Saturday, November 21, 2009

Congressional Switchboard Taking Calls Today :202-224-3121. Just ask for your Senator's office.

Lines have been Jammed do keep trying...Remember the Stats::
>50 Million UnInsured, Millions more UnderInsured.( the US Census of 2006 results has 47 Million, but over 6 Million have lost their job since then.)
17,000 Losing Healthcare everyday, that is >500,000 /month( >6 Million this year).
>70% of Bankruptcies are due to Medical Debt- that means that many are losing their homes and business due to Illness.
>47,000 /yr Die without Health care or Insurance.
500,000 are currently fighting cancer without adequate Healthcare, Cancelled by their insurance.
8 Million Children are UnInsured and without Healthcare.
People very day are dying without healthcare, one every 12 minutes.....Remind our Senators that Our Health Care Crisis effects Democrats and Republicans....
Stats: Harvard Studies,Kaiser Family Studies,US Census.

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