Thousands showed up at the Whitehouse on Penn Ave on November 4th Night after the Election....Sheer Joy....Reclaiming the White House For We the People....They Danced...they hugged...they sang...They rejoiced...They Cheered...As People were around the world and around the Country......People went to the Streets in Cities and Small Towns....Change had Come. "A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." Margaret Mead ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ About Election Night 2008...... I rushed home from work on Election Night November 4th at 10:30 PM,expecting an All Nighter...and worried and wondering... and turned on the TV and 6-6 yelled to me "Ohio Went Blue", he was in his room watching CNN, ...I said Really ? REALLY ? WOW....and then I ran into the little TV room and turned the TV on to MSNBC and within minutes- I saw this Very Footage that I have posted below....and listened to Keith make THE Announcement that Obama was indeed OUR Next President.....It was the most Amazing Moment....It is 8 minutes of Footage of WE THE PEOPLE celebrating is poignant..powerful...and moving.....I can not watch it even now without crying....It was and is the END of the Bush Regime....Finally.....Hope Means Power and Change Has Come.....
After Keith....the Victory Speech at Grant Park..
6-6 pointed out that the DNC Convention Night in August was pretty Amazing too..
I was so grateful to have Shared this WHOLE Election year with many came and joined in as I blogged ALL of it, every single Debate ( and yes, even the Repug ones) and every press conference and many many Rallies and was an amazing so many ways...Unforgettable....Thank you to all of you for your hard work, your passion, your enthusiasm...for Fighting for Our Country.....and for being here and for Making History. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Next Day Blue Gal made this Video showing People Around the World was showed the Joy and the spontaneous sharing of The Moment....
And Linked to the title is Johnny Nash " I Can See Clearly Now".....Never doubt the Power of Hope Folks....Believing is a powerful thing....any Community Organizer will tell you.....
What was your Favorite Moment that you will never forget of 2008 ??
1AM Update::: So I come home tonight and this messege was flashing on some of the screens of different channels ??? And according to Huffpost we might lose our Comedy Central on the first ????WTF???? I am calling Time Warner and Nicely Demanding Some Answers and I hope you all do too.....Click title to read the Huffpost article..... (( I called Time Warner Here 877-772-2253 here in Ohio and listened to MUCH Bad Christmas Music, sounded like little Christmas Elves on Speed.....will try again..) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( this has been on channels all over the country- comedy central to spike to VH1 and other music channels.....also for those with kids, Nick too...the numbers below are the West Coast Numbers ?) "ALERT! ALERT! ALERT! Attention Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks customers, starting TONIGHT you will lose this channel and 18 other channels from your TV including Nickelodeon, Noggin, MTV, VH1, Spike, Comedy Central and TV Land. Don't miss out on your favorite shows. You can stop this! Time Warner Cable customers call 1-800-762-3786, Bright House Networks customers call 1-866-309-3279 and DEMAND THEY KEEP THESE CHANNELS! MUST BE AT LEAST 18 YEARS OLD TO CALL. (end of message - it just repeated)" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 :45 AM Update:: NOW Time Warner has a Recording on their Phone Line saying that NOTHING will be dropped while Negogiations are ongoing...I hope that is true...I was not able to talk to a Rep....will try one more time....
We would die without Stephen Colbert and John Stewart.....Period...I can not bear to tell 6-6 about this...Without the Daily Show and Stephen and Keith this , HOW would we have survived...
3 AM Update:: Reached Time Warner nice...reassured me that THEY are working to negogiate this deal and that there are extensions in the contract so on the First we should not lose these channels...( I called Billing to check on my bill anyways...) So it sounds like the Negogiations are Ongoing....Have Hope Folks.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update on January 1, 2009 at 1:30 AM... So it appears that a "Deal " has been worked out, hopefully this LA TImes Article is right.....
It's cold and windy here with more snow on the way....yes, I am having Beach Lust something terrible, it would be great to sit at the Beach and blog the end of the Bush Theifdom....sigh....So in case you have not noticed I am indeed back blogging the American Condition with a vengeance....There is plenty down below from the Economic Criminal Demise to Bush's Hidden Escape to Crawford, and his silence about Gaza, to the TVA disaster to other little wonders, so scroll down...plenty there....and at 3 PM the Governor Blagovich is still reeling out the surprises, I am wondering does anyone else think he is like an Extra in the Sopranos? He really deserves an Oscar....and he has managed to distract the Press from the Mess in Gaza and the Economy....Is it just me , or do these last days before 1.20.09 seem to be really dragging, Time passing so slowly ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well, there are some cold stormy winds blowing in Illinois tonight....That Narcisstic Rat of a Governor has sklunked to a New Low today , appointing a Senator as he is being Federally Investigated for Selling Obama's Senate Seat....At 3pm he held a press Conference and Announced HIS appointment to the position for the Senate, Roland Burris, I am very confused, as Burris is one of the people that asked for the Governor to step down.....They both stood at the press conference and smiled defiantly...but by the end Burris's looked worried and his hands were shaking at the podium....Maybe it was just good theater....but either way it is a Mess...... First Blagovichs's Presser is a bit fuzzy ( my apologies)....
And just for More Drama, watch part II with Bobby Rush speaking , and watch Here...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soulfood for tonight...Honoring Time slowly... A Year in 40 Seconds....really beautiful...
