureau brings the story from the Students Perspective about What Happened when their dorms were attacked..
very haunting and sad.
Please do read posts below, especially the one from yesterday with the Ann Curry Interview with Mrs.Mousavi. My Comments remain disabled, email me comments or updates.Thank you.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday June 29th Day 17 Of Iran Uprising...

Enigma Note:::I am still working on Update...did not get home until late..therefore the update is late- my apologies,Hey to the Canadians up in BC- anyone have video or links or photos or video of the Amazing Human Chain that was last night in Vancouver ? Let me know- email me- thanks....
Ann Curry Interviewed Mousavi's wife, Zahra Rahnavard, before the election, really amazing interview. She is so careful about how she asks questions and respectful...and The Answers are more poignant in light of the events of the past two weeks....Watch for yourself...
Visit msnbc.com for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy

"We Shall Overcome" ( video dedicated to Iran, the audio of MLK's great speech, and music...very moving....the maker did admit that three of the photos are bloody- but they have been seen on paper and news, and CNN, they are not new...still an amazing speech to remember and hold dear..)
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Sunday June 28th...Day 16 In Iran Uprising Updates

8 British Embassy Staffers have been "Detained" or "Arrested".
BBC states that they have been arrested"for their part in the post election "riots."
More from CNN Blograises more questions than answers.
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) — Eight local staff members of the British embassy in Tehran have been arrested in connection with the country’s post-election unrest, Iran’s government-funded Press TV reported Sunday.Asked about the arrests of the local staffers, an official at the embassy would only say, “They couldn't’t come to the office today.” The person asked not to be identified because he is not authorized to speak publicly on the matter.The embassy’s official response was that it had seen the reports and were following up on them, a spokesman said.Meanwhile, the Foreign Office in London said it had recently “received a number of, sometimes confused, reports that British nationals or others with British connections have been detained. We continue to raise them with the Iranian authorities.”
A Foreign Office spokesman further added: “People with connection to the U.K. have been arrested all week.”
* ( I did check the TIMES -UK, and Guardian and The Independent to try to verify this information, but it was not online yet.
Campaign Center of Un-Named Presidential candidate seized ? read below
From Tonight at 3 AM
Voice of America::: More about it here
"A report published Saturday by the pro-government Fars news agency says police in Tehran seized a building that was operating as a campaign center for an unnamed presidential candidate. According to the report, police claim the building was being used as a "command center for psychological warfare against Iran's national security."
Opposition PLOT described in The Guardian Is very concerning, and worrisome. If Comrades have been "interrogated".
Snippet from The Guardian::
Jailed Iranian reformists have been tortured in an attempt to force them into TV "confessions" of a foreign-led plot against the Islamic regime, it was alleged today, as the country's guardian council buried hopes for any significant revision of the disputed presidential election.According to Iranian opposition websites, the "confessions" are aimed at implicating Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi, the defeated reformist candidates, in an alleged conspiracy.Mostafa Tajzadeh, Abdollah Ramezanzadeh and Mohsen Aminzadeh, all Mousavi supporters, are reported to have undergone "intensive interrogation" sessions in Tehran's Evin prison since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's disputed re-election.
They are among several hundred activists, academics, journalists and students detained in a crackdown coinciding with the brutal suppression of street protests.Prisoners reportedly heard screams from Tajzadeh and Ramezanzadeh in Evin's section 209, which is reserved for political prisoners and is run by the hard line intelligence ministry. Aminzadeh, a former deputy foreign minister, was heard shouting: "I am not going to give interviews."
Amnesty International said the reports came from "very credible sources".
The guardian Council has declared there were no major violations in the vote, which it described as the "healthiest" since the 1979 Islamic Revolution. It had already rejected a call by Mousavi, for the election to be annulled because of suspected vote rigging.a senior cleric, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami, told worshippers at Tehran University: "I want the judiciary to ... punish leading rioters firmly and without showing any mercy to teach everyone a lesson." Ominously, he used the term "mohareb" – "one who wages war against God" – a crime punishable by death.
Khatami's sermon, broadcast live on state TV, included accusations that the unrest was supported by Israel and the US, and that foreign journalists had reported falsely. He claimed Neda Agha Soltan, who became a symbol of the opposition when her death was caught on video, was a victim of protesters, not the security forces. "Government forces do not shoot at a lady standing in a side street," he said."
Women and the Vote , Tehran Bureau
Reza Azla's post in TIME about The spirit of 79 revolution.
4 PM ??? or 6 PM??? Tehran time the rally for the Martyrs Gobyl sq. who knows ?? Twitter was confused...and had both times...I guess I worry if the campaign ce
nter was seized yesterday, is the "legal" rally really legal ?
10 AM Update
According to CNN, Martyrs rally is to be held, at 10 AM ,( NO other source of confirmation) BBC and Guardian and NYT are no longer Liveblogging. ( and not other new reports from Independent or TIMES) ( Rally said to be legal ad to be held at 6PM).Which would be about now- 6 PM is Iran time). ( during night it was reported by Saeed on the CNN desk. So that is the only confirmation the rally is planned) See Comment Thread.
10:30 AMUpdate:::
CNN story on the Planned "legal" rally today ( will put in Comments)
Do read Nico Pitney's Huffington Post, he is still liveblogging it updating by the hour.
More being tweeted by Andrew Sullivan
NYT liveblog will be back on Monday. Guardian as well.
11:50 AM More news::
CNN just updated about the rally 17 minutes ago, confusing story still unfolding , but worth reading.
12 Noon ::
Video from today Remains unconfirmed and does not match the CNN report, ( will keep checking)
Translation of the video label here::
"June 28, 2009 Gathering of people protesting the election results - July 88 th to the mosque located within cassock Shariati Street"
Please note on the video, they are wearing Black, men and women, and I did not see any cellphones filming. They are chanting: " Today people were chanting "Where are you Beheshti? Mousavi's left all alone." & "Ya-Hossein Mir Hossein". They were chanting to the Deceased Martyr calling his name to help and protect Mousavi, and Mousavi was NOT present at this event. ( Leading to many questions as to his whereabouts , safety etc). But What they are chanting proves that this tape is authentic.Also The tape says location is Shariati Street ( tweet update below - says that is where riot vans are headed).
Very Brave People.....very.
June 28, 2009 12 :15 Tweet Analysis ( after following multiple threads):
Gathering of people protesting the election results - July 88 th to the mosque located within cassock Shariati Street .
Thousands were on the street estimates are 5-20,000 people, and Uncertain if the "Forces" recognize this as a Legal Gathering, There are motorcycles and tear gas. ( these tweets are following the events between 8-10 PM)
Latest Tweets Analysis as of 12:30 :::
"Riot vans are heading there."
MORE amazing footage from today:::
Footage with of Protesters at the Mosque
From Nico 's Blog:
2:14 PM ET -- More video reportedly from today. This incredible video shows Mehdi Karroubi, the other reformist candidate to run in the presidential election who has now allied himself with Mosuavi, marching along with the crowd.
2PM on CNN they ran this update:::
Be back later with more news. Email me, as comments remain disabled.

