Christmas by Charles Cushman...Mobile Park 1951...

See...Lights have always been getting tangled.....

Apparently Santa got held up by TSA.....this photo was on Facebook and Twitter with some very funny captions....
One of the Best Unknown Hidden Treasure Christmas Movies around, by Berkley Breathed, has a whole Movie for Opus, and it's called "A Wish for Wings that Work" , based on Opus's constant need for Flight, wonderful humor, great writing and really wonderful Music, you can rent or watch it online HERE on Youtube....I double dog dare ya...
Rob Thomas singing a New York Christmas....really nice song....
For those of us watching Christmas Story for the Zillionith Time,Here is a link about the Actual Christmas Story House in Cleveland that has a Museum and Tours and other wonders.... And if you want to explore Trivia about the Movie this is a great website full of details...
The links below are from two posts that were passed on to me from others, they are about Struggle and Faith and Inner Strength and making Peace with what is handed each of us....
(1) Jonathon Turley's Post is really touching and thought provoking about the power of Compassion....to one and all.
(2) Anderson Cooper's Writer Friend who waged a valiant war against cancer.....beautifully written diary from Cancerland is not what you expect....it is humorous and yet also deeply insightful and very real. ( I posted this because I have three friends fighting cancer....and their battle needs to be honored even at this time of year...)
(3) Arianna Huffington posted about how to to Help People this Christmas in "The Goods " Section , it has many wonderful ways to Give back in Cause Cast...
(4) Christmas Cane Lane (LA) from the LA Times 1938 Photos....really Beautiful....

Santa did Leave a lovely little pile for 6-6....but it was not safe under the tree from 20 Pound Wonder cat...so It was up on my bed where little Yellow Dog could guard it....
Aretha Franklin Sings "Oh Christmas Tree" with photos of Trees from around the World...
1 comment:
love Opus! and Bill the Cat, too (fried brains and all)!
what, no Festivus this year, LOL.
merry merry hohoho to whole Enigma Clan!
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