I will try to link more information here later with links etc. This declaration should improve Triage Care,and even release of funds. A National Emergency just means it effects all states.Should also mean that Flu Meds( ie Tamiflu) can be more easily accessed from Stockpiles. ( The Delivery of the H1N1 Vaccines has been problematic and less than perdictable,but hopefully that plan will be re-examined and coordinated as most states have been declaring their own rules and precautions during this epidemic). Click Link to LA Times Article. ( H/t to Mark Knoller who gave a heads up about this announcement on Twitter).
Snippet::""The potential exists for the pandemic to overburden healthcare resources in some localities," the White House announcement said. "Thus, in recognition of the continuing progression of the pandemic, and in further preparation as a nation, we are taking additional steps to facilitate our response."According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 46 states have reported widespread incidence of the swine flu, also known as H1N1. Since the outbreak of the pandemic in April, there have been more than 20,000 hospitalizations from laboratory-confirmed infections and more than 1,000 deaths."
This Website has more information, "Flu.gov",
It has precautions and updated information of flu situation and interactive Map.This Occupational and health Website explains what a Federal health declaration actually means and provides. (RT This on Twitter:: http://ohsonline.com/articles/2009/10/16/president-signs-h1n1-emergency-declaration.aspx)
Late Saturday Night Update: Chinese Paper very good information
and tracking will post some of this article in Comments. What does this declaration mean for you at this point? (Enigma Nursey Advice)(1) Stock up on Anibacterial Soap (even liguid dish soap/detergent is strong enough).Lysol Spray for Surfaces ( especially shared surfaces like Keyboards,phones or doorknobs). Hand Disinfectant, keep some in your car and at your workplace ( ie desk). Do wash shared surfaces, phones, keyboards and doorknobs at beginning and end of shift.
(2) If you live with anyone that is Immune Compromised, do think twice about Large events and crowds.This also applies to folks with small children, young children and college age. ( and of course pregnant,elderly,frail or chronic illness) Good Judgement.
(4) If you live in an area with many flu victims think about whether you need to buy maks and have ready, this is not a panic move, it is being pro-active.
(5) Stock up on Flu Supplies so you don't have to run out when sick to get supplies: Soup/Broth Crackers,Gatorade,Ibuprofen/Advil,Tylenol,Aleve,Tea etc.
(6) IF you do get sick, and it seems like a very Severe Flu, different than other Flu- DO call your doctor and try to get Tamiflu prescribed so that you don't have to go infect others. IF the Symtoms are VERY severe- Severe headache,Fever, or dehydration or chest pain and trouble breathing DO go to the ER.