"Time Passages" by Al Stewart...
not enough ? Annie Lennox " Sweet Dreams are made of This" linked to the title....
Like we were not going to figure this out...and Paulson supposedly "studied" the Depression....Yet he failed to note EVERY single warning sign about HOW BAD this Economy is hurting.....I can only guess that His Millions clouded his vision? his insight ? and his judgement ? Bush ran Failed Businesses before he came to usurp power......that is ALL he ran...Obama has been handed a real mess.....I hope he has a full team of Economic Brains....we need them ALL....
Well, here is Something GOOD that is Finally being done....instead of chasing ghost and goblins on the terra list....they are looking at the Crooks that Stole OUR money.....and our Future...Gee, at this point the Government should hire Some of us to investigate these Criminals....because we all KNEW that something was Wrong for monthes....if the BIG CEO's that were so smart and doing such a good job , HOW did they all allow Some many businesses to fail so badly.....there is Something wrong that needs Investigating....
Am I the only one that has fantasies of the "Mr.Potters" being carted off in Cuffs ??? Or atleast see them publicly confronted and questioned about the missing money ????
This gentleman was also Rove's IT expert....gee I wonder if he knew a thing about ALL of those Missing WhiteHouse Emails????just the title to read more....With Bush...I just don't really believe in Accidents....
ooooops , turns out that he faces some time in the Klink...hmmm , interesting....gee, I guess he would have been an outstanding choice for Homeland Security....cough....( so who was the better choice that year for the "Decider", Harriet Miers for Supreme Court ? or Bernie for HLS ?) Remember he was such good buddies with Rudy that they started a business together, called Guilani Partners....hmm, wonder what happened to that....and they invested in Taser together...I hope Rudy comes to see him in prison....
I rushed around all day on my day off trying to get things done ( cough, like pay bills,find food,buy candles, and fix things)...came home and decided that I would watch Hardball....What a HUGE mistake....Chris Matthews created a Documentary called " The Decider " about Bush....what a Nauseating Piece of Horse Crap.....the Muted Lighting and Patriotic Wardrobe and whoreish makeup do not really highlight the Truth....It was amazing how much was Not Highlighted, like how Bush told us to go shop after 9-11, how he bumbled through that actual day stumbling like a drunk lost on New Years Eve..... And how the Infamous August 6th Memo was not revealed to Americans for 2 years.....and then only when Condi was heavily questioned at a 911 Hearing....she squeaked it the 911 part is mishandled in a pathetic manner. I would call it propaganda.
The best part of the "documentary" is when they say how" Bush's troops Drove the Taliban out of Afghanistan"....Now to give Chris some credit, he does explore how Bush tried to link Iraq to 911.... ( By the way the MSM never really did properly investigate the events of 911....Shame on them).But the MSM like the Whitehouse has lost their journalistic integrity, and moral path, and lost sight that they were to Protect Freedom of Speech and Report the Truth and History....The Programs tries to paint the Rhetoric as merely an intelligence error....NOT what it really was...A LIE.....
All in all....a poor piece of journalism...Chris should have interviewed Joe Wilson...that would have improved it. And the Title needs work.....I personally would have called it "The Criminal" and covered OTHER issues, like the Torture, the WMD lies, the Illegal Spying and the Fearmongering and Illegal War, and even the firing of the US Attorneys.And Other Issues that he criminally mishandled should be covered as his negligence did hurt Americans and other people of the world, there were many lessons along the way, from Iraq, to Katrina to American Troops and families, to Victims of the Tsunami to Katrina and IKE.....and the Economic Tsunami that we face but has global implications and impacts...this man lacks leadership and judgement and compassion....I would not trust him to change my cats's Kitty litter.
But that is just my thoughts on the Mission Accomplished I sit here and chew more TUMS....and ponder the Criminals at the Helm....22 days to go.
This famous brave lawyer fought many hard battles.....but this last battle is most poignant....and significant......I was lucky enough to talk to him years ago while in the midst of a Battle for a Small town with a Large Chemical Company....he returned a call, simply to give advice and encouragement.....I followed his battles and career after that. His Courage was inspiring for a nurse in a smalltown.....I hope that his medical care was compassionate and encouraging....and that he was shown tender mercies and hope....There is no more difficult a battle....RIP Al.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ NYT is doing a good job covering the Economic Plight we are all facing....ironically they are showing that it was not an accident...or So the title...The Reckoning is a good series....painful and razor sharp....I intend to blog the History we are living through right now...The Truth, because we have all know for over a year and a half that we are in a Recession ( even though no one in DC could say it or admit it).....And if we are in A Depression, which I think we are...I have to blog it....because we are living is our Reality...
There is alot of pain in realizing that even reporters covering the Truth are being tossed to the curb...This wonderful reporter has been with NPR since 1977.Is it irony that she is being Fired while covering the layoffs ? or just sad...I don't even know....
(click the title, all five parts linked ) Great show... a bit of History, Great Commentary, and Deadly Liquor described as "varnish" and Lamb and some guns.....he should not have named the Lambs during the show....enjoy....
I have to post this video, it is about Wind Energy....WHY WIND is not being explored and publicly discussed more, especially after the Christmas TVA Disaster is beyond me...there are so many places around the country that this would creatively expand the grid and also provide Infrastructure jobs and economic relief. There are so many countries effectively using this energy, and we should be meeting with them and exploring this wonderful source of CLEAN energy....
