Senate Bill 5 is worse than the Wisconsin Law, it actually will effect the Rights of Workers of the whole State, more than 380,000 workers. This includes Teachers, Police and Fire and many others. Many of the Cities, Towns, and Communities are also working to pass Legislation against this Draconian Law that Kasich is attempting to ram through to aid his Corporate Buddies...If you live in Cleveland or Ohio please see this and find out where to sign the Petition. ( We need 200,000 signatures).
** For many months Kasich has been pleading his case all over the State, that this wretched law is NEEDED due to the Huge Deficit, but this story from the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Blogger Plunderburd shows that the Deficit that he has whined about is not really accurate......
*** Do read this link to Public Service Workers Blog and it explains how since Kasich has taken office Ohio has lost over 22,000 Public Service jobs and he plans to cut more than 55,000 more. SB5 is about jobs and will effect jobs, and in the end won't save the state money....
If you haven’t signed the petition to repeal Senate Bill 5, please don't wait! And if you’ve already signed the petition, please spread the word to others! Here's where you can sign:
Cuyahoga County Democratic Party
1466 St. Clair Ave
Cleveland, OH 44114
Mondays: 12:30PM – 5:30PM
Tuesdays and Thursdays: 5PM – 7PM
Wednesdays: 8:30AM – 5:30PM
Fridays: 8:30AM – 12:30PM
Additional Downtown Locations:
LIUNA 310, 1st Floor Business Window, 3250 Euclid Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115, M-F 8:30AM – 4PM
AFSCME Council 8, 1603 East 27th St, Cleveland, OH 44114, M-F 8:30AM – 5:00PM
Cleveland Teachers Union, AFT #279, 1228 Euclid Ave, Suite 600, Cleveland, OH 44115, M-F 8AM – 5PM
SEIU 1199, 1771 E 30th St, Cleveland, OH 44114, M-F 9AM – 5PM
East Side Locations:
Cleveland Heights Teachers Union, 2490 Lee Blvd, Suite 106, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118, M-F10AM –4PM
Cleveland NAACP, 2131 Stokes Blvd, Cleveland, OH 44106, M-F 9AM – 5PM
Northeastern Ohio Education Association, 5422 E. 96th Street, Suite 200, Garfield Heights, Ohio 44125-5330, M-F 2PM – 6PM
West Side Locations:
Cleveland Firefighters Association Local 93, 3886 Rocky River Drive, Suite 3, Cleveland, OH 44111, M-F 8:30AM – 12:30PM
CPPA Hall (Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association), 1303 West 58th St, Cleveland, OH 44102, M-F 9AM – 4PM
Our activists have done some terrific work so far, but we have a long way to go to collect the number of signatures we need to repeal Senate Bill 5. Please don't miss out on this opportunity, and please spread the word to your friends and neighbors.
In solidarity,
Your friends at the Ohio Democratic Party
P.S. Senate Bill 5 is an attack on the middle class and it hurts worker rights and worker safety. It takes away collective bargaining rights and rolls back 28 years of progress for working families. Will you help protect Ohio's middle class by signing the petition today?
Fight the power.
absolutely Fran....so many states are suffering under Republican Governors...really stunning lack of compassion and common sense....
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