Enigma Comment:: This photo is Evin Prison where hundreds are being Held without charges, many arrested on the streets, many from their homes and now it has been confirmed that some have been removed from the hospitals. Many are students, activists, educators, and Journalists, and Wounded people. The Numbers range from 475 to Hundreds ( One EU Human Rights org estimated over 2000). Many are regular hardworking people that did nothing other than question WHAT happened to their Vote ? They are Now Imprisoned.
Please do write to the UN and Please do write to The International Red Cross and ask is there ANY way that the Status of those "Detained" and now Prisoners at Evin Prison can be Checked.Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch are already working on this issue as well.
Still calling to God on the Roof...Allah-o-Akbar..(thanks to nico for finding more).
Today's video Really Amazing...Bon Jovi and Andy ( Iranian artist) sing together " Stand By Me" ( more down below)
June 24th Bon Jovi and Andy Maladian ( well loved Iranian Musician) went into the Studio and recorded "Stand By Me":::
"Stand by Me" ( with video and photo montage). Great to use, if you want to talk with Friends...beautifully done.
( posted during the night, and reposted this am)
"Stand by Me" ( with video and photo montage). Great to use, if you want to talk with Friends...beautifully done.
( posted during the night, and reposted this am)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Saturday June 27th, Day 15 of the Uprising in Iran....

CNN Blog confirms tonight what many of us have been reading on Twitter for days, and dreading confirmation, but it is true that the Government Police have been hauling people away from the Hospitals to Prison.
Another question that has not been explored or raised, this also means that the Medical Staff are working in a very dangerous situation....It is also questionable whether these people that are hauled away, if there is any way to track WHO has been arrested and where they are , and whether they will be given any medical care. I hope SOMEONE with UN, Amnesty International or The International Red Cross is demanding to see the Arrested in the Evin Prison .
Letter from a Tehran Hospital....please do read. And this SITE still is tracking the Dead and Killed that are Known, even though names are lacking, it close to 100 as of last night, with atleast 475 still imprisoned, after being arrested, but both numbers may be much higher.
First Tehran Film Maker speaks out in this amazing post in Tehran Bureau , must read just posted tonight. It gets to the heart of the matter about people must not be silent at this time.
Updated List of Detained/Arrested Activists, Educators, and Journalists via Tehran Bureau and Reporters Without Borders and Amnesty International . ( I did cross check). This list does not have the MISSING. On twitter, many have noticed that accounts have not been updated since the 13th, and in past two days Some Account are suddenly being used again but they sound different.It is thought that perhaps the Basiji are accessing the accounts by using confiscated phones or worse measures.
Human Rights Watch has more that has been ongoing there, from Thuggery to beatings to Night Time Seiges on Homes.
Another Concern about the Students, now that the Universities are closed, it is difficult to ascertain more information about Missing Students and sadly families are having to contact the Morgue. This is one such story, that is heartbreaking it explains that families did find their son, dead and tortured and the Government is refusing to return his remains.
An article this am that High Religious Leaders in Iran are the ones pursing the Possible Execution of the Protesters.... It is very difficult to understand or grasp the notion of Respected Religious Leaders ordaining or ordering or condoning the Harsh Treatment , Torture or Execution of people, students, Educators or anyone ?
And yet according to the TIMES in UK Ahmadinejead had planned a Purge the whole time.....
And as these concerns continue, another issue that has arisen is that now the Government is planning to pursue the harshest treatment possible for the protesters, possibly even execution according to Persian papers. Anderson Cooper on his blog weighs in on this issue, asking "Is this Islam". Sadly CNN won't air this important issue, they would rather celebrity-monger giving us 24 hour coverage that Micheal Jackson is still dead, yet it is paraded nonstop across all stations. To Say it is disturbing is the least of it, on another level as a viewer it raises questions about MSM enabling the Dictatorship there.
This editorial explains and examines some of what the Media is wrestling with during this Media Blackout.
And there is more Amnesty International has more on the Situation and their concerns as this crisis continues.
So What is it like in Iran and Tehran right now after the brutal week, and unrest for the past two weeks ? Now that the Internet and Twitter out Iran has crawled to a whisper, many are wondering what is going on there. This Guardian post has from Within that was written by a Iranian UK student that has just returned home that gives a very good description of what it is like.....
This account from the Financial Times ( ME) gives another account of WHY people still go to the roof every night to call to God, to Allah, written from Within.
Even though there is a hushed feeling looming over Tehran at this time....Change has come, as this article points out from the Independent.
"Crowds gone but Tehran changed forever", insightful article, hope for the future for the people and women.
And this article in The Economist, Called "It's far from Over" also has some other insights that need to be heard.
Iran's National Poet Speaks Out....
Suggested Reading from Iranians:::