So Christmas is over....and over Christmas we have been given an Ecological Disaster that really deserves some attention and scrutiny. Sadly the Media is once again absent, as their coverage is once again steered by Corporate Interests.....Please do read the post below....once again here at Watergate I am going to blog this disaster in detail and study it closely.The first post below has amazing Videos made by the Mountain Defense Organization, as well as the locals in canoes. ( I advise you to see them quickly as the Coal Industry will try to find a way to pull them from Youtube.) The lesson is that the Coal Industry is not safe and not clean....
As a nurse I studied Ecological Disasters and Damage in the aspect I studied and surveyed was Coal Mining. ( for me the study was about Sludge and Fly ash and heavy metals, as well Abandoned Coal Mines used to Dump Contaminated Industrial accident while studying SuperFund Sites, I discovered Abandoned Mines that NO One knew anything about being used for dumping. this required that I learn about Coal Mining and the dangers of Sludge and Coal Waste.....for thousands of acres and thousands of people were effected.) So I take this subject very seriously and am concerned about the TVA I will be blogging it for the next few days.....We all know that living in a Corporatocracy is hazardous to health.
I have other issues I will be blogging where Politics and the Government has collided with our lives....but for this's ALL about the TVA disaster. If you have links of more info, please do email me. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First a Video about TVA and it's History, the irony is that it was born from FDR"S New Deal and the Economic Plight of the Depression.....and as we wait for Obama's to take the Helm , we need to study the Infrastructure Projects of that Era so that we can create a safer more Ecologically Minded Future..... ( if you click the title it links to more videos about the history).
SUNDAY UPDATES OUT OF PAPERS::: (1)NYT did an update this am that corrects the AMOUNTS, but otherwise pretty crappy article, not questioning WHY NO Government agency has come forward with a Statement ? read more and wonder if there are ANY Investigative journalists at the NYT. (2) Knoxville News is doing a great Round Up- that includes ALL media- even blogs, read more here and send them links if you have more.... (3) This article explains how a Documentary called "Sludge" perdicted this disaster....( it actually is based on a similiar disaster in Kentuckey and explains how it happens and the more here and learn about this documentary.... If you want to see the Documentary , Here are contacts:
Those interested in encouraging local movie theaters or local parishes to show the documentary can contact Robert Salyer at: Or they can contact: Appalshop 91 Madison Avenue Whitesburg, KY 41858 606.633.0108 606.633.1009
On December 22nd there was a Massive Sludge Spill in Kingston Tennessee at 1 AM. The media , most MSM has barely covered this disaster. In many ways this is pure Criminal Negligence, there are thousands of Contaminated Acres at stake and Lives of the Citizens there as well. The local Media in the region has been telling people to BOIL their Water???? This is beyond dangerous. There should be Clean Safe Tankers of Water and Bottled Water being Delivered. The air water and soil should be being tested for ALL Heavy Metals, especially Mercury and Methylmercury and Arsenic. ( as well as thorium, copper, iron, and uranium, and thallium, and sulpheric acid and hydrochloric acid.) There should be Emergency Management TEAMS there monitoring the Health of the people and the water. This Disaster contaminated the River which is Drinking water for millions. ( Do click the title, and read more about the Mountain Defense Org. who is monitoring the situation).
Mercury is VERY dangerous, and one of the leading Wastes from Coal Mining. It causes Damage to the Heart, Brain and Kidneys. It can cause Irrepairable neurological Damage and renal damage, especially in infants, children and the elderly and pregnant women. Giving a Boil Alert is beyond Stupid, this means folks will Boil their water and being Concentrating the Heavy Metals and the Mercury, as well as Creating Mercury Vapors for them to Breath. ( sadly add the Heavy metal list up and it is a cocktail of heavy metals,arsenic, lead, iron,thallium,manganese,uranium,thorium,copper etc).( And don't forget that the sulpheric acid and hydrochloric acids are just as Sunday December 28th papers it is revealed that TVA is doing the testing of water and soil and air.....Still NO statements or results revealed by EPA or ANY Government Emergency Team).
The four videos below are made by the United Mountain Defense Organization as well as locals in Canoes going out in Filming in the Area who are attempting to document the Damage....When you watch the videos, see if you can see ANY wildlife, a Single Bird even ? and also remember the Emory River that they show- remember that millions DRINK that Water....Please also note the Stacks emitting steam, where are they going to put the ash from that Steam Plant ? And last but not least- Count how many "offical" people do you see helping ???? Did you see any ?..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aerials Tell the WHOLE story:
This video by the Mountain Defense Org is a Canoe tour, the guide paddles through the sludge and asks really good questions...
This 3rd video, please see at 4 minutes in the Large Cops appear to try to stear the locals away from the area, talking about Signs about Keeping traffic out, interesting makes one wonder WHAT they don't want people to see ? HOW Bad is the damage ? ( must be bad when the cops are protecting the Evidence rather than the People of the Land).
Once again Bloggers are on top of this Situation, please do read ENCLAVE's posts on this, this Nashville Blogger is bringing up many signifigant issues , read more here. There are Citizen Journalists going out with the Mountain Defense Org and in Canoes filming as they paddle through the sludge, as you watch the videos you will see NO Government Employees or ANY Disaster Monitors ( EPA ? BLM? FEMA? Mines &Minerals Management Teams ? USGS ? ANY Emergency Management Teams ? It is a Government OWNED Site and Plant ...YET they are Absent).
