"Not everything that matters can be measured and not everything that can be measured matters.” ~Albert Einstein

Things We Are Still Keeping An Eye On.....And What MSM might be Under Reporting...
(1) Planned Parenthood Continues to be THE Idealogical Budgetary Battlezone that is receiving the ACORN treatment and MSM is not covering this attack on Women's Health Care and Reproductive Rights. So I am asking Women and Men to please blog and tweet on this issue, we can not let this 85 year old Organization be treated in this fashion and leave Millions of Women with NO Health care. The Planned Parenthood Assault it raging on in more states, we can now add, Florida, Texas and yes, Ohio to the growing List. Please do re-read the post from last week with the info about Lizz Winstead's Fundraiser Tour it is a Tour that is raising Awareness in some of the Key Effected States, and she is blogging the Tour and the issue. And here is the Planned Parenthood link that has more info on what is going on in all States and THE Facts on what Medical Services they provide to Millions of Women. Share Planned Parenthood Facts.....
How Bad is it in OHIO ?
Ohio House approves "Heartbeat Bill," which would ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected......So here in Ohio they are attacking the Laws and this will give them justification to go after Planned Parenthood......
The Heartbeat Bill as it is called is the Most Restrictive Anti Abortion Law in the Country. It has three parts basically making Abortion Illegal after 6 weeks. ( Fetal Heart Tones can be heard at 6 weeks. ) It is so restrictive it does not allow for Medical Emergencies or even Situations of Rape or Incest. It would even interfere existing Insurance Coverage for abortions. Many of the Dems in the State tried to fight it, pointing out that it is an attack on Women's Health, and their Constitutional Rights. It will cost the State money even though it is not Defensible, and yes, does Nothing to Create Jobs. Anyone who Doubts that the Teathugs came into Power in 2010 Election with an agenda, need to read this Bill. Religous Idealogues should not dictating Health Care for Women in 2011 ( when Roe Vs. Wade was and is Settle Decided Law since 1976)
(2) SB 5 HUGE Repeal count going on in OHIO, this bill is even more Draconian than the Wisconsin bill, in that it basically kills the Union Rights of 380,000 people, from Cops to Schoolteachers to Road Workers to Custodians. Daily Kos has been keeping track of the Issue, and also keeping people informed. To repeal this odious law that Kasich shoved through requires 250,000 Signatures as of 5 days ago they had over 714,000 signatures. Read More from Daily Kos at this link and do share the information with any and all Ohio Friends....Thank you.
(3) Blogpost on RIPP-OFF Education Programs from an insider....
On Twitter @PrinceofSatire wrote this chilling account of For Profit Schools that is a must read for anyone with a college age child, or who is thinking of returning to school. It is a Cautionary Tale of what and how the financial angle works from one with inside knowledge. Post is called "Beware of For Profit Schools"......
(4) AND shhhhhhh still Whispers are floating around Clarence Thomas.....This in from Alternet.... Has Clarence Thomas been receiving GIFTS , are Judges allowed to receive such GIFTS ? Read this account from Alternet and if you see any Petitions asking for Investigations into this Matter do sign. After all we don't want Our Highest Court being Wooed by Corporations do We ?
(5) And finally if I can get you all to Help a Dying Vet, please share this Link and RT it too, This Dying Vet is trying to find a home for his dog Gizmo. Thanks for helping him.

(6) Time for Some SoulFood.....to sooth us...
First here are two Must See Blogs, The first is from Carolyn Moon " Another Way To View" It's thoughtful and well written and truly beautifully done..... ( She also is on Twitter at
@Moon1947 )
And then there is @Di438 and she takes stunning photos, and recently started a blog with her photos and thought provoking quotes. You can see this soul soothing blog here, some of the best soulfood I can serve up on a Wednesday .
Oletta Adams...sings...."Get Here"
Stay Tuned Next Week :: Updated Nuke Stories that the MSM has been politely avoiding Updates on Japan Fukushima, Nebraska Floods and the two Nuke Plants that are impacted, and of course the Fires in NM where ALL of Los Alamos has been Evacuated ( First Time in History). Weekend Update is on the Gulf , One year after the Oil Spill Gusher...