A Canadian friend ( Iranian) wrote to me and told me that Americans don't maybe understand some of Iran's History and the symbolic places that people have rallied. So she sent this article and said it would help explain the History of this moment.
article about the Azadi Monument....the Freedom Monument.
Another Canadian-Iranian sent this WSJ article that gives an inside look at the people there... and shows that they are not different than us ....not at all.
How President Obama's Statements are resonating outside the US
BBC about Obama's Statements on Iran and their significance .6.26This link has been widely twittered and followed.
More Examination on the Election Fraud
The Guardian is continuing their investigation into the Election Issues, and is dissecting the results that the Government has made public. It raises some real questions , especially if one compares these current results with the last election. This story will not go away because the severe Crackdown now just raises more questions about how legitimate was their election, because if it was a credible win, then scrutiny should have been allowed and a Recount should not have been an issue. Do look at this graph even if you look at the graph in the Persian paper, you can see the numbers are trending in an odd way. And this article carefully explains how Ahmadinejead could not have won,logistically not possible.
11 PM Song for the night "Stand by Me", Bon Jovi and Andy Madadian ( Iranian artist)
and then there is this one the WeaponX Song" Time for A Change"....
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead
Again My Apologies, Comments have been disabled due to hate mail ( temporary). Please do email me. Thank you.
Be Sure to See the Micheal Jackson MASH Up Videos below for Iran...they are amazing.
Really Amazing Videos Dedicated to Iran:::: And yes, they are Micheal Jackson Mashups....the First one is a Lesson in Humanity it will stun you..
Yes, it is a Micheal Jackson Mash Up Song Dedicated to Iran, "They Don't Care About Us"- tonight there are over a 100 of them on Youtube. ( atleast 20 with The Don't care about us", and more with Beat it). This one is particularly welldone, at the end of the video, 1 Basiji have been injured off his motorcycle, and the crowd takes care of them and gets him help...really really amazing to see....it shows such humanity...Please watch....."They don't care about us" ( NOT graphic, no real violence in this video...intense ...but poignant).
"They Don't Care About Us'
Watch this video where the Protesters protect the riot police,
it also shows such humanity, they form a chain....
*( I learned tonight that MJ gave many concerts in the Middle East these past few years and even some in Iran to raise money for Children Charities....so I think he would understand the Mash Ups being made....may he RIP.)
"They Don't Care About Us'
Watch this video where the Protesters protect the riot police,
it also shows such humanity, they form a chain....
*( I learned tonight that MJ gave many concerts in the Middle East these past few years and even some in Iran to raise money for Children Charities....so I think he would understand the Mash Ups being made....may he RIP.)
Many Tributes to Iran tonight and all weekend.....my slideshow: "The Sea of Green"... Tribute to the Courage of the People of Iran...
![]() |
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Make a Smilebox photobook |
Please note that Smilebox takes a little time to upload, and then keep your curser on the right side of the page, in the middile and gently click the arrow when it is facing right so that the pages advance..it's a little touchy....but see what you think.
**{{ Please note this is my first slideshow with music...very rough.....the song is called the March of Destiny...The photos are from Flickr and Twitter ...the People and their cellphones telling their story...I could not find a Candle Light Ceremony near by...so this was my silent tribute...namaste...)
Beautiful Candlelight Street Vigil , Not sure where this was held- 6.22.09 uploaded to Youtube today:
Beautiful Illegal Candlelight Ceremony held outside Tehran University posted 6.26.09 really amazing....the Universities are closed now....and who knows how many died there and are missing..so so sad...and so brave they honored them,...
Joan Baez sings "We Shall Overcome" and sings part of it in Farsi...very quietly done...looks like it is in her kitchen a private concert....
Beautiful Video families, men and women and children setting off Green balloons on a Beach in Dubai to honor Iran... Share on Twitter...Below is the actual video:
And yes, a MJ Mash Up about Iran....( There are many on Twitter tonight, and some of the photos of MJ tribute In Europe people were green and green armbands...
(( Please note that these two posts were moved to the top so that people can find the Solidarity vigils. Again my comments are disabled at this time, but email me with photos or video if you want them shared or know or a rally that other readers might want to attend....thank you.
Solidarity Rallies, Vigils, Silent Screams planned for today and this weekend.....