And the Media is Once agin Complicit by NOT showing the Absence of Aid......This Disaster is Bigger than Katrina and Vadez combined....and there will be staggering Consequences due to this level of Negligence...the difference this time will be that the Government OWNS this disaster, Every Inch of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This Section Below is taken from Enclave's Post of December 26th about the Toxic Contents of the Sludge that is now contaminating thousands of acres of Land, RiverBeds and the River and Creeks in the region.
"A commenter at NPR says that the Kingston ash sludge flood could contain a Pandora's box of nuclear wastes and that a savvy reporter with a Geiger counter might open it: Your news piece on the coal ash spill in Tennessee had a laundry list of heavy metals that could be in the ash. I found it interesting that uranium and thorium were not listed as part of the heavy metals. That coal contains trace amounts of uranium leads to an annual release into the environment of 1,360 tons of uranium and 3,348 tons of thorium according to Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This is more uranium than is consumed by the nuclear power industry in a year. A typical coal plant emits over 5 tons of uranium in a year. ( It would be interesting journalism to take a geiger counter down to the spill area in Tennessee and measure the millirems at the spill site versus normal ambient radiation.
Coal use for 50% of our nation's electricity comes with many environmental externalities not currently accounted for in its cost however the radiation danger is one of them not normally discussed as yet another danger. ( Instead of just uncritically passing along TVA public relations material, why can't mainstream reporters earn the title "journalists" and do some more snooping around to confirm or deny independently the toxicity of the ash spill? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Where is the Outrage, the Concern? Why Isn't Oak Ridge Sending people to educate and test the waters and soils ? The list of Contaminants is a Mile long, and the Amount of Heavy Metals, especially mercury and arsenic must be staggering. Sludge and Slag ALWAYS contains HUGE amounts of these Metals.The Fish and wildlife that are showing up dead, should be tested as well. The First report I saw on the news "claimed" that the Mercury was Barely noticeable ? What the hell does THAT mean? Fish Kills Mean that there is REAL Danger....for ALL Living Creatures in the Region.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My Christmas Present for you is the First Video, with much gratitude I offer this, thank you for being here.... and may you know this kind of love, the power and the sheer wonder of it....The Story of Christian the Lion....
and my three favorite Christmas Songs of all times....always.....( or you can scroll through the Month and listen to music everyday, or even click the title and see a Song for the Obama's in Hawaii.....we have High Winds tonight and have lost power twice I might not be around all night... I am trying to decorate the Tree, make spaghetti and watch Ralphie and "It's a Wonderful Life"....) Have a Wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Morn..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Greg Lake " I believe in Father Christmas.."
Band Aid " Do they know it's Christmas"....
and of course John Lennon...."Happy Christmas, War is Over"...
and for the Obamas in Hawaii....( tribute by a dancing Snowman...)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2007 Tree in 6-6 's room.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ By Christmas Eve I try to send out or real....and I try to put my tree up....this is last year's tree in my son's room....and if you look closely half way up in the middle is a furry orange cat...that is when he was much smaller...but now he would take the tree down with a single I will have to put it someplace where he can not get to it....Read below about back later....
*** I have linked the Ecard Greetings website to the title...had to take the Greeting off the blog- it was having audio burps... If you want to send an Ecard to someone , they are cheap ...and lovely...and you can sit and choose for hours...great fun...I will be back later tonight,.....stay warm...share the coco and hug the one you're with.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inn at Pacific Grove,Ca. a few years ago I used to walk my dog by this is so beautiful.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a beautiful Mary Chapin Carpenter " 10,000 Miles- Fly Away Home",....this song is not a typical Christmas or Holiday Song, but it reminds me of all the places and people I miss at Christmas time....for someone like me, I have scattered memories and loving feelings for so many places....where my heart still lingers....the Northwest to the West Coast and California to Islands in the Gulf to New England to North New York to Baltimore ......and even to Asia where I have friends that I miss dearly.....The song and Video Montage are deeply's about Remembering and Holding Dear What Matters....In 2004 my son and I were living in a dilapitated Rooming House in Pacific Grove, and I used to walk by the Inn , thinking of what a real bath tub would be like, and not living in ONE room with a preteen would be like, it was a sad , difficult many ways....and I told my son I was sorry we were not in a real Home for Christmas...and he said " but anywhere with you is Home".....I never forgot him saying that...and this song reminds me of him saying that as a wise child, my gentle giant, my old soul son..."Home is where the People you love are."....always....and really that is What Christmas is about...Home and the People that you Love......Enjoy the song Mary's "10,000 Miles, Fly Away Home".....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is 6-6's cat Mr 20 Pounds of Snooky Love, sprawled in front of the nice warm TV in the TV room....with my little yellow dog...and they are watching Miami CSI...their favorite show ( they are overwhelmed by excitement and hence the snoring)......Okay, so it is still Freezing Ass Cold here by Lake Erie, as it is through much of the Midwest and the NorthEast.....I wanted to go Christmas Shopping yesterday....but I was locked out of my car...funny thing, I had this great New De-Icer I could have used on my frozen car locks...but guess where it is ? Yes, that would be correct- IN THE CAR....ahhh, very smart....So I walked the dog last night....not knowing it was now below Zero and with wind, negative 18, poor dog wrapped in an old sweater looking like Hobo Puppy as she took the Quickest piddle in the world, and me feeling like I am tap dancing on popsicles, because of the sheer ice under the snow....and I made a hideous noise like Someone had dropped their keys....Too Damn Cold...
