Thursday, January 06, 2011

UnHealthy News....Updates on Our Health Care Crisis (Insurance Greed to GOP Idiots)

(1) Dailykos posted the first story ( via National Nurses Union ) about how the CEOs make sickening Bonuses while all of us are Dying for care... I want Someone to tell me WHAT they do that deserves Millions of Dollars while I have friends and neighbors with NO Healthcare at all....dying in their homes....How can that be OK with Anyone ????

(2) Here is the actual Link from Kaiser Health News that has the actual information about the Bonuses and who and how it effects us.....

(3) Meanwhile Blue Cross of California jumps on the Greed Wagon and decides that it is now planning a 59% Increase for Individual Policies that will surely make sure that MORE people go UnInsured or unable to afford even just basic care. It is amazing after watching the Economic hell that so many are experiencing that Big Companies find more and more ways to screw Middle Class Working Poor in this country.....Stunning.

(4) Meanwhile Wendell Potter tweeted this great Eugene Robinson Article that is a Must Read about the HCR battle that Dems SHOULD want to take on.....

(5) And now adding to the Health Care Mess we have in this Country, the Repugs want to REPEAL the HCR, and low and behold they say it is to Save Money, but the joke is their actual Repeal will cost well over 230 Billion Dollars by CBO estimates.......(TPM story linked here)
Enigma Note: For those that are new Followers, I am an RN of over 20+ years and I also am UnInsured due to being cancelled in 2006 due to family Cancer History (Breast Cancer), and I worked for over 2 years blogging and trying to educate all of us about our Health Care Crisis, and worked very hard on HCR. I am not happy with the Bill we got, but it is a the End I know as many do that we NEED HCR for ALL, Medicare for All, even a Buy In Program would benifit the more than 60 Million that are uninsured. More than 47,000 People die each year with NO health Insurance and No healthcare......So yeah, as an UnInsured RN, I am rather Opinionated about this issue, No One should be dying for healthcare....No One.


enigma4ever said...

from FB page....

Marianne Hoynes
‎"A lot of people don't know that they don't really have any health coverage, because they have insurance, but when the it's time to pay the piper the insurance companies deny care. The insurance industry has become adept at polluting this non-system with misinformation." -Jon Raymond, Film maker, "Got Healthcare?"

need to find info on this Doc...

tom said...

So now 2 dead due to Republican Gov Brewer in Arizona actual human beings allowed to DIE because they could not afford transplants..
And Blue Cross affiliate in CA is it? want's to raise its rates 59% and BLAME it on the helathcare bill...
Some of our so called leaders (well republicans can't lead they can only lie) have lost all their humanity...
makes me sick to my stomach
damn them