Saturday, November 29, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving.....Patient Critters,Healing Turkey,Heater that hums, and being Thankful....and still hopeful.
"Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops... at all." ~Emily Dickinson

Xena waits for Turkey ....patiently....the smells stirred something inside her....and even though she is going blind, having trouble moving and can not always remember where she was going...she sat in the kitchen on her old bird perch and watched me for 3 hours making dinner, the snow had melted by Thanksgiving Day so she could not see the birds and squirrels, but she sat there anyways.....waiting knowingly....and smiling.
So I took a week away...unexpectedly, and in some ways maybe much needed.... It was a week of working too much, by the end of this week I will now have 3 part time jobs, and I hope that is enough....( at some point I will blog about them, only one is nurse oriented)...and then there was the sick Modem that refused to recognize my computer, and some other smaller problems.....but all in all still a wonderful Thanksgiving.I am still grateful for so much....for furry critters that for some reason still love my cooking...for a son that still likes my Turkey and even though he is a teen says things that are wise and insightful,and still cares about things...for Blogatopia that still makes me smile and have hope, even when things are less than grim....And that somehow the Neocons did not steal this Election...and that we get a chance to hope for I just pray that it is not too late. It was quite a month....hoping and praying that History would indeed turn a page....and that we would be part of it...
and we were....
In some ways I am still in shock...and in other ways I worry how much more broken things will be by January....King George has broken all the toys in toy box....even though they were never his to break. And sadly it will put added pressure and scrutiny on Obama, and I worry that much of what he offered in hope will be dampened because of the Broken Landscape he is handed....
I will do better to be Here.....and somehow get my Blogging rhythm back.....
Lorenna McKinnet below.....a beautiful fall song,"Between the Shadows" to go with a Fall Sunset I took from my porch...( I always crave Celtic Music in the fall).....

The Sunset......
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come." ~Anne Lamott

Xena waits for Turkey ....patiently....the smells stirred something inside her....and even though she is going blind, having trouble moving and can not always remember where she was going...she sat in the kitchen on her old bird perch and watched me for 3 hours making dinner, the snow had melted by Thanksgiving Day so she could not see the birds and squirrels, but she sat there anyways.....waiting knowingly....and smiling.
So I took a week away...unexpectedly, and in some ways maybe much needed.... It was a week of working too much, by the end of this week I will now have 3 part time jobs, and I hope that is enough....( at some point I will blog about them, only one is nurse oriented)...and then there was the sick Modem that refused to recognize my computer, and some other smaller problems.....but all in all still a wonderful Thanksgiving.I am still grateful for so much....for furry critters that for some reason still love my cooking...for a son that still likes my Turkey and even though he is a teen says things that are wise and insightful,and still cares about things...for Blogatopia that still makes me smile and have hope, even when things are less than grim....And that somehow the Neocons did not steal this Election...and that we get a chance to hope for I just pray that it is not too late. It was quite a month....hoping and praying that History would indeed turn a page....and that we would be part of it...
and we were....
In some ways I am still in shock...and in other ways I worry how much more broken things will be by January....King George has broken all the toys in toy box....even though they were never his to break. And sadly it will put added pressure and scrutiny on Obama, and I worry that much of what he offered in hope will be dampened because of the Broken Landscape he is handed....
I will do better to be Here.....and somehow get my Blogging rhythm back.....
Lorenna McKinnet below.....a beautiful fall song,"Between the Shadows" to go with a Fall Sunset I took from my porch...( I always crave Celtic Music in the fall).....

The Sunset......
"Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come." ~Anne Lamott
Friday, November 21, 2008
Late Friday Night.....More Snow, More Wind, warm thoughts below...

Another cold snowy day.....20's....15 with wind chill....animals are all in hibernation is I am working extra shifts for Christmas money....but the little yellow dog is not wanting to go out at all...poor little thing....With the High Winds...Cable and Internet have been if I am off for 24 hours again , please know it might be the was out from thursday afternoon to tonight.....ugh...
People at work were collecting food to give to local food banks....I guess many of them are falling short this another town in Ohio they are trading Food for Guns, for some reason my son said this bothers him, like maybe if people were not hungry to begin with they would not have guns ? I think he might be on to something....The Library is also collecting food, and they will erase your overdue fees if you give....I better get right over there for that...
In the Meantime there is some news below , about PTSD and also some Friday Funnies....
Charlie Brown- OutKast Style Christmas song...( I love OutKast, and their song "Hey Ya")
Need Something More Soothing....Alan Parsons Project "Time" ( Beautiful Montage...)
"How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people.”~ Albert Einstein
PAWS for Purple Hearts, Canine Companions for PTSD....

So on the Evening News the other night on NBC they had a great story about VETS working with Canine Companions as they battle PTSD......really amazing and inspiring....Here are the links if you want to learn more....or perhaps give some Christmas money.
One Foundation doing Canine Work has some info.Bergin University in California is helping Study PTSD and Canine Intervention, and is helping people get degrees studying companion animals assistance and comfort programs.
Assistance Dog Institute has more information about PAWS for Purple Hearts.
This is a direct link to the PAWS program which is the first in the world. Finally Something Good that is really helping VETS and soldiers battling PTSD.....
Celebrity Bric Brac Theater.....the Thanksgiving Special...Enjoy.....
For your Friday the title for Lewis Black on Dick Cheney and Hunting....
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Obamas Voting with their girls...beautiful...
I have always talked about how voting with my son was really important to us....well , I just found this online, seeing the Obama girls with their parents as they Voted on November 4th....really sweet.
Then it was Thursday.....Oolong Tea,Apple Pie, and Moody Blues...

For my friends down South and Out West, I will keep sharing Snow Photos with is so cold here, the weathermen are saying that it is colder than usual....So I am so lucky that this winter I have an actual Heater that it is so frigid and windy....and the house rattles and shakes and the animals hide under the blankets....And then Xena my cat who is losing vision....I figured out in a way she loves the snow, because it illuminates the birds for her, they no longer blend into the leaves and foliage....There is plenty down below...everything from Prop8 to Gulf War Syndrome, to Hillary to Monty Python.... Have a good day.....( and yes, I will be here writing).
Moody Blues :: "You and Me".....beautiful video...soothing...
"The idea is to write it so that people hear it and it slides through the brain and goes straight to the heart." Maya Angelou...(if you need more Maya I linked her to the title reciting "Still I Rise"....)
Watch this Video of Bush from the Economic's short, and signifigant...
If anyone ever doubted how fragile OUR role is in the world, or how much our Current Failed Leadership is held in low video shows why people around the world were celebrating Obama being elected...they too are ready for us to have a new Leader....
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
David Corn breaks down the Hillary Problems and Challenges.....
There is more than one way of looking at Hillary as possible SOS does not mean that some of us are unfair or less than means some of us are looking at the bigger many ways it reminds me of the argument of the Summer when people said Obama MUST pick her for VP....sometimes things are not so clear and have to be looked at from multiple is Nothing against her...or her reputation or her work on the Campaign. There are many good viable candiates for the position....and Obama and his team will look at everything.....and make their Choice....that is the way of it.....Click the Title David Corn makes some really solid points.....
Also in Huffpost and NYT this am it came out that yes, indeed the Obama Aides are not happy about the Clinton Leak, and you clearly see that THEY did not leak it.....
Also in Huffpost and NYT this am it came out that yes, indeed the Obama Aides are not happy about the Clinton Leak, and you clearly see that THEY did not leak it.....
Prop 8 , Is it Legal ? Really ? The Battle goes on....
So The Mercury News article linked to the title explores some of the legality and the legal complications of Prop 8 .and then today we learned it will head to Supreme Court to be challlenged and re-examined. What boggles the brain is that was it even legal to put it on the ballot ?
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Then It was Tuesday.....Coffee with Whipped Cream,New Music and some thoughts....

Off work today....trying to get caught up on Internet News. I stumbled onto some Health Articles I wanted to share ( they are down below). And then the Vote happened today regarding Joe Lieberman....I will be chewing on that for awhile....I am working on a post about Prop 8, which is still boggling my brain. ( HOW can a State,a Progressive State try to hurt people that Love each other ?And overturn a Law that finally valued and honored their love?....I really don't understand...but my post on that will be up later in the week). I will be sitting here working on Silent Fallout & Watery Lies drinking hot coffee with Whipped Cream and Cinnamon watching the snow....stop by if you like...what's on your mind ?
About the "Musical Interlude Section" on the Sidebar....Click the Photo and I will put soothing beautiful music there....and I will be changing it every few a treat for you.....enjoy...( I posted this at 2PM...but through the Eve there were some Great Breaking News stories added....scroll down...)
This is a new band called "Strive", they sent me their videos, and they have an amazing sound,definently something Special... Give them a Listen....check them out on Youtube, another song is "Smallest Things" which I linked in the Title, but for starters " Fire" which is also the name of their new album....
Some afternoon Wisdom from Nelson Mandela.....:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
MORE BREAKING NEWS....Gonzo and Dick Indicted in a County in Texas....
11 PM Breaking News::::
Dick and Gonzo have some legal problems...more to come...Click the title....
Dick and Gonzo have some legal problems...more to come...Click the title....
Today is Teddy's Birthday...85....and he is down over 3700 votes....Looks like he is headed to Retirement....or jail....( he has said that he is not requesting a Pardon from Bush, but his sentencing is in January....let's hope it is After Inauguration...)
And So Another Spineless Moment....Liebermann gets away with Trashing Our New President yet keeps his prized positions in the Senate....

Little Joe was out on the trail stomping for McCain and fearmongering and trash talking Obama, he is NO Democrat, and why everyone pretends he is , is beyond me .....And so the Senate had a chance to teach a lesson, set a standard and doll out some well deserved punishment ....instead they come forth spewing crap about Healing Division by pretending it didn't happen and vote to let him keep his prized homeland security post ( which he does not deserve)...They plan to reprimand him ( oh goody)...Shame on them....Call your Senators...
Okay go to this blog Connecticut Blog, November 7th Post has Petititions that can be's worth a try to dump Joe...regardless of what the Good Ole'Boys of DC decided...
OR do sign FDL's JOE MUST GO Petition....
Gulf War Syndrome is Real....

For over 10 years the victims of Gulf War Syndrome have had to engage in a battle with their own government to have their symptoms and illness acknowledged. Valuable time has been lost that could have gone into providing them care as well as researching how to help them....This 450 page report FINALLY scientifically validates their plight. ( Linked to the title is Mercury News article on it.) I will link the Entire Report when I can find it....Here is some more information and background from the American Legion that gives more on the history of this battled disease...
The Public Record also has more on it, and unravels even more research that needs to happen to improve care.... The Name of the 430 page Federal Report is,"Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans", please email me at enigma4ever AT EarthlinklinkDOTnet.Thank you.....
( Mostly I am curious whether their Pre Gulf Vaccines or the Depleted Uranium issues are explored....but I need to see the report..)
America 's Premie Numbers indicate the Extent of Our Damaged HealthCare System.....

This article highlights that as a "Modern" Country the need for Modern Healthcare that falls short hurts ALL our Citizens, even those that are not here yet....Premature Birth Rates are an amazing indicator of Health Care for women that is less than responsive or adequate.....Prenatal Care can change the Birth Landscape for all involved, mothers and babies...and ALL women.It is one of the markers that is used by Aid Agencies to monitor Health in 3rd World Countries.....
Monday, November 17, 2008
Snowy Sunday Night.......63 Days to Go....

Tonight the snow is powdered sugar....I took my little yellow dog for a walk as it just started to fall....she was excited, full of anticipation....sniffing the flakes in wonder...smiling. I had just finished getting all my winter work done....the storm windows, the AC removed from the window.....All the porch and garden pots put away....The Leaves all still on the ground, yet to be raked...beautiful collage of colors....The First Virgin snow always reminds me of Dan Fogelberg...this is the song I hummed as I walked the dog...a little Christmasy...but easy to hum as I ate a tangerine walking the dog....Winter wonders...small wonders...
(I am still trying to get my schedule straight...and muddle through....more later....)
Sunday, November 16, 2008
California Fires....

I have only been watching these Fires from a far...and they are staggering and so sad...if anyone has any extra money Red Cross is going to be caring for Folks and Fire Fighters for the weeks to come....Specify on your check that it is For California ONLY.....Or write that it is for Disaster the title for the weblink....
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
69 days to Go folks...Phew, I am back...Dead batteries suck....

Wow....I have a lot of catching up to do....much reading.....No computer for over 4 days....It's true every computer needs to have it's battery working....the Life Force ...I hope I did not miss much...First I need to clean out my email and then read all the Blogs....
So my apologies....and Now for a little Music....Some Phil Collins...and a trip around the World...
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Saturday Morning.....72 Days to Go...

Have to go to back later this eve...Have a good day..there is plenty down below, Music, Videos and Highlights from the week....What an Astounding Week....Anyone Else Feeling proud again ?? Like we helped do Something Really Amazing ?
( I don't know about you- but I am ready to pull a U Haul up to the White House and help Bush move out today !!!)
Some Morning Wisdom...President Abraham Lincoln::::
"Allow the president to invade a neighboring nation, whenever he shall deem it necessary to repel an invasion, and you allow him to do so whenever he may choose to say he deems it necessary for such a purpose - and you allow him to make war at pleasure." {{{ Sadly we as a Nation had to learn this one the hard way....}}}
"Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any one thing."
"America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
"Any people anywhere, being inclined and having the power, have the right to rise up, and shake off the existing government, and form a new one that suits them better. This is a most valuable - a most sacred right - a right, which we hope and believe, is to liberate the world."
( When I lived in Downtown Cleveland...down by the Malls, I used to walk down there, for Think Time...I would go visit the Lincoln Statue down on the mall, touch my hand to the cool marble, feel grounded and think about this man full of Wisdom and Common Sense, and a soul so deep....I left downtown January 2007, because my landlord got foreclosed....but last Sunday I went back downtown visited Lincoln's Statue again....and my Touchstone...and then I listened to Bruce Springsteen sing "The Rising"....and Listened to Obama speak about Our Country...and 80,000 of us were there in the rain ....for Change...)
Have a good day....Change has Come...and YOU are a part of it....we ALL are...

Read up.... it has information about his Team, his Vision, his Goals, but also wants to hear from all of us, our ideas, issues, and concerns....We still have an opportunity to give back and help Change Our Country, even in this transition period...It is time to roll up our sleeves and also put on our thinking caps....( and no not the tin foil hats...) For once, for the first time in many years, It is OUR Country again....
Friday, November 07, 2008
Friday Night Music....
As the World Celebrates Obama becoming Our President....."What a Wonderful World" Louis Armstrong...
President Elect Obama gave his First Press Conference On the Economy 11.07.08
Friday Afternoon First Press Conference.....November 7th, 2008
The Main Focus was on the Suffering Economy....240,000 More Jobs Lost this month ( 10th month in a row).Senator Obama, now President Elect, was serious, and thoughtful and carefully and calmly explained that Our Economy is in trouble and he is assembling a Team to address it, and they stood with him. It was a somber press conference.He re-emphasized the need for an immediate Stimulus Package NOW, and if not during the Lame Duck session, then he will initiate immediately in his administration. He also explained that he is not President Yet, but that is goal is for a seamless transition and to work with this President to make that happen. ( It occurred to me that all during this mess we have never seen Bush with a full press team standing to face this issue and then take Questions....).It was reassuring and did present strength and a picture of Real Thinkers assembled to work hard during this time.
He did talk about many that need assistance from small businesses to Municipal, Cities and Counties, he also spoke of extending job benefits, and auto industry help ( footnote:GM,Crysler, and Ford all in dire trouble).During the Question period he did answer questions about THE dog, and what he is reading ( Lincoln) and also that he has spoken to all past presidents. He was respectful and gracious to all questions, Lee Cowen, Jake Tapper etc. ( Candy Crowly is an idiot- she asked About the Security Briefs he got so far- NOT that he could reveal anything from those- so it was a Silly Question, CNN has to get off the TERRA bus....nuf said.) He even took the time to ask Lyn Sweet how she injured her arm- and it was joked she was the only injury at Grant Park...
It's funny I was about to go walk the Dog- because that is what I always do when Bush gives Pressers....( matter of fact she has been trained that if his face comes on -OUT we go....too funny)...It was the first time I sat down and had some Tea and watched a Presser with genuine interest, even took, what a change 3 days can make eh ?
The Main Focus was on the Suffering Economy....240,000 More Jobs Lost this month ( 10th month in a row).Senator Obama, now President Elect, was serious, and thoughtful and carefully and calmly explained that Our Economy is in trouble and he is assembling a Team to address it, and they stood with him. It was a somber press conference.He re-emphasized the need for an immediate Stimulus Package NOW, and if not during the Lame Duck session, then he will initiate immediately in his administration. He also explained that he is not President Yet, but that is goal is for a seamless transition and to work with this President to make that happen. ( It occurred to me that all during this mess we have never seen Bush with a full press team standing to face this issue and then take Questions....).It was reassuring and did present strength and a picture of Real Thinkers assembled to work hard during this time.
He did talk about many that need assistance from small businesses to Municipal, Cities and Counties, he also spoke of extending job benefits, and auto industry help ( footnote:GM,Crysler, and Ford all in dire trouble).During the Question period he did answer questions about THE dog, and what he is reading ( Lincoln) and also that he has spoken to all past presidents. He was respectful and gracious to all questions, Lee Cowen, Jake Tapper etc. ( Candy Crowly is an idiot- she asked About the Security Briefs he got so far- NOT that he could reveal anything from those- so it was a Silly Question, CNN has to get off the TERRA bus....nuf said.) He even took the time to ask Lyn Sweet how she injured her arm- and it was joked she was the only injury at Grant Park...
It's funny I was about to go walk the Dog- because that is what I always do when Bush gives Pressers....( matter of fact she has been trained that if his face comes on -OUT we go....too funny)...It was the first time I sat down and had some Tea and watched a Presser with genuine interest, even took, what a change 3 days can make eh ?
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Some Changes at Watergate Summer...11.6.08