I need to be Somewhere where I can wear surf shorts and flipflops....even to Christmas Shop....
So today's music is one of my favorite Christmas songs ( I posted the Greg Lake Version earlier this month)....But I am torn WHICH is the Better Version...both are very yummy...very....Stay warm...share the coco...I am off to work...I will be back time for the Daily Show.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ U2 , Bono's version of "Father Christmas" ( my favorite Greg Lake Song)
Greg Lake's Vintage Version....
(its kind of ironic....the Greg Lake Version was made the year we left Vietnam..and it clearly has a Anti War ..Peace on Earth Messege....really touching....and I love that the refrain is "have a Brave New Year".....that says it can read more here about why Greg Lake wrote the song....very moving.....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wintery Blast" they call it....I have other Names for it....So I am making Soup and Breadsticks....I went and walked the dog was too cold and windy ( 40 MPH gusts) were too much for both of us....we could not wait to get home...It was too cold to go Christmas shopping....It is too cold to feel Christmasy....I have been listening to the Blues and R&B all day.....Somehow Blues warm things to make the coco...and watch more CSI :Miami....Stay Warm... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aaron Neville "Please Come Home For Christmas"
Music for tonight...Harry Connick with Christmas Video Beach Montage...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have been trying to keep up with all that is going on from Shoe Hurling to Prop8 to Cheney Torture Confessions to the Auto Mess to the Maddoff Criminal Spree to Paulson's Empirical Stupidity ( and he is appointing himself Car Czar ???), ....and in the midst of all that this month I watched three more families move out on my street, with furniture at the curb, more homes in my hood foreclose then sell, that is the fact....
And now the Auto Plants on 30 Day Furlough, for atleast a month, is the tip of a new IceBerg. Some might say I am a painting a Gloomy Picture....I think I am actually seeing a different level of damage here in Ohio than other parts of the Country. I am also looking at people's eyes, and their tired faces,and what little they buy when they go to market.....I have three part time jobs...because there is no Fulltime work here, and I see the Reality of the Economy here....everyday. I will Blog about The Work later...for now I am grateful that I have work and am able to give 6-6 a Christmas and that we have this warm cozy beatup Old House.....for now...and we have New Leadership days away....
I have a new policy, I now talk to people honestly about it. Before I used to not Bring up The Times, because I worried I would make people sad.....but it reminds me of my bartending is better to give people an Opening to Talk, Really Talk...then to smile and offer false cheer or pretend this is All I let them talk...I let them tell me about pulling their kids out of college and have them move home to save money....I let them tell me about their bills....and their worries.....It is better that way....and I tell them " We are all in this together...we will get through this...we will." And we talk about Obama and that he is picking Wise People to repair Our Country, a Brain Trust to Face All of these Problems.....
Soon the Foolish Arrogant Ignorant King will be back in Texas....Not Soon Enough...and this Titannical Administration will end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So this is Solstice.....Some articles below worth reading,and even some humor.....and tonight, yes there will be Christmas Music underneath the Lennon Song....because all I have to give is music and art and some warm thoughts....and sometimes that is enough....I have been listening to alot of Beatles this week, I am not sure why......maybe in some way a part of me realizes that the Sixties were turbulent and the Beatles, especially John Lennon were a part of the Healing and the Wisdom.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ John Lennon " Stand By Me"....
Carly Simon..." The Night before Christmas" really beautiful little known Christmas song from the 80's,....
*Photo of the Christmas Tree in DC, Stan Wyman for LIFE*....Click the title for a beautiful song by the Fray...
Since I didn't have any extra shoes to heave...I am heaving this your the title.....or watch below..and Robin sums up all of this year to a Brit Audience....ALL of it John McCain to Sarah Palin....he nails it....and interesting the Brits get IT- all of IT....
{{{Funny Robin asks WHAT will Bush do now when he leaves office...we talk about that alot here ....I think Bush should have to go work the IKE site, go clear Brush and fight snakes and gators and help those people rebuild their lives....that is just one idea...I have WHOLE lists of What Bush should do after he leaves...but Robin has a few more....}}}
6-6 still under the working too much....a smattering of snow and some hot coco for you.....take care of each other..... Some music for you.....Micheal McDonald " One Christmas Morning" ( live version)....
I have soft spot for bunnies..always...this video is so moving....these folks make the little bunny so adapting to the bunny's changing needs....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still Chilly here....low 20's tonight still windy....So here is one of my favorite songs...Eartha Kitt..."Santa Baby"....I will be making some soup and garlic bread tonight...OFF from all jobs it is a snuggle down night....6-6 still sick , so we are lying low, I think I am going to watch my favorite Christmas Movie.."MIXED NUTS" with Steve Martin....Have a good night...
Trailer for "Mixed Nuts": Steve Martin at his best..a Quirky Christmas Comedy...if you love Steve and Madeline Kahn, you will love this, plus Adam Sandler, Jon Stewart, and Gary Shandling...if you want to see the Whole Movie- I have linked it to the Title and put below...Part One under the trailer...