The Battle Within continues in Iran, many sources are still doing an amazing job despite the Media Blackout, and bloody crackdown of the government. This weekend there are Solidarity Rallies scheduled around the country and the world.. Please do click the Title to find one near you....and do read the Statement about Solidarity that the Mayor of California issued a few days ago it's in the comments.
"Imagine" with photos from around world ,
Not sure what a Silent Scream looks like ....beautiful.
Green Baloon Release in Tehran.....These were also held today...around the world...
Amazing Micheal Jackson Mash Up from Huffington post. I am working on one too....because it does have graphic photos.....it is still poignant.
At this point due to hacking and hate mail comments are limited to my updates and you may email me your thoughts or if you wish to share....My apologies, after taking all proper security measures I am sure this will be temporary. My Update post Day 14 will be up later today, for continued coverage you may go to Huffingtonpost, Guardian, BBC, or CNN Online.
posted late Thursday Night...move to sat nite
Friday, June 26, 2009
Iran Uprising Day 14: Turmoil Continues as Government Continues Bloody Violent Crackdown Against it's Own People

(Short post, will update more later.)
12 NOON Update:::
First Some Good News, so today President Obama made a very strong statment, it is worth reading about it and the G8 Meetings in this Canadian source that reported it, it really made it clear where he stands and is done in an effective way.
6 AM
Iran's top Legislative Body declares Election "Fair" In Reuters.
Guardian has more about the Iranian Newspaper that the entire Staff has been arrested. Reported by The Guardian and Reporters without Borders and Tehran Bureau.
Letter from Tehran Hospital..heartbreaking and disturbing.
BBC Newest Update, Mousavi defies the Crackdown...
"Mir Hossein Mousavi has not been seen in public for days.Iran protest leader Mir Hossein Mousavi says he holds those behind alleged "rigged" elections responsible for bloodshed during recent protests.In a defiant statement on his website, he called for future protests to be in a way which would not "create tension."He complained of "complete" restrictions on his access to people and a crackdown on his media group."
Beautiful Video explaining Iran,
Basjii, Secret police and Military Units of varying uniforms ? are still continuing the ordered Crackdown.Her Basiji destroy a neighborhood This video shows the damage, you don't have to watch it, but someone worked hard to get it out to us. So I for now will continue to post links to the Truth.
This 10 minute video shows more of their Bloody ruthless Thuggery,it is a street scene from the 24th. ( please do see the CURRENT information I put up yesterday about how they Basjii work in Iran.
The War Within is explained by the Tehran Bureau, The Ayatollahs are in strife...
Last night there were rumors of a compromise, read here what is really behind this rumor, and why it is no "compromise".
1 PM More updates below and some in Comments and do read yesterday's post for more. More will be updated later.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Iranian Uprising Day 13 : The Brutal Government Crackdown Continues ....but the Iranian People's Courage Persists....

Women are a huge part of this story, In my lifetime I have never seen women on the street fighting side by side with their husbands and sons and brothers. They are a part of this struggle in a way that none of us would have foreseen a week ago. The images of them gathering rocks or protecting a wounded person or listening to their Voices on the videos is Historic.We always hear about the Fierce Lion Spirit within Iranians, but I think what we are really witnessing is the rise of the Lioness Spirit....it is courageous and Fearless. In this video of protests from yesterday you can clearly hear a woman's voice leading the Chant through the smoke of the tear gas.
USA Today explores the history changing role women are taking in this Uprising. Their courage has been breathtaking. And this article also explores the shift that their role has added to this Uprising. I many of the late night Smuggled Videos I watch , they are the ones filming with cellphones, and of the twitters I read I can tell which ones are women as they sit in the dark texting out the events of the day. For now it is illegal for them to carry those mobiles and to be seen filming, they are risking beatings and imprisonment or worse for carrying a phone.....but it does not stop them from reporting the Truth or from going to the streets.

