Saturday, September 02, 2006

Let's Impeach The President



enigma4ever said...

ah gee thanks Skippy....You all are part of my daily routine...gotta visit the Skippy...

( sorry to hear about some of the stuff your wee liberal brain does indeed suspect some funky shanannygans re. the hitratemeters etc.....)

Peacechick Mary said...

That's great. Thanks.

Blue said...

I love this! I hope you don't mind, but I'm posting this on my site too. Can't pass up an opp to let Neil sing on my blog!

Thanks for stopping by...I added a link to you!

PTCruiser said...

Very cool, Enigma. Very cool.

Anonymous said...

All my favorite pictures, thanks! I still think the character Gollum most captures Bush's obsession for the precious. well, that and him as dracula feeding off the statue of liberty's neck! D.K.

enigma4ever said...

Thanks everyone for stopping by to listen to Neil Young...I think we will have to have him to the Cafe again...Private Concert ;-)