This is Merle Savage, a Clean Up Worker from the Valdez Oil Spill of 1989.While blogging about the Current Gulf Oil Spill and the possible health effects for Clean Up workers and residents, Merle very nicely left a message and introduced herself in the comments. As the Gulf Oil Disaster continues, workers have been complaining of Flu Like Symptoms and variety of other complaints, and are now showing up at Emergency Rooms in the Gulf. BP has been dismissive of their complaints blaming Heat and even labeling complaints as " Food poisoning." Merle reached out because she too was concerned about the Workers health and safety.
So I read her work and links and I also called her and interviewed her by phone, as a nurse I wanted to hear her thoughts and concerns and learn from her. She has a message and as she had worked the Vadez Disaster and did have health complaints and concerns. She also explained that many of the workers had health issues at the time,they all had a variety of symptoms from working the Clean Up of the site, they had the "Valdez Crud".
The First part of her Letter caught my eye :
"The workers who are cleaning up the oil in the Gulf need to be aware of the chemicals that will be used. I am one of the 11,000+ cleanup workers from the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS), who is suffering from health issues from that toxic cleanup, without compensation from Exxon.
My name is Merle Savage; a female general foreman during the Exxon Valdez oil spill (EVOS) beach cleanup in 1989, which turned into 21 years of extensive health deterioration for me, and many other workers. Dr. Riki Ott visited me in 2007 to explain about the toxic spraying on the beaches. She also informed me that Exxon's medical records and the reports that surfaced in litigation by sick workers in 1994, had been sealed from the public, making it impossible to hold Exxon responsible for their actions."
{ http://www.rikiott.com Riki Ott has been featured on numerous shows this past month and interviews and her interviews are on posts below.}
On interview Merle explained that they all worked long shifts and many did suffer the symptoms from being exposed to the oil and chemicals, they had respiratory symptoms, coughs,nasal and sinus irritation. Videos from that time people can be heard coughing and hacking in the background. She said they also had GI symptoms, as well.She said that they would wake up and go to sleep feeling that way with no end in sight, that it was common among workers to feel that way,"Fluish". I asked her if they were given respirators, or masks and she said no. She also repeated that she thought it would have helped to have masks as they were breathing the fumes in as they sprayed the rocks and coastline. She said that there were medical doctors and nurses available for assessment, but it's not clear why the Medical personnel did not intervene to provide better respiratory care or precautions for the coughing "Flu" plagued workers.
The other disturbing part of her story is that the Workers Health was not followed and that it does not sound like anyone other than Dr.Ott took an interest in their health after their important work cleaning the site. 11,000 Workers is a large number that should have been followed and offered followup medical care, after working such a hazardous site with exposure to Oil and Chemicals. Dr.Ott is currently down in the Gulf attempting to make certain that she can advocate for the Current Cleanup Workers health. It is true that there was a lawsuit and that might have prevented some sharing of data and documentation, but OSHA and NIOSH and CDC should have compiled and studied the data from this Event. And that data at this point would better protect current workers.
{ OSHA"s current factsheet for the Clean Up Workers does not fully address the Dispersant Issues or the respiratory risks. }
"Exxon developed the toxic spraying; OSHA, the Coast Guard, and the state of Alaska authorized the procedure; VECO and other Exxon contractors implemented it. Beach crews breathed in crude oil that splashed off the rocks and into the air -- the toxic exposure turned into chronic breathing conditions and central nervous system problems, along with other massive health issues. Some of the illnesses include neurological impairment, chronic respiratory disease, leukemia, lymphoma, brain tumors, liver damage, and blood disease. "
When I read this part of her letter, I was struck by the current use of COREXIT being used and the possible risks to Clean Up Workers. I asked her if they were given any information or extra protective equipment and she said no. She also very honestly described her symptoms and illnesses that lasted for years. She worked hard to fight the symptoms she was left with and to lead a vibrant life and to regain some balance of health. After reading what she wrote, one could not help but wonder, how many of that 11,000 were left damaged by the toxic burden of their Clean Up Efforts of 1989 ? And did any of them really get the help or care they needed ? And are we repeating those mistakes even now in the Gulf ?
"My web site is devoted to searching for EVOS cleanup workers who were exposed to the toxic spraying, and are suffering from the same illnesses that I have. Our summer employment turned into a death sentence for many -- and a life of unending medical conditions for the rest of us – Exxon’s Collateral Damaged." { Merle Savage's Website : "Silence In the Sound"}
Merle's website is excellent, very helpful for all to read. But after reading her site, and watching Ricki Ott on video interviews, I am concerned as a Nurse as to why BP is in charge of the Health of the Current Clean up workers and is OSHA involved and EPA and NIOSH and CDC are they monitoring the health of the workers ? And why aren't respiratory masks being given to the workers ? And why is BP being allowed to work the workers for long shifts increasing the exposure risks ? And the "Floatels" and the "Tent Cities" that BP is supposedly planning , WHO will monitor worker health and safety on site ? IS it unreasonable 21 years after Valdez to hope that the Clean Up Workers Safety and Health would be better protected than the 1989 Workers ?
I asked her what is the message that she would like to share with those watching the disaster unfold in the Gulf and also the Workers, here is her eloquent response:
"BP isn't going to tell the truth about how toxic the crude oil is. The President is listening to his advisors, who are uninformed about the 21 years of health issues from the Exxon Valdez workers, who were exposed to the crude oil. So who will the workers believe? BP has a cover their butt agenda, and Obama wants to kick someone's butt, and point blame at anyone. People in the Gulf have only one option, make their own judgement call, after getting the facts."
(Merle's complete letter is in comments if you wish to contact her ).
(Riki Ott video from June2nd post)
Dr. Ricki Ott Marine Biologist explains the Lessons from the Valdez Disaster: