For over 10 years the victims of Gulf War Syndrome have had to engage in a battle with their own government to have their symptoms and illness acknowledged. Valuable time has been lost that could have gone into providing them care as well as researching how to help them....This 450 page report FINALLY scientifically validates their plight. ( Linked to the title is Mercury News article on it.) I will link the Entire Report when I can find it....Here is some more information and background from the American Legion that gives more on the history of this battled disease...
The Public Record also has more on it, and unravels even more research that needs to happen to improve care.... The Name of the 430 page Federal Report is,"Gulf War Illness and the Health of Gulf War Veterans", please email me at enigma4ever AT EarthlinklinkDOTnet.Thank you.....
( Mostly I am curious whether their Pre Gulf Vaccines or the Depleted Uranium issues are explored....but I need to see the report..)
It is kind of like the round up of the Vietnam war-- they used "agent orange" to defoliate jungles & the toxic chemical effected US soldiers for many years afterwards. Dupont & the government denied the link, until, I believe a class action lawsuit was launched, after almost a decade, and then finally, they admitted & recognized the very real long term health effects.
Gulf soldiers were mandated to take a series of shots, and the Iraq war, they used depleted uranium in the bombs, then soldiers and citizens were in the areas where the uranium was released.
WE may be realizing the effects of that for many years to come.
the lawsuit you mentioned...it also was filed by the vietnamese....the two entities joined forces...and asked for relief...
All the VETS I have talked to mention the shots and also the symptoms they have coming home, children with birth defects, fatigue, blood counts, hair loss, and nervous system damage, headaches and worse....the Brits announced that it was a real disease almost 2 years ago...
we have too many damaged souls from Iraq and the Gulf War....we need to take care of them...instead of them fighting for their own care....it is a war crime as far as I can see...
sigh..and the battle goes on...
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