So I have gotten some emails ,Asking Are you done blogging, The Election is over ? The Answer to that is No. I will still be blogging especially the next 74 days....Because we don't own The Change until Obama and his family are safely moved into the White House....I will still post everyday, mostly something Hopeful, because we are still facing a very rough economy. My Blog has been a very focused ObamaBlog, but now it will shift more focus on us and what we are facing as a Country, but Obama's Proposed Changes of course will be mentioned....After all a good bit of this Blog has been Politics as it Impacts Life....
I still respectfully ask that no one comes here and FearMongers, and yes, if people do, I will ask them to stop....My Blog is about Hope and keeping calm during Bad Times and Keeping Focused and Taking Care of Each Other....Nurturing a Community.
Atleast once a week I will try to post Something More Thoughtful.....but mostly it will be News tidbits during the day monitoring Changes as they come.I will still have the Friday Funnies and still have music or relevant videos, and still Blog Round Ups once a week....and yes, stories about 6-6 or my cats and my neighborhood...But I do work 2 part time jobs and also a bunch of odd jobs to make ends meet....and yes, I still spend alot of time with 6-6 ( because he is a Teen, and I want to make sure I steer him in the right direction...)
About THE Book, At this point I can not open any more Chapters up for public viewing. I have two interesting entities that are Interested. That is all I can Say. On Another Level because I had Someone From California attempt to Steal The Story, only the Original Chapters will remain open, but that is all. My Apologies, but I do hope you understand...and please do know THIS Year it will get published and you will be able to buy.
My Goal is to still nurture Our Humanity, and Our Empathy whether it be blogging on Homelessness , Health Issues,Job issues or Life In America as it is right now.....I hope you will stay along for the Ride....Namaste...
Naked Sushi still is my Food Blog, Obama Music Videos -I am still posting New Music,ENIGMA CAFE still has Soulfood.....I am also starting a New Blog to help coordinate people that want to get to The Inauguration...More On that later...
Click the title...Tonight's Music Dave Matthews "American Baby" is not Embeddable, which makes me laugh, he certainly looks "beddable"...But I love it anyways...
So Now that Obama is OUR President ...WHO do you want to see on his Team, his Cabinet ? And What are the Top Priorities you want to see worked ?