PART ONE:::( look at the list of characters in the Opening- it's great)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still been trying to work through the Holidays....High Winds today caused havoc the past 24 hours trying to post...My apologies.....and 6-6 and I are still muddling through our Colds...sharing the PUFFS and soup and being grumpy together....There is plenty down below....Wanda Sykes to Celebrity Bric Brac Theater, to Amazing Butter Cookies to Music to some other posts.....I will blog about the labor issues and the Car Mess this week....Have a Good Week all...Two Very Different Songs by Two Different "Daves.." ....enjoy....Share the Egg Nog.... Dave Matthews....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't forget to Look at the Biggest Moon in over 15 years...Go Dance in the Moonlight...( Snowing here 18 degrees...pregnant snow sky...sadly no moon ). ( Click title to learn more about Moon). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Really long week...and too much strange stuff to contemplate without getting a headache....Will blog on the Hideous week tomorrow on the Blago Mess and Corker Crap and Repug Sour Grape Shenigans Scrooging ALL of us.......For tonight....some laughs scroll down there is Celebrity Bric Brac theater and Wanda Sykes and even Really Good Butter Cookies,the kind that melt in your mouth...and some Music... Frank Sinatra singing..."Have yourself a merry little Christmas" ( with old Cary Grant Movie Footage)...Have a good night.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here is the Write Up on their Schedule: "Crash: The Next Great Depression?" "This one-hour special looks at the current economic meltdown in the US and compares and contrasts it with what led up to the Great Depression, the 1929 Crash, its immediate aftermath and what helped to bring us out of the Depression. Threading first person accounts with expert interviews, the special lets viewers understand how much history is repeating itself and what does history tell us about our future". ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Enigma Comments: Really Welldone Special Explaining ALL the Inter-Connections and Failures of the Fall, and How we do need to look at the Lessons of the Past, especially the Depression, and how FDR did work to strengthen the economy as well as set up Social Programs geared to assisting and protecting the Middle Class and working people and families.The program was not shy about showing comparisons to the Great Depression....but also explained What Worked about the New Deal and the WPA. It showed how Obama has been trying to address the Challenges ahead ( Bush is barely mentioned in this show, or his reactions or strategies.)It was really interesting how it explained all the Failures and the global effects. Worth the Watch, even if it is not likely Christmas Fare.
And here she is speaking out about Prop 8.....She can really tell it like it is...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wanda on how Bush has done a lot for black people and should get a Source award: "President Bush has done more for black people than anybody else in the history of this country... If he wasn't such a screw up, this never would have happened."
And More about WHY Obama is good for us, and why Black People KNOW Broke and are good at it....( hmmm, maybe I am black too.....cuz I am good at being broke....)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 cup LAND O LAKES® Butter, softened -2 Sticks Unsalted 1 cup sugar ( must be fine granulated- sugar cane sugar) 2 eggs 1 tablespoons orange juice 1 tablespoon whole milk 1 tablespoon Vanilla Extract Bourbon Based ( NOT Imitation flavor) 2 teaspoons Almond Extract 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour ( flour can be Arrowroot, or Almond if you can find ) 1 teaspoon baking powder Parchment Paper if you can find, or PAM spray ( Light )
Sift All Dry ingredients in a bowl. Then in standing Mixer Bowl mix gently the Wet Ingredients, The Key to great Butter Cookies is the Unsalted Room Temperature Butter and mixing the ingredients slowly, and also to always sift the dry ingredients. Once the Wet Ingredients are smooth, slowing add the Dry Ingredients, One Forth at a time, and setting mixer on low as they are added and then increase speed as the mixture smooths.Once mixture is completely mixed set bowl in frig for 4 hours and let mixture, dough, set or settle or " Rest" ( as my grandmother used to say ) for the WHOLE 4 hours. Cover the top with saran wrap to Hold moisture.
When the Dough is ready there are two ways to make the Rounds. One is to roll the dough into a Log and cut into slices ( kind of like the Pillsbury dough in the dairy section ). Or you can roll out with on an oiled board or counter and cut cookies out with a Bourbon Shot glass- it is nice and round, and just dust lightly with flour or spray with PAM and the dough should not stick to the glass.They should be about One Third Inch thick.
Set on Trays, either with Parchment Paper or lightly sprayed with PAM and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.They will still be light colored, and slightly brown on edges. they should come out soft and warm, if you cook longer they can be crisper or even hard.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ LIFE Magazine Photo...."Christmas 12th Night" ...Date taken..1972....Photographer::George Silk, Google has a whole LIFE Gallery, really wonderful....this photo reminds me of New England, Vermont...more about that down below.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Boss sings about Santa coming to town .....kinda nice photo montage from all over, click the title and you can learn more about the video....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Saving Santa In Vermont" Back in the 80's when I was still a young wifey living with Mr.Enigma in New England, in Vermont... in a very small town.....It was very Norman Rockwellish....beautiful...the LIFE Photo above really captures the essence of how it looked....So we lived in this tiny town on Main Street, and it was full of families with young children. But some were on the verge of not believing in Santa....they would come visit us after school, I would make them cookies and let them watch VH1 ( these were the days when VH1 was still Just Videos....) So Mr.Enigma and I decided to save Santa that year...we found some big Sleigh Bells, and we waited till Christmas Eve, and most of the lights were out .....and then we went up and down main street...and Rang the Bells, carefully hiding behind bushes and trees near bigger Family Houses....