As this Iranian Government continues it's Media Black Out it is interesting to see how effective their brutal crackdown will be in suppressing the truth. Considering most information has now come down to cellphones and Twitter and some hidden computers and creative access to twitter. This article has more from some very different reporters and journalists and how they see it. In a way the fact that they have been so severely Silenced shows more about how important Freedom of Speech truly is, and now how dangerous it is in Iran. A week ago would anyone have perdicted a Country's Future was so connected to people being able to use cellphones and Twitter ? And that lives would depend on their ablility to do so ? Native Americans used smoke signals, the Iranians are being as creative at getting their messages out and staying connected. This Huffington Post article takes another critical look at the role of Citizen Journalism in Iran at this time.
More from the BBC about the situation there in the past 23 hours shows how difficult things have become in a matter of days. BBC map shows the protests.....and the city of Tehran. geographically tracking the situation and putting it in context. BBC (UK) and Persia despite many constraints are providing amazing coverage. Here is an Interview done by the BBC with the Doctor that tried to save Neda's life...really stunning.
Cellphone Video from Looking Down on Basharastan Sq yesterday 6.24.09, the bloodiest day yet. This linked video clearly shows how the Situation has degenerated into a situation where any single street can easily within minutes become a battlezone situation. The Video shows that the protests now have a flash mob feel, and then the Basjii desend like locusts swarming and attacking at random. The Video is grainey, blurry, but still the horror these people are experiencing as they are terrorized by their own Government is disturbing.
One of the main twitters last night was people trying to get information to the Iranians on how to protect themselves when attacked by the Basji, it was chilling realizing that so many were trying to reach out to them and offer them help with this simple link an anti riot website. And so this being my first week to Twitter, I have spent the past few nights twittering Riot Protection Advice, tears gas care, and how to put pressure on a gunshot wound,...Again the enormity of people worldwide sitting up late into the night trying to send them this help is surreal. But after watching the video above, how could I as a nurse not try to reach out and help. But what moves me is that so many others around the world are doing the same thing....
Worldwide Vigils and Rallies of support are being planned this week look for one in your area.
This beautiful video below is a Candlelight Vigil that was held in Vancouver, it is called " The Scream of Silence".Really Stunning.
Really amazing photos capturing the situation.....please do share. In an odd way it has been amazing to watch as more and more reporters have been expelled over this week, and others arrested, that the Coverage has come down to photos capturing a moment in time that truly tells the story. And even more Orwellian now that People sending the photos out or even having a Camera or even a phone are being arrested and beaten. It makes the photos a precious connection to a people in danger.
And just when we thought the Iranian Government could not paint the situation more in a more irrational deluded light, They now are trying to tell the Neda story as that she was killed by Outside Terrorists, and they claim they have a Foreign Bullet. Which is ironic, since the family was not returned the body properly for burial and they have now been forced to flee their home.
Two women tell their tale of escaping from Iran, they are clear about what they went through.
When I heard their tale above I realized that many are now trying to get out of Tehran and Iran. I hope that some of the Twitter people that we are missing are escaping.Persian Kiwi is one of those people..... People following Persian Kiwi please do go to this blog and look for updates.....
For those that don't understand the Brutal Basiji are and how they operate in Iran, and the risk they pose, and the power they wield, against citizens and against the Media and Journalists...This Mini Doc by CURRENT explains alot. CURRENT, this is Al Gore's online channel , also has more on Iran that is worth seeing.
Cleveland article presents some interesting information about the situation, and shows how Iranians here at home are watching this situation unfold.
Aljeezera coverage Asks some really interesting questions and raises new angles to the story.
Aljeezera also has an amazing update today and footage that must be seen that proves that Protesters in the street on June 20th were being shot at from above it is Chilling and gripping and well reported.
One of the most disturbing revelations that came out over the past 24 hours is that Mousavi met with 70 University professors in the past 2 days, now it appears from different accounts they are being held, Some reports like this CBS one say they are being "detained". Where as Tehran Broadcast is openly reporting that they have been arrested and are being held by the government.
1 PM That is all for now...more updates later today. Please do read Huffington Post LIVEblog by Nico.Pitney he is really covering all angles of this situation....
8 PM ...checking Twitter and updating post for tomorrow..sadly we all know that with the Sandford Foolishness, and the Deaths of Micheal Jackson...the media will slow down their coverage of Iran...so so sad....and frustating...have a good rest of the night...Another update tomorrow..
Please do read the post below it explains why I have disabled comments for now.
Good Morning, Day 13 Uprising Update being worked on.....will be up soon.

First a Quick Message. Have been dealing with two issues I need to share. For now while I am doing Uprising Coverage, I am asking that all Comments be emailed to me, due to security issues. It is a temporary measure.
I am still reporting on the Human Rights Aspect of this Situation. I try to provide updates while also providing resources that make the situation more clear. I do not have time to engage in Political Discussions at this time. And also since I have some Iranian friends who read this, I don't want them to feel unsupported at this time. And this blog is providing resources/updates to some other Journalists at this time, including Twitter updates, so I am leaving the thread open for that, so don't be surprised to see them in the Comment Thread, they are an important tool for covering this situation at this time and getting information to the media. A week ago, this was just a blog, but at this time it is providing a service on a different level, and I need to respect that change. That it is helping people Within be heard and their story told.
So please do email if you wish to share. Thank you.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
WORLD WIDE VIGILS AND PROTESTS PLANNED ....( click title to learn more).
Tonight's song....John Lennon "Stand By Me".... song about standing together...
Worldwide Protests , vigils planned to show solidarity and support...
I have had to engage comment moderation...so sorry....
Message from Mousavi, he asking that the World show Solidarity with and for the American People this Friday.....Please Do read Below from Huffpo:::
12:29 PM ET -- Solidarity. We noted earlier that Mousavi was calling on supporters to release green balloons tomorrow and take video or photos of the scene. NIAC translated the Mousavi Facebook message:
"Ok, now all the world are going to show their supports to Iranians... This Friday, We all are going to send GREEN BALLOONS to the sky to show that now ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ARE IRANIAN. On 9/11 everybody was American, NOW THE WORLD IS IRANIAN."
Worldwide Protests , vigils planned to show solidarity and support...
I have had to engage comment moderation...so sorry....
Message from Mousavi, he asking that the World show Solidarity with and for the American People this Friday.....Please Do read Below from Huffpo:::
12:29 PM ET -- Solidarity. We noted earlier that Mousavi was calling on supporters to release green balloons tomorrow and take video or photos of the scene. NIAC translated the Mousavi Facebook message:
"Ok, now all the world are going to show their supports to Iranians... This Friday, We all are going to send GREEN BALLOONS to the sky to show that now ALL PEOPLE OF THE WORLD ARE IRANIAN. On 9/11 everybody was American, NOW THE WORLD IS IRANIAN."
Iranian Uprising Update Day 12 : The Government 's Bloody Brutal Crackdown is in full force upon the People. And the People are resisting.