So Now that this has Really Happened....What next ? WHO do you want to see Help Repair Our Country ? And what should they work on first ? Are you ready ? 74 days to go.....( Click the title for LA Times article on this...)
And on another level....What do you think you can do to help ? Maybe we all need to figure out how we can best help Our New President....Because it is going to take all of us to help clean this mess up....and help him as our Leader....
So here is MY Short List of Prioritized Projects...( this is Enigma Dreaming Big...) I am still thinking...but here is my Start List..for the first 100 days...of what I would offer for begin...
(1) Patriot Act needs a HUGE Overhaul...along with the ILLEGAL SPYING on Everyone...and YES that includes the NO FLY LIST ( I have my own very selfish reasons...but there are many good people on this List, including ACLU Lawyers and Human Rights Activists).
(2) GITMO Shut it NOW.....and it needs a REVIEW and ALL involved...Full Investigation...BY THE RED CROSS AND HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH AND AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL....( all who were denied FULL access)
(3) Iraq and Military Review- like you well as ALL SICK and Disabled Vet review- make sure they and their families are being cared learn that ANY ill Veterans with physical and or mental health symtoms were being made to serve is deplorable.Their Families are suffering, and many are getting financial assistance and food stamps.This includes PTSD for the VETS and their families..
(4) 100 Day Moratorium On Homes Foreclosure - ALL ...even renters- and the Banks MUST be notified...( since in many states they are making their OWN rules..)
(5) 2 % Quarterly profit Tax on the the OIL and Gas Companies NOW....IT WOULD FREE BILLIONS UP TO HELP OUR ECONOMY AND THE PEOPLE. I would call it a Humanity Tax, the money would be put into an account to meet Human Needs - Set Up Homeless Shelters, Sustain Food Banks and Set up an Emergency Medical Fund....And Job Retraining Center ( ie. for teaching New skills ie. Internet skills or return to work skills and offer counseling for those that have been unemployed for long periods).
(6) Put together a Team to restructure Medicare and Medicaid to make Healthcare Available to the 48 Million of Un-Insured and 50 Million Underinsured....Using the Humanity Funding I listed above ( which would have Billions flowing to it per quarter..)
(7) Set Up a NEW Deal Team to structure Public Works Projects, that would work on Infrastructure Projects- must also include Urban and Rural Renewal and Education Programs ,including Bringing Internet and Broadband to facilitate Better Cable and Internet Access and learning. It must also like the WPA Program of the 1930- have a Component of Journalists and Photojournalists and Artists to document and creatively stimulate and educate and embrace Youth.
(8) Energy Team.....WITH NO ENERGY Execs and ALL meetings open to public and ON cspan and all recorded notes and meetings on Internet ..NO Secrecy Ever Again..
(9) A team to review ALL Signing Statements and Counsel Priority of WHICH ones MUST be Removed...And that team should be Constitutional Lawyers....
(10) and Finally a War Review panel that MUST review HOW and WHY we are in Iraq- it must be made of Retired Military, Red Cross and Legal and Justice Scholars and Teachers..and Constitutional Lawyers....
(11) And finally , the FIRED US Attorneys, must be given a Public Ceremoney Re-instating Their Honor and their Status, and Compensated for their Service and their work.....
(12) College Act/Work Force Act for young people who are dedicated to helping OUR Country and doing it through peaceful Non Military projects, almost like a NON Military National Guard committed to ONLY In America Projects....and in return they recieve College Education. As Most of the Wachovia Higher Education Loans have suffered in this Economic Demise this issue needs to reviewed quickly as millions of students will suffer consequences by next fall...
(13) Start a Committee to repair Voting Rights and repair Voting Issues for the next election...People should never have to be standing in lines for up to 12 hours....or worry about their Votes..
( I borrowed this photo from Gryphen..because it is so wonderful ....won't it be great to have a Real Dad in the White House that cares about kids...and the Future of our Youth...)
Music for the Day: GooGoo Dolls " Better Days".....
So How Bad Was Palin ???? Temper Tantrums? Refused Coaching? Africa is a Country???
Watch this Shep Interview....Unbelievable....There is nothing worse than a Ex Beauty Queen in 800 Dollar Heels....See we all were right all along....Don't Worry Alaskans we will keep watch over you and help put her 2012 Dreams to bed too....this woman needs a job offer from QVC...
MORE From Newsweek::::
"NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin,McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous
profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy threesuits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost.An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.
A Palin aide said: "Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin."
McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign, and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak along with McCain at his Arizona concession
speech Tuesday night, but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request."
MORE From Newsweek::::
"NEWSWEEK has also learned that Palin's shopping spree at high-end department stores was more extensive than previously reported. While publicly supporting Palin,McCain's top advisers privately fumed at what they regarded as her outrageous
profligacy. One senior aide said that Nicolle Wallace had told Palin to buy threesuits for the convention and hire a stylist. But instead, the vice presidential nominee began buying for herself and her family—clothes and accessories from top stores such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus. According to two knowledgeable sources, a vast majority of the clothes were bought by a wealthy donor, who was shocked when he got the bill. Palin also used low-level staffers to buy some of the clothes on their credit cards. The McCain campaign found out last week when the aides sought reimbursement. One aide estimated that she spent "tens of thousands" more than the reported $150,000, and that $20,000 to $40,000 went to buy clothes for her husband. Some articles of clothing have apparently been lost.An angry aide characterized the shopping spree as "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," and said the truth will eventually come out when the Republican Party audits its books.
A Palin aide said: "Governor Palin was not directing staffers to put anything on their personal credit cards, and anything that staffers put on their credit cards has been reimbursed, like an expense. Nasty and false accusations following a defeat say more about the person who made them than they do about Governor Palin."
McCain himself rarely spoke to Palin during the campaign, and aides kept him in the dark about the details of her spending on clothes because they were sure he would be offended. Palin asked to speak along with McCain at his Arizona concession
speech Tuesday night, but campaign strategist Steve Schmidt vetoed the request."
Do Read This Article about Obama's Win by Eugene Robinson...really beautiful....
Also when you read this article ( click the title), do see the video with it of World Reactions to Obama's Win...really beautiful....
Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Scroll Down to the Post below....and it has some of the Wonders of Election Night...
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
OUR PRESIDENT.......Our Moment in Time....

Watch as MSNBC Calls it at 11PM and then watch the people Celebrate....really stunning...and yes, it was so right that Keith Olbermann announced it.....
The Obamas Coming to Grant Park on Election Night....and taking the Stage....and President Obama's Victory Speech,

I can't find the Obama Victory Speech on Youtube, but there is plenty of The Victory Parties posted, this one is amazing, this is Spontaneous Partying in the Streets of DC, with people dancing in the Streets and Honking stopped where they are when they heard the News....amazing.....
Grant Park In Chicago....Celebrating...( very different scene than 1968...)
From Wapo Campaign Trail:::"At about 2:15 a.m., there were maybe 1,000 people, possibly more, still going strong.
They'd started, many of them, at 14th and U Streets, or in Adams Morgan, or Dupont Circle. Word got around that the White House was the place to be. You didn't need to be told: You could see people streaming in that direction on all the major arteries of town.How long would this last? If there was even a flicker of fatigue in the crowd as the hour grew late, no worries: Reinforcements were on the way. You could hear them far up on the 16th Street, heading south. There were hundreds of them. Call it an even 500. They were Howard University students"....there were soon thousands in the streets celebrating in front of the Whitehouse...2 am on....Bush probally did not get much sleep....And the police stood and watched...and smiled..

The Letter Barack Obama Sent to his supporters as he headed over to Grant Park::::
"I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.
We just made history.
And I don't want you to forget how we did it.
You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.
I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.
We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.
But I want to be very clear about one thing...
All of this happened because of you.
Thank you, "
Nov. 5th, 9am...early this Wed Am Bob Cesna posted this's perfect.."I can see clearly now, the rain is gone" Johnny Nash::
Some Morning wisdom from Gary Hart , "Great presidents do not emerge form quiet times; they arise in times of chaos and crisis." I went and grabbed ALL the morning papers I could find.... I need back later...Much love and gratitude to you all....Welcome to a New America...Our America.

