Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sunday Night Music.....

"Stand by Me"....and "Shower the People"...Why ? Because it was a really hard weekend...for so many all over...So I am asking you to Stand by the people that Matter in your life....let them know you love them...that they are priceless....and yes, Shower them with Love and Hugs.....

I did alot of listening at work this weekend.. truthfully I do whenever and whereever I work.....and gave out alot of hugs...more than usual....One man in particular came to the market...said he was "All Done In"....He is a disabled Gulf War Vet, he comes in every weekend, usually for Beer and Sandwich materials, I let him know when the Lunch meats are on sale. We usually joke about Bush drunk down in Dallas, or about Rush etc....This weekend he said Nothing, he stood in my line, eyes watery and sad last night. I asked if he was Okay ? He said No...and that I was the first person to ask him all week...He said 8 Years of Bush just about killed him, that he was not feeling very hopeful...That he was Done,"wanted out".....We talked while I rebagged his goods over and over so he could keep talking....I told him to hang in there...come back and talk if he needed to..But most of all Don't Give up....Not Now...that we will all get through this...together...Not Alone....Somehow...

( and yeah, please say a prayer for Anthony.....and all the "Anthonys" that are so so tired, worn to the bone ...and yeah, if you can Listen and give a hug....)


D.K. Raed said...

this makes me so sad. the weight of 8-long bush-yrs was too much for so many.

enigma4ever said...

it's so so sad...and so Wrong..