Important New Videos below show Military Presence in Crackdown Scroll Down in Update to 1 PM
First I need to say that there are many that are Liveblogging and following this situation closely at this point. Huffington Post is still liveblogging it, and so is the NYT.....so do check with them during the day. I am continuing to Blog the Human Condition not the politics of this situation. People there are still going to great parallel,risking their lives to get video and photos and text messages out, and I feel compelled to make sure they are Heard and their Truth Known, this is their story and it must be shared.....(I hope that my readers understand Why I am covering this situation, I spend part of the day digging at Twitter and forwarding the videos and photos and texts, and then I update the blog). President Obama is correct at this point the world is Bearing Witness...
Sadly as the Crackdown toughens there it has been harder and harder to get more information. Cellphone and Internet is sporadic and people have to keep moving about to get messages out, most of the video that is coming is cellphone video and Twitter ( text) messages are telling the Increased Lockdown they are experiencing. During the day, more areas are seeing troops on the ground in different areas of Tehran and neighborhoods. And a Military Basijji HQ has been set up at the Sports Stadium. The people there are resisting and are beyond brave in many of the videos I link to....They are seen yelling when the Bassji swarm or attack people on the street, they chant and yell at their motorcycle units that swarm through the city. And yesterday there was footage of more Enforcement Presence, the military ? or police on the streets.( posted yesterday).
Do scroll down and see President Obama's Statement on Iran from yesterday's Press Conference.

Because the People can no longer safely take the wounded or injured to the Hospitals because the people get arrested there, they are having to provide high level First Aid on the street and in their homes.First off over on Twitter, people have been posting First Aid links for the Iranians of , So I made a Site that has ALL the information in one place. Here is what is on the site:::: First Aid in Farsi, Tear Gas Care, Gunshot wounds, Updated Embassy Maps and WHO is accepting wounded,Head Injuries, Eye Injuries, How to Make a Street First Aid Kit, CPR, How to make a Tourniquet etc. Check it out and do Share on Twitter. ( tell them to click the link twice, Blogger is acting up- but it does work). Thank you.
This is what was updated last Night at end of Day 11th::
I stand corrected about How Many Reporters, Photographers and Journalists and yes, Bloggers have been arrested it is Now 34 according to Reporters without Borders
7 PM update:::
It turns out above I asked about the clerics joining the Protests, It turns our that CNN did indeed do a story about it.
Tehran Bureau Update for tonight..people there are tense..scared...worried.....and on the twitter it has been very quiet.....too quiet. Today there were orders that came out that they are no longer to go to the roofs...well, I don 't think they can stop them ...millions of them calling to God...
Please do see the Video Posted below that shows what Home Invasions are like at night, and shows the sheer terror they are wreaking on neighborhoods during the night.
This LIFE photographer missing as of June22...
During the Night:::
Human Rights Watch of list of people detained, or killed. ( updated, and as current as they can be. I am not sure that this list has all the Journalists, Bloggers, that the Reporters without Borders had listed. And I also wonder if Students are on this list. I am also very concerned that the Sports Stadium in the video is not just being used as a Basiji Headquarters for the Military action against the people, but that perhaps arrested students and protesters are being held there. It is something someone should try to check with Google earth satellite imagery. The Salon post below details an account by a 17 year old who says he was moved from place to place, and when I read that account I could help but think of the Black Vans in the Sports stadium Videos. It is also to be noted that there are 475 arrested according to multiple sources, all the way from June 13th, and we don't know where all of them are being held. Some are and were held at Evin Prison.
Shirouldi Sports Center being turned into a Para Military/Basjii HQ Filmed 6.22.09:
This Stadium is where the Black Vans arrived on Monday.
First Some Footage from BBC Persia showing the people protesting using their cars from June 22nd, this really shows that the people are resisting and strong....and creative.
WARNING: graphic photos and horrendous story from Salon: This is the story of 17 yr old boy arrested a week ago, tortured and moved place to place because it was assumed he was a protester. He also describes that some of the "police" that were holding him did not speak Farsi.
More Basiji Thuggery filmed and explained on BBC Persia. Graphic Footage- warning.
This came across Twitter as "Basiji Paycheck". Photos of the thugs getting paid ??? please do see how many they are .....
Daytime Street Scene in Tehran...And Basiji and Plain Clothes Gangs swarming the street, randomly beating and grabbing people. And yet it is inspiring the way people are yelling back. One man seems to be the main target, and they beat him until he is limp and then they scoop him off and cart him away , while they do, as they reach the edge of the frame you hear a gunshot.Again filmed with cellphone from up above looking down.
9AM Update:::::
Roger Cohens latest post NYT, remember that Roger is still there, and for how much longer he will be there is not known.
Fareed Zakaria's Newsweek article....
According to the Independent, it appears that Mousavi is under "24 House Guard".
Tehran Bureau has this post that really gives an inside view.
One Iranian Photojournalist's story
Stories from Within sent via emails to BBC....
Amazing photos from an inside look...showing the angst...
New Post up at 538.com about the situation.
11:30 AM off to Twitter, it is Night in Iran...after 9 PM....people will be going to their roofs soon to implore and cry to God....Even though that is outlawed now to.
1:30 PM Update do read Persian Kiwi's Twitter in Comments from Last Few Hours before dark- absolutely horrendous and worrisome...I send her and all them prayers,....many...
WARNING MORE DISTURBING VIDEOS FROM TODAYThis Video was just post only 300 views, twittered put up in Youtube today 6.24.09, Military Presence HUGE, and More Violence, and It must be from yesterday with cellphone.
Very Close Up Footage of Violent Street Fight,very very Intense video, turn sound down...
and take a very deep breath if you are going to watch this one, it shows a very very intense street fight,
so intense and bloody that I can not embed here, But it is worth looking at even the first 10 seconds as it shows
middle age educated working class people fighting back. Then there is a very bloody scene of someone
very wounded trying to be moved- it is heartbeaking....and WHY I posted the First AID Site above...The man does die in the video, and it is much more graphic than even Neda's video, and yet I will never know his name. He too died with his eyes wide open.
Here is the Video I apologize but it must be seen knowing
a week ago these people were protesting a week ago .....\
Reports from Within via Twitter updated in Comments
Dear Readers, I do apologize for the typos and errors....I am only one person...
Namaste...prayers to Iran.....maybe we all need to go to the roof....
June 24th ...More Updates and Photos 1 PM Update..
photos and video from flikr and twitter and friendfeed:::