Watch as MSNBC Calls it at 11PM and then watch the people Celebrate....really stunning...and yes, it was so right that Keith Olbermann announced it.....
The Obamas Coming to Grant Park on Election Night....and taking the Stage....and President Obama's Victory Speech,

I can't find the Obama Victory Speech on Youtube, but there is plenty of The Victory Parties posted, this one is amazing, this is Spontaneous Partying in the Streets of DC, with people dancing in the Streets and Honking stopped where they are when they heard the News....amazing.....
Grant Park In Chicago....Celebrating...( very different scene than 1968...)
From Wapo Campaign Trail:::"At about 2:15 a.m., there were maybe 1,000 people, possibly more, still going strong.
They'd started, many of them, at 14th and U Streets, or in Adams Morgan, or Dupont Circle. Word got around that the White House was the place to be. You didn't need to be told: You could see people streaming in that direction on all the major arteries of town.How long would this last? If there was even a flicker of fatigue in the crowd as the hour grew late, no worries: Reinforcements were on the way. You could hear them far up on the 16th Street, heading south. There were hundreds of them. Call it an even 500. They were Howard University students"....there were soon thousands in the streets celebrating in front of the Whitehouse...2 am on....Bush probally did not get much sleep....And the police stood and watched...and smiled..

The Letter Barack Obama Sent to his supporters as he headed over to Grant Park::::
"I'm about to head to Grant Park to talk to everyone gathered there, but I wanted to write to you first.
We just made history.
And I don't want you to forget how we did it.
You made history every single day during this campaign -- every day you knocked on doors, made a donation, or talked to your family, friends, and neighbors about why you believe it's time for change.
I want to thank all of you who gave your time, talent, and passion to this campaign.
We have a lot of work to do to get our country back on track, and I'll be in touch soon about what comes next.
But I want to be very clear about one thing...
All of this happened because of you.
Thank you, "
Nov. 5th, 9am...early this Wed Am Bob Cesna posted this's perfect.."I can see clearly now, the rain is gone" Johnny Nash::
Some Morning wisdom from Gary Hart , "Great presidents do not emerge form quiet times; they arise in times of chaos and crisis." I went and grabbed ALL the morning papers I could find.... I need back later...Much love and gratitude to you all....Welcome to a New America...Our America.
If you need a lift during the day, stop by Huff Postthe Voting Stories are wonderful.... be sure to share yours there ...or if you want to share here- you know we all love hearing each other's stories...( and yes, I will be liveblogging after 10 PM....after work)...Until then enjoy Election Music just for you.
VOTE...get your neighbors to vote...
UPDATE::: 10:30PM....
Monday, November 03, 2008
Bedtime Thoughts & Music....And Something To Make You Smile...

"If there is one shocker on election night in the presidential race, cast your eyes to Georgia. 1,994,990 people voted early in Georgia. 3,301,875 total voted in Georgia's presidential race in 2004..........Let that sink in." ( please go to the 538 Website linked to the title...and read more..)
MN Goodie:::
The First place to vote in the Country is Dixville Notch, Obama and McCain won the primary there, tonight they Voted at MN, CNN is reporting that Obama won 16 to McCain's 5.
A Late Night Song about "The World" by Five for Fighting...favorite line in the song" History Starts NOW..."
And one last Obama Video" Signs of Hope and Change"
I will be here tomorrow Blogging....until 2 PM..then I work..and I will be blogging again at 10 PM...( sorry I have to work...but I also am working so some folks can go vote...)
See you in the Morning...Have Hope...
I EARLY VOTED IN CLEVELAND OHIO...And here is my story....
Cellphone Photos::

I had to park pretty far away...but that was okay...I walked to the Board of Elections. Along the way someone had written messeges with Chalk on the Sidewalk..."Vote for Change"..."Almost there"...."MLK walked...keep walking" "O"....So 8 Blocks later there I was....and there was a line, but not as bad as yesterday. And the people were all so nice...many smiling...and sharing of gum and crackers, and water and snacks were handed out by the Obama people and Democratic supporters.....they were not handing out literature, just food and support..I stood most of the time with Willy , 79 and an Obama Volunteer, loved talking to him....His eyes were moist...Again people had stories...lost jobs, and health and relatives in Iraq.
The Supporters that were there handing out the love were from Georgia, NY and Chicago..." we are all neighbors now" said a nice fellow from Georgia.The Canadians CTV were there filming and "watching"....There was no McCain supporters or Repug Supporters there at all....I met judges and reps and City Councilmen. Once inside the lines wove through the Building, it was orderly and people were very appreciative of this Moment in History, and people were there with babies and small children........I voted, and photographed all of it. AND about my Registration problems...ALL resolved, and my little white Laminated Card was sure enough looked at and examined and my ID, and there were NO Problems, so all those trips to Downtown to fix the Registration have finally worked...( I have this beautiful card, white, laminated and it says Elector on it...and I don't feel Invisible anymore, I voted).And I came outside and It was Thundering and the rains poured down and I walked a mile back to my car ....Singing in the Rain..Singing for Change...
Thank you to all who let me vent and stress about my Registration Problems.....I am very grateful for all of your support.
This is the Obama Video that I saw when I got home from says it ALL.....What WE have been through...

I had to park pretty far away...but that was okay...I walked to the Board of Elections. Along the way someone had written messeges with Chalk on the Sidewalk..."Vote for Change"..."Almost there"...."MLK walked...keep walking" "O"....So 8 Blocks later there I was....and there was a line, but not as bad as yesterday. And the people were all so nice...many smiling...and sharing of gum and crackers, and water and snacks were handed out by the Obama people and Democratic supporters.....they were not handing out literature, just food and support..I stood most of the time with Willy , 79 and an Obama Volunteer, loved talking to him....His eyes were moist...Again people had stories...lost jobs, and health and relatives in Iraq.
The Supporters that were there handing out the love were from Georgia, NY and Chicago..." we are all neighbors now" said a nice fellow from Georgia.The Canadians CTV were there filming and "watching"....There was no McCain supporters or Repug Supporters there at all....I met judges and reps and City Councilmen. Once inside the lines wove through the Building, it was orderly and people were very appreciative of this Moment in History, and people were there with babies and small children........I voted, and photographed all of it. AND about my Registration problems...ALL resolved, and my little white Laminated Card was sure enough looked at and examined and my ID, and there were NO Problems, so all those trips to Downtown to fix the Registration have finally worked...( I have this beautiful card, white, laminated and it says Elector on it...and I don't feel Invisible anymore, I voted).And I came outside and It was Thundering and the rains poured down and I walked a mile back to my car ....Singing in the Rain..Singing for Change...
Thank you to all who let me vent and stress about my Registration Problems.....I am very grateful for all of your support.
This is the Obama Video that I saw when I got home from says it ALL.....What WE have been through...
Breaking News::: Obama's Grandmother Madelyn Dunham just died.....Say a Prayer for her, she helped raise Our Next President...