We tried hard to be careful not to get caught, we had warned certain parents ahead of time to help with the mission, but we dressed in black and sklunked about....and tried not to giggle....or even talk...although Mr.Enigma did let out a Boisterous HO HO HO every now and then... There was one minor mishap when Mr.Enigma slipped on some ice, and kinda fell and cursed....but we carried on.
So the Next Day.....Christmas Came....and the children ran about Main Street showing each other new sleds and mittens and other wonders....and sitting outside on the porch, they excitedly talked about Santa...and we eavesdropped..." Santa came, did you hear his bells ???" " Yeah, I think I heard him too, he did not say Ho HO HO....It sounded like he fell and he even cussed...Something about a Duck ? "....Mr.Enigma looked at me...a bit red....and we laughed....atleast Santa had been saved that Cold Vermont Night..
Energy Secretary Steven Chu, is an amazing choice. Do read the NYT article linked to the title about his is very interesting...but that the Energy Secretary would be a Scientist is a first....and also the WaPo article has even more.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Still like David Bowie ? Okay here is a treat for you......In England in the early 80's there was a beautiful animated film made called " The Snowman" beautiful and poignant, and bit sad, but heavenly music, the whole CD is beautiful., and David Bowie does the Introduction....( this is the first part of 3, click the Title, and it will link you to the Page and the Other Parts).This animated film is nothing like "Frosty"...Very it if you can...or atleast listen to the music.... Part One of The Snowman with the David Bowie Introduction:::
The Song "Walking on the Air" from The Snowman ( H/T to did indeed need to be posted) By George Winston....
( Back Story...when I was pregnant with my son....VERY pregnant with my son, Christmas early Nineties....I was working a Pediatric Floor in Seattle...and there was a horrific Snowstorm that December, the group of us that went to work that Evening shift were trapped there....for 5 days, until the National Guard brought relief nurses and took us home....People brought us food and even clothes and extra blankets and popcorn, fruit, and people in the little neighborhood near by even brought us videos and movies and lights to fix up the Pediatric Floor, some of the little local eateries sent wonderful food and even homemade cookies....One of the movies that was brought to us by a British family was this movie....and we watched it over and over with Our Snowbound patients as we hung lights and made many paper snowflakes for the windows....this music played....)
And here is even More about how the Emperor wants his New Clothes of the past 8 years Re-written....the bigger Lies and Delusional Fluff about his Honor and Dignity and how he kept Americans "safe".....It would be like the Captain Smith of the Titannic awarding himself Naval Honors for his Historic Achieved Trans Atlantic Voyages....I wonder does he believe his own lies now ? And his staff and aides are supposed to peddle this "Honor Dignity" Myth.... *{Click the title to read the LA TIMES article on this also....}*
Okay.....I have to see this movie...I really do...I am someone that truly does still study all things Watergate....there are many more clips to watch on Youtube...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay so keeping up with my Music and Art per day....Here's is today 's pick....A Snow photo and some more music by MANY artists....and a Brain Tease.....Down Below is plenty about the Republic Sit In Chicago, the Arrest of the Govenor of Illinois and Bush's Continuing Delusions and some other Happenings of note....
Okay so Now you can play BandAid Bingo when you Hear this song, or you can also Cheat to get some of the Answers over at Youtube, The Song was all about a Bad thing ( famine) that led to good people trying to raise awareness and money in 1984....Good Luck and let me know your answers in the Comments ...Free Virtual Egg Nog to all who give it a try...Enjoy. (1) Can you Name ALL Artists ? (2) Who was the main Producer and Originator of The Song? (3) What Country were they trying to Aid ? (4) Who has Been to Rehab Now ? (5) Who is doing Time Now or been arrested ? (6) Is there still Starvation In Africa ? (7) How many Spinoffs Came from this song ? (8) Who is in AARP now ? (9) Do you remember the USA Artists Spin off ? Click the Title to hear that one and answer the same Questions.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Are you stumped and damn curious to learn more ? and do you feel like you want to now doing Something about Hunger...Play FREE RICE
Patrick Fitzegerald gives Press Conference on his arrest and wrongdoings....definitely the strangest most deluded gready manuver I have ever he was trying to basically sell Obama's Senate seat and "Make a Deal"....pretty horrible....
( More Updates at Huffpost click the title....they have a whole page dedicated to this mess, they are doing a great job....)
More is unraveling about this by the Hour Hiffpost is still covering it by the hour, also there was a Marathon phone call November 10th to people in DC that is key to follow, learn more here and we will see what falls out about it..... ALL Dem Senators have requested he resign....and yet he goes on unscathed...more to come.
Just a Question ? Have they not noticed that Olbermann and Rachel have Great Ratings ? Just a HINT.....BTW so they really do have Geriatric Aspirations.....First the other bonehead move of the week, David -I-Dance-with-the-Turd Blossum Gregory "selected" for Meet The Press ( Russert must be barfing in his grave) and then this....Why not just add Larry King to their line up and call it done ? or hell give Bush a show about Ranching and clearing Brush? WAKE UP CNN, FOX and NBC....WE THE PEOPLE are damn tired your fearmongering and patriotic propaganda....jus sayin'.
{Fine with me...I have not watched ANYTHING at 10 PM on NBC in years...and I love me some Dave Letterman after the News....( Dave's ratings should sky rocket now...}
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Everyday I will post updates of what is going on in Chicago....we need to follow this closely, there will be More Situations Like This....The State of the Workers in this Country is festering like a long ignored wound...Me it runs in my blood from other generations, that lived in Kentucky and West Virginia mining coal and working the railroads and even growing hemp and some RumRunning on the side......The Appalachian Side of me understands the angst of what is at stake....I think all of us have started to feel it and see it in people's eyes, at the Market and on bustops....It's Real...Fran over at Ramblings is also blogging this situation closely....
