RIP Elizabeth. Elizabeth taught us so much. She taught us how to Fight Things that are Bigger than us, and how to do it with Our Own Voice. She taught us how to speak Truth to Power about things that matter. And she did all of this while Fighting her own Battles. Her Cancer battle she shared with us so we could learn how fight back, but also she shared how important it is to do Screenings.She also shared her cancer battle and used it to show how important Accessible Healthcare is for all people, speaking out to DC and to Anyone who would listen. She also sadly had to endure a Betrayal of her marriage in the deepest most public way, and yet she still handled it with her own calm style and fortitude. Her last two books were on Resilence and Grace, and what they really taught us, is that you can not have One Without The Other.
Posted on her Facebook Page on Monday :
“I have been postulated via my hold up by 3 saving graces – my family, my friends, as well as a conviction in a energy of essential element as well as hope.”
Betrayed by her husband, her career over her son passed away, but still, she always looked on the bright side...Hell SHE should have run for president..
I will miss her...
Me too!!!
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