Madelyn Dunham, Obama's wonderful grandmother has died, she passed away after a long battle with Cancer.....Say a prayer and light some candles for this remarkable woman.....So sad she did not get to see her grandson get elected....( click the title it is a post about grandmothers and "Tut").
Song is by a Hawaiian....."Somewhere Over the Rainbow" - Israel Kamakawiwo Ole'
( I just got home from Early Voting, and this story was on TV....I will blog on Early Voting later....too sad right now about his grandmother....Early voting was beautiful, historic, inspiring...)
8PM Update::: ( ABC News)
Obama's Grandmother's Absentee Ballot will be Counted by State of Hawaii
November 03, 2008 8:21 PM
ABC News' Tahman Bradley, Rigel Anderson and Arnab Datta Report:
While Sen. Barack Obama's late grandmother Madelyn Dunham will not live to see the outcome of this historic election, her 2008 vote will count.Hawaii Chief Elections Officer Kevin Cronin told ABC News this evening that the absentee ballot cast by Dunham before she passed away will count. Cronin said Dunham's absentee ballot was received on October 27 and found to meet the requirements of a valid absentee ballot and will therefore be counted with the rest of the state's ballots tomorrow.
Obama learned that his grandmother lost her battle with cancer early Monday. She was 86.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
80,000 Rally in the Pouring Rain....there is Something Happening Here....

The Malls are in downtown Cleveland- they are four very large fields ( football size) that border the Beautiful older Judicial and Government Buildings in downtown, and also border the Cleveland Browns Stadium...If you stand in the top Mall, you can see a Beautiful Fountain with Lady Justice and Abe Lincoln....and look down to the Water. Atleast 80,000 were there, there were estimates by reporters in the crowd of over 80,000, but that also does not take into account that when the Browns Game let out ( of over 50,000) many came over to the Rally ( bringing their coolers and food). After 4 PM People waited visited and sang sharing stories of the Bush years and hugs and was beautiful....
Bruce Introduces Obama...
The Rising..( blurry)
Car Footage - very cool 4PM downtown...I was walking downtown, on this same strip at 4:30PM, and there were block after block of people trying to get onto the three Malls that were was pretty amazing...I passed many of these people, even walked to the other side, and tried to get photos with my phone....but this Volunteer's footage and comments are priceless, what she did not know is that the Browns Football Game let out about 40 minutes after her footage, and that added many thousands more to the Rally.
Thankfully Foreign and National Press did an amazing job covering this Event, the Local Media should get a Bush McCain Propaganda Award for their pathetic coverage.
ABC Coverage
Even Newspapers down under are covering this beautiful Event for the Historic Event it was ....
CBS has more, even about the Heavens Pouring On Cheney's Name, and other details.
It may have rained,poured....but no one noticed, and is barely mentioned by Richard Wolfe.
I didn't plan to attend the rally...I went to go Vote at the Election Center after I got off work. ...BUT....there were blocks and blocks of people and then I was about a block away and I saw 4 HUGE Travel Buses arrive ( apparently Churches here rented buses to help transport people, an excellent idea).It turns out that 6000 voted there today in less than 5 hours. It was beautiful to see these lines of people, but also daunting, I was not well enough prepared. Soooo I will be back tomorrow and take photos, and bring snacks, a cushion to sit on, and ipod and H2O....and hope that once and for all that the precinct sheet was incorrect and that my registration is FIxed as of October 4th.
I had to park over 10 blocks from the Board of I turned around to walk back to my car, and then I realized I could walk downtown, it was only about 14 blocks the other way, I used to live downtown, so I know my way around. So I headed down. There were many MANY more empty buildings, boarded up, broken windows, and much damage. So sad, literally many many blocks of buildings, my favorite shops and eateries are all gone.
It was amazing how peaceful the Rally was, how moving. The City did have 80 Cops on, it amazes me- that 80, 000 could be so peaceful. I would love to see the aerials of the Event, I am sure it was close to 100,000. There were helicopters and the Goodyear Blimp, so Someone should have photos.I won't lie seeing that many people gather for Change and Hope is inspiring.,..and yes, Bruce sang his working man ballads and the crowds sang back.."This Land is Your Land, this land is Ours".
More Photos below...