Neda 's famiy forced out by the Government.....
Woman calls CNN and shares her Inside story....haunting story....

Neda 's famiy forced out by the Government.....
Woman calls CNN and shares her Inside story....haunting story....
President Obama's Wall of American Health Care Stories.....WHY we need Healthcare for All

Really Horrendous Home Invasion Video, captured on Cellphone as a Family watches and films.....
Warning very disturbing video, but a family filmed this, peaking through their porch railing, as the Basiji arrive , a full pack of them, 10-20, and destroy property,swarming their courtyard and then they start invading homes in a small compound of apartments....the woman filming is terrified....as the tape rolls she begins to cry and shreak in despair as she realizes they are going into the home. It is clear she is very scared for her neighbors and family members....
And for anyone that asks why do they go to the roof and call to God....Please do share with others, Twitter it or post it...
And for anyone that asks why do they go to the roof and call to God....Please do share with others, Twitter it or post it...
17 year old Boy tortured by ParaMilitary and Police and Basiiji , Salon Story....horrendous
A part of me wonders if we should be saving all of this, the videos and the footage and taking it to the International Courts for Crimes against Humanity...really seriously concerned, if any other reason, the people that are sending these photos and videos to us are risking their lives.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Iranian Uprising Update Day 11 : The Government Crackdown is in full force upon the People. And the People are resisting.

No One Should ever have to run for their lives from their OwnGovernment.
No One.
( This Post will kept at the Top and updated throughout the day )
Be Sure to Scroll down and see President Obama's Press Conference where Iran was discussed and he made a strong statement.
First Update On Liveblogging and Daily Updates:::
The Best Source to follow this situation closely remains Huffington Post where Nico Pitney is still liveblogging. Please do see his updates yesterday about the unrest is spreading to outside of Tehran, it has now spread in spite of State Run TV propaganda.
NYT has also put together a page combined with the LEDE team that is following closely.Also Google has Citizen Tube where they are updating the Video collection Daily.And CNN has really started covering much better ( since Sunday when Don Lemon literally manned the anchor chair for many many hours and took this story to a new level.) MSNBC other than Keith remains a horrible void on this issue. The Financial Papers also are covering the situation from many angles, which if there is a National Strike is an important piece of the situation, Reuters and WSJ are covering. Youtube and Twitter continue to be the main ways for the Iranians to get their story to the World. Andrew Sullivan of the Atlantic Monthly's The Dish is also doing an amazing job reporting by using Twitter as his source. There is finally a meshing of MSM and Blogs and Citizen reporting that we have never seen before in Journalism.
( Google in a matter of days has not only set up not only Farsi translation services, but also added google earth satellite imagery, and Citizen Tube for videos, and meanwhile Google News is tracking over 20,000 blogs,articles and news resources daily on the Iran Issue ALONE.The deserve much thanks for their creative dedication to assisting this journalistic process.)
If you read yesterday's Update you saw that there is a substantial list of Arrested Reporters and Bloggers. So coverage is still a fragile process that could not happen without the courage of the Iranians who now are being arrested and beaten daily for carrying cameras, yet they are still filming with their cellphones.