Dear Brothers and Sisters and Fellow Bloggers in Chicago.... I am asking that you support These Brave Peaceful Workers, Show them Solidarity,Contact the Governors Office and show your support, also go to the Plant and offer your help, or blankets, water or Food. Please know that their families need Food too, so any help that you can offer will help their Cause. There is a Rally Being Planned for NOON Wednesday, please stay posted, and plan to go as Fellow Workers of Chicago...Solidarity is Critical at this Time. These People are your Neighbors and your Community, but they also represent ALL of us, and they are showing great Courage....Thank You. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Which Side Are You On ?...Pete Seeger Version ( Natalie Merchant Version Linked to the Title)....
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update as of MN, the Governor of Illinois has suspended ALL Business Transactions with Bank of the video...first Obama came out in support of the Workers and now....the Governor, watch below...I can not find the Video- if anyone finds it let me know, but here is the article about Obama's Press Conference on it.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ photo Workers 1930's.........
11AM Update 12.09.08:::: Well, talk about a Really REALLY Strange Coincidence...the Governor of Illinois was arrested this am and his chief of staff read more from the NYT. I also wonder if the FEDS ( BUSH 'S FEDS) are going to tie this back to Obama., since they are saying the Charges are Corruption, and tied to conspiracy for the Appointment of Obama's Seat -the Replacement.....this all looks very suspect.....The Current Gov. came into power after the Criminal Demise of Governor Ryan in 2002.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First 2 Videos:: You decide WHO is at Fault hurting the Workers, Republic or Bank of America ? HUGE Rally planned for Wednesday NOON.....
More in this homemade video, also explains HOW this happened, and what some of the Workers are concerned about watch more here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In Chicago, the workers at the Republic Company were given the shaft, 3 days Layoff Warning , with NO Rules or Laws followed for these employees that had worked there for many years. They were not given proper layoff warning, severance, pay or healthcare. So they are basically staging a Peaceful Sit-In, please do follow their Efforts that started on December 6th, I will try to update this post with updates.....Click the Title to read more....
The Problem is that Republic Management claims that Bank Of America would not give them funds needed to pay the Employees Pay that they are owed ...So WHO is really at fault ? and WHY are American Workers getting the shaft During ALL of this Bailout Mayhem ?They have yet to even be acknowledged....If I lived in Chi-Town I would take these good folks muffins and coffee, they deserve and need our support....Even Obama came out over the Weekend and gave his support to the Workers.....More To Come...I will update this post through the week...( they are now on Day 4).
From AP: Laid-off workers at the closed Republic Windows & Doors factory continued to occupy their former workplace Saturday in a quest to get vacation and severance pay owed them.About 250 employees, complaining they received three days' notice that their plant was closing, occupied the factory and warehouse after Republic closed its doors Friday and company officials failed to show up at negotiations brokered by U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez."We're going to stay here until we win justice," said worker Blanca Funes, 55, of Chicago.Union leaders say the company failed to give workers the 60 days' notice required by federal law, and that its bank, Bank of America, barred Republic from paying for the 60-day period or for vacations. The leaders also criticized a Wall Street bailout they say is leaving laborers behind.
"We're doing something we haven't done since the 1930s, so we're trying to make it work," declared Leah Fried, an organizer with the United Electrical Workers.
Bank of America, which received $25 billion from the government's financial bailout package, maintains it isn't responsible for Republic's financial obligations. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Update on the Status of the Republic Workers please read more Here.....they are becoming a Symbol of American Workers across the Country And there is More HERE about Bank Of America's hand in this Sorted Mess.....and how there is Now People Taking note....including the State of Illinois. 300 People are taking a's odd but Bank of America was one of the Companies that got over 29 Billion in the Bailout....I for the life of me do not know WHO that is aiding ? I picture Someone like MrPotter sitting in an Office Hording Money...and snickering at the Plight of the Workers.....We need a George Bailey.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photo " Worker" by Dorthea Lange from the 1930's, I will continue using her Depression photos as they really do tell the whole story...I have started taking Black and Whites and also cellphone photos use to tell OUR stories....Odd how hard it has been to find photos of the Republic Workers on the Internet... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Maybe Someone Should Show THIS Video to the Bank of America...the Money of the Bailout was not supposed to HOGGED by the Bank Exec's and used for Christmas Bonuses, it was supposed to ease the Strain and to go to Hurting HomeOwners and Workers struggling to make ends meet, and atleast help a Plant pay it 's Workers for time already worked....George Bailey Explains about HOW Banks are meant to work FOR THE PEOPLE....and I guess Bank of America and Hank Paulson have been studying Mr.Potter.....Clue to all who are watching this is the Start of Something Bigger....
I am Denied Access to the Republic Windows & Doors Website, which I don't understand...unless maybe their website is shut down, if someone could let me know that would be great....In the Meantime if you live in Chi-Town and wish to take them some food and coffee or offer support...or if you feel like sending the Management Some Letters about how NOT paying People at Christmas is a is their Address ::::: 1333 N Hickory Ave Chicago, IL 60642 (312) 932-8000