The Malls are in downtown Cleveland- they are four very large fields ( football size) that border the Beautiful older Judicial and Government Buildings in downtown, and also border the Cleveland Browns Stadium...If you stand in the top Mall, you can see a Beautiful Fountain with Lady Justice and Abe Lincoln....and look down to the Water. Atleast 80,000 were there, there were estimates by reporters in the crowd of over 80,000, but that also does not take into account that when the Browns Game let out ( of over 50,000) many came over to the Rally ( bringing their coolers and food). After 4 PM People waited visited and sang sharing stories of the Bush years and hugs and was beautiful....
Bruce Introduces Obama...
The Rising..( blurry)
Car Footage - very cool 4PM downtown...I was walking downtown, on this same strip at 4:30PM, and there were block after block of people trying to get onto the three Malls that were was pretty amazing...I passed many of these people, even walked to the other side, and tried to get photos with my phone....but this Volunteer's footage and comments are priceless, what she did not know is that the Browns Football Game let out about 40 minutes after her footage, and that added many thousands more to the Rally.
Thankfully Foreign and National Press did an amazing job covering this Event, the Local Media should get a Bush McCain Propaganda Award for their pathetic coverage.
ABC Coverage
Even Newspapers down under are covering this beautiful Event for the Historic Event it was ....
CBS has more, even about the Heavens Pouring On Cheney's Name, and other details.
It may have rained,poured....but no one noticed, and is barely mentioned by Richard Wolfe.
I didn't plan to attend the rally...I went to go Vote at the Election Center after I got off work. ...BUT....there were blocks and blocks of people and then I was about a block away and I saw 4 HUGE Travel Buses arrive ( apparently Churches here rented buses to help transport people, an excellent idea).It turns out that 6000 voted there today in less than 5 hours. It was beautiful to see these lines of people, but also daunting, I was not well enough prepared. Soooo I will be back tomorrow and take photos, and bring snacks, a cushion to sit on, and ipod and H2O....and hope that once and for all that the precinct sheet was incorrect and that my registration is FIxed as of October 4th.
I had to park over 10 blocks from the Board of I turned around to walk back to my car, and then I realized I could walk downtown, it was only about 14 blocks the other way, I used to live downtown, so I know my way around. So I headed down. There were many MANY more empty buildings, boarded up, broken windows, and much damage. So sad, literally many many blocks of buildings, my favorite shops and eateries are all gone.
It was amazing how peaceful the Rally was, how moving. The City did have 80 Cops on, it amazes me- that 80, 000 could be so peaceful. I would love to see the aerials of the Event, I am sure it was close to 100,000. There were helicopters and the Goodyear Blimp, so Someone should have photos.I won't lie seeing that many people gather for Change and Hope is inspiring.,..and yes, Bruce sang his working man ballads and the crowds sang back.."This Land is Your Land, this land is Ours".
More Photos below...
Sunday Morning ...2 Days to go....

“The Change we want must come from within.”~ Jim Hightower
Today I am working all day and then going to TRY to Early Vote ( read my post below to learn why I am so worried ).....Have a good day...Phone Bank and Bang on doors what you can...Go Obama...( Click the Title for a's a different Electoral College map tracker....) For another smile, the Newpapers Endorsements soar Obama 240 to McCain 104.... If you think I am whining about my Voting this Story from Oklahoma, NathGuy tells his story of Trying To Vote It will Amaze you. I don't know about you, but when was the last time that we had lines in Oklahoma and North Carolina and Georgia ? Wow....
( Need a laugh ? Palin Spoke to Sarkozy.... omg toooo funny.
and 6-6 wanted to know about Halloween masks perdicting the Election here is the answer...)
Sunday Night Music....Five For Fighting "World"....really inspring...
Saturday, November 01, 2008

I am just a Mom...a single mom.. a nurse...a taxpaying hardworking person..I am not rich..BUT I want this Vote to Count..
( Click the title to read more of my ongoing story).
Please read my Post of Wednesday about My Voting Story, Bottom Line my Vote for Gore was NOT Counted I was Caged, and it happened again in 2004 for Kerry. I voted in 2 different States. NOW I am In God Forsaken Ohio....I have had MANY Problems with trying to register to Vote- I thought I voted for Obama in the Primary, and then I learned that I had Problems with My Registration , so the Primary Vote has not been located. BUT I spent months fixing it, getting a NEW State ID Card, Getting a NEW Social Security card, and going to the Board of Elections a total of THREE times since January and multiple trips to OTHER offices,Tthe last time on October 4th. I went to the County Board of Elections WHEN I THOUGHT FINALLY EVERYTHING WAS FIXED....I went on the 4th because the last week of registration I found out the State site had me listed but NOT the County Board of Elections.....While Driving to the Board of Elections I was told that the Obama Campaign would help if I needed it when they called me back. I went to the Board and we checked Everything, and they even gave me a NEW card, nice shiny Plastic Registration Voting Card. I felt Safe and REGISTERED and Ready to Vote.....
An Then Today...
The Obama Person Canvassing Our Neighborhood Found me on the Sheet- BUT I am Registered as MALE....THAT MEANS WHEN I GET TO THE POLL THERE WILL BE PROBLEMS...I WILL BE GIVEN A PROVISIONAL BALLOT....or worse...
If Anyone Knows a Constitutional Lawyer that is working with Obama email me - I have Phone calls into the Obama Campaign Voter Protection Line Tonight....and I work tomorrow and Tuesday , But I still want to get this resolved.....Do I seem ANGRY ???? Upset ? Frustrated ? I have spent Many Months trying to get the RIGHT TO VOTE..I have DONE Everything.....I need HELP..and I am fed up....I have voted in every election since I was 18, and I found out in 2004 that my 2000 Vote was Caged, and then again in 2006 I found out that my 2004 Vote was Caged.....I was part of an Investigation in 2004, I filed reports with the right authorities in 2004 when I was there.....But the Bottom Line is that in since 2000 NONE of My Presidential votes have been Counted. I want this Vote to COUNT, and NO I do NOT want an "Provisional Ballot"......I AM SICK AND TIRED OF FEELING INVISIBLE. I WANT THIS VOTE OF ALL VOTES TO COUNT...especially since my teenage son can NOT Vote...
Then it was Saturday...3 Days to go.....

This is my day off, so I am cleaning and doing errands....Keep the Faith and KNOW that this is almost over...WE CAN DO THIS...
And the music for the Afternoon....has to be John Legend...because we had a little lovefest going on here for him last night....He is amazing.....John Legend ( for Obama, this is the tape from him rehearsing at the Convention in August, he gave an interview talking about Change....and the song is "Are you Out There"....)
And then this wonderful NEW Obama song, by Stacy Beyer, produced by Bruce Welsso , and Ironworks Productions...."Yes We Can"....
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