When you look at the photos and the video I am asking you to think about this, What would you do ? If your Election was stolen and Blatantly so....Millions of Votes ? And then when people protested Peacefully and asked for a Review or a Recount or a Review If was Denied and the Election was officially Stolen , What would you do ? And then let's take it further, the Government of power, stolen power set forth Crushing Forces upon the people, shooting people, beating people in the streets, and arresting people in the Night....What would you do ? Would you film your neighbors being beaten and arrested and shot ? Would you risk your life to get the film and photos out to the world ? Would you want the World to see The Truth ? And if Armed Forces invaded your street what would you do ? I look at this photo of this woman with her rocks...and the look in her eyes.
For in Iran, now the people that are protesting and resisting this Sham of a Process, they are now being labeled as "terrorists" by their own Government Even though Millions had taken to the streets peacefully. And now yes, they arm themselves with rocks against the Basiji Thugs on their motorbikes and the Paramilitary Force. But it is the Thugs coming through neighborhoods destroying cars and bashing property. In my lifetime it is the first time I have ever seen women on the streets with their husbands and sons and brothers in such a tumultuous dangerous bloody situation. And as a young American Iranian woman said yesterday, "What Kind of Government beats grandmothers ?" Please do see her moving full 3 minute CNN interview below.
** Many Videos of this Government Ordered Violence and Thuggery are posted below Sunday Night scroll down, those videos were snuck out at great risk via stealth of night and Twitter and cellphones. **
Really Amazing CNN Interview from 6.22.09:
1:35 AM Update::::
The News that broke in the Middle of the Night is that the Guardian Council will not nullify the Election even though there were and are Known Issues. The Supreme Leader was the first to Bless the Rigged Election and now the Council is continuing to enable this fraudulent process even further. ( The "recount "issue is still a process that is in turmoil, now there is an offer to Count "Some" boxes ? Even though the first examination revealed that there was over 100% turnout at 50 cities . So what does that mean now ? It means that Internally in Iran, all the processes that perhaps could have enabled a Recount, or even an Annulment with a new Election as Mousavi has requested is no longer a realistic option. But do remember that there is still much to happen and that is ongoing there is Unrest and Division in different factions of the government, and as I posted below the Clerics are not all siding with the Government....so the situation remains volatile and on many other levels unresolved.

It is in no way normal there for a Cleric to join a Protest and stand side by side with his people in the street yelling at the Government....especially after the Supreme Leader Spoke so sternly on Friday.
The Guardian is still covering this story in depth and has this article that explains how complicated this situation is.
Now there comes forth a new story of how cruel and crushing this situation has become The Iranian Government is now charging a Bullet Fee of families that must be paid before they can claim the bodies of their loved ones. At first they denied Anyone had been shot, and now they are charging for the bullets.

Neda 's story changed alot of How this Uprising was being covered , but also how the information in Iran got OUT to the rest of the World. It in a way became a pivotal moment in fighting Censorship in Iran and Anywhere now in this digital age. Read this NYT story for full look.
More about Neda from a lengthy article in the LA TImes.
6 AM update::::
Revolutionary Guard Commander refusing to use Force as ordered by Supreme Leader This Article and This Story is JUST A RUMOR, if you see if on websites or on the Twitter, please set them straight. Reputable Sources have put this rumor to rest.
Christian Science Monitor has new study that Iran's Election was indeed stolen and explains it in greater detail. They have been working this angle for days and they have really studied it.This is their 4th article on it.
On another note , my other blog, The Uprising also has all of these posts and is where I intend to archive the liveblogging so that this blog will run smoother. Many people are still using this blog as a source for daily updates and it will continue to be so. If in a hurry I also do put some updates in the Comments.
You also can find me on Twitter, just look up "watergatesummer" .
Nico Pitney just posted this video over at Huffington Post, it is video from today in Tehran Even with the Roving Bands of Enforcement Police and Thugs on the street by day, These People are still resisting chanting and yelling en masse, in unison...Beyond Brave.
10:30 AM::: More Updates to Come through the Day, Today President Obama has a Press Conference. Nico Pitney of the Huffington Post will be there to ask a Question, please see his blog for more on this Presser.
IMPORTANT PLEASE READ THIS Nico Pitney just posted this and it is worth forwarding , especially for those of us monitoring Twitter:
"10:12 AM ET -- An Iranian on Facebook says he's in danger. An Iranian who has built up a large Facebook following by posting a consistent stream of new videos and images from Iran's demonstrations left this message today: "The Iranian agents attacked Our home, attacked people there and keep looking for me across the country." It's a frightening reminder to appreciate all the citizen-produced media we are receiving from Iran. Recording the state's actions puts a target on your back.
If you see any other messages like this from Iran's web users, let me know."
Now even Director of the UN is accused of "meddling", Read more here in the BBC about Iran's latest outrageous allegations....
In The Guardian there is this fine article explaining What Protestors and regular Citizens now face when Arrested by the Iranian Government during this Crackdown....
This amazing video is from today, Tehran and shows that the people there are beyond brave, They are fighting back and resisting still, using their voices, gathering in large groups and even grouping together their cars. And yes the Military is on the streets., A Bystander made this video, very brave. And the video posted below shows More Street Protests in Tehran.
1:30PM Update....
President's press conference was excellent- really spoke about bearing witness and spoke with force about what is going on in Iran, his statement is linked in post above. He spoke with grace, heart and wisdom.
I stand corrected about How Many Reporters, Photographers and Journalists and yes, Bloggers have been arrested it is Now 34 according to Reporters without Borders
7 PM update:::
It turns out above I asked about the clerics joining the Protests, It turns our that CNN did indeed do a story about it.
Tehran Bureau Update for tonight..people there are tense..scared...worried.....and on the twitter it has been very quiet.....too quiet. Today there were orders that came out that they are no longer to go to the roofs...well, I don 't think they can stop them ...millions of them calling to God...
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