No Pin Up Girls tonight.....just me....and I have Something to say.
This Blog is many things....It is a Cafe where people sit and think and talk to each other. For me it a place where I blog about the things that matter in our lives and try to give some Hope Back....I like to think that in the end that I have given something back to Blogatopia, that I have created a Circle of People, maybe even a Circle of Hope .....that I have created a small Haven of Humanity, that I have helped us keep our Souls Intact.....that I have always remembered WE THE PEOPLE.
All I have ever asked here is that People be good to each other here, and that you all read what I post and listen to the Music, and listen with your heart, not just your head. This is not a Blog for Intellectual Battling it is a place to find Refuge from those kind of Blogs. I am so grateful for all that have come here and formed this Circle over the years.
It is not enough for me to blog about Bushco Criminal Crimes and these Dark Times that I do truly understand in ways that are unimagineable. I have to blog about the realities of our lives, but as a HippyChild of the Sixties, Mom, a Nurse, a Scorched WhistleBlower, I like to think that I have done it with some Heart. and with Integrity....and that Soul Tending will help us all Fight On.....and save what is left of OUR Tattered Country. We are Living through Broken times, and our Government is Broken, my hope is that I can help Heal some of that Brokeness here on this little blog.
I am asking that you listen to this Song, the" Boxer" by Simon and Garfunkel that I have linked to the Title, I am indeed one of the Ragged People with a Story that is Seldom Told......but I am using this Blog to also tell the Story of Our Times and Our People. I hope and pray that in the New Year we are able to achieve some Real Change to heal this Country and the Damage that has been created for the world under the Bush Regime.We can not rewrite History, but we can make Our Own. I am so grateful to all of you for coming and sharing and being a part of this Blog.You are the Salt of the Earth.
***{Footnote: Please go see our Gentle Friend ANonP over at America Weeps, this dear man lost his sister this week, and he wrote a beautiful tribute to her...please go and give him your love....Please als stop by and see our friend Weezie , as she too could indeed use a hug. Thank you.....}***
*****{ I am updating Blog On Sunday Night, with a Blog Round Up for New Years Eve, and also the Blogroll is being updated, so please if you see new folks help me Welcome them here. If you have Blogs to suggest for the roundup or the Blogroll, email me at enigma4ever@earthlink.net .Thank you }******
Very good Enigma and you tell that story so well.
Thanks for giving me another place to hang and feel welcome.
Larry: Good to see you, I have so appreciated your company here this year, your insights and your great quotes...I did leave Christmas and New Years wishes over at Lydia's for you (and Lydia too) and have to say Thank You for all of the wonderful writing you have done this year....namaste.
You couldn't have picked a better song, it's one of my favorite Simon and Garfunkel tunes. I don't need to click on it, it's already playing in my head. ;-)
I love your blog, you are a gentle soul and that's something I wish I could see in more people.
Happy New Year, Enigma4ever!
"A happy life is just a string of happy moments. But most people don't allow the happy moment, because they're so busy trying to get a happy life".
I think everyone who comes to your blog feels welcome. It is a good place to come and exchange ideas. Sort of a sanctuary, if you will.
I love that picture of you. Your personality suits how you look, you have a gleam in your eye.
Your Christmas tree looks wonderful, by the way. It looks good in the bay window, and it has lots of lights.
This has been a tough year for your country. Maybe 2008 will be better!
Now I'm going to listen to The Boxer, one of my favorite Simon and Garfunkel songs.
That's a great performance of The Boxer! "the fighter still remains" is always my favorite line. I look fwd to a better 2008 when maybe the SNL teaming of Simon & Geo Harrison singing "here comes the sun" might be appropriate. well, I can hope, can't I?
I love coming to Watergate Summer. You have provided a good place to feed souls & attempt to understand the puzzling realities of our lives. Even when the news is bad, I always feel hope radiating here.
And how wonderful when we are also treated to that great picture of you, gorgeous hair flashing amidst all that greenery!
Bush isn't the problem.
E4E, It is been wonderful sharing the last year with you and am very happy that you decided to open up the cafe again. I actually thought of you when I posted my latest on spiritual people and am glad you liked it. Next year will still have its trials but we have TEOB to look forward too. If we don't connect before the New Year have a Happy.
thanks for the great post and great blogging-year. have a splendid new year!
Thanks one and all....and thank you for all of your great blogging and that you appreciate I am just trying to help us come through this with our Humanity intact...
( Jason I need to add your blog to the Blogroll...it is wonderful)
So glad you are putting your beautiful vibe out there for all of us to benefit from. There are enough places to wrangle. If Hooterville is a front porch, you are a spa! Have a wonderful '08.
E4E, What a delight to have discovered your site(s)and relish each visit. Thanks for the visits and comments----so very much appreciated. We wish you a great portion of peace in the coming New Year and look forward to engaging collectively in the voice of a progressive, life sustaining and celebratory community. Namaste Mandt & Bodhi
i hope the New Year brings us some good news on the Political Front.
Thank you for posting about A-P..I was wondering what was up with him lately ;(
Dusty: nice to see you....I too hope the New Year brings Change and GOOD news...I am sorry that AP is coping with loss at Christmas...so hard...but his blogatopia sisters will look out for him...( his brothers too)
Mandt: I love your blog...and am so glad that the Monk introduced us....have a wonderful New Year...
Alicia: I lurk over at your blog....I should comment....but I just like sitting quiet on the porch- you are right , your blog is like a front porch...and I am the spa- Oh how I love that....
I am hoping and praying for a better year too E4E!
Thank you for a nice blog and sharing your nice thoughts and wonderful music!
Peace and Hope for the New Year! :)
Back from vacation and I am already bitch slapping the Bush administration for the good of the country. Plus I find it so damn fun!
If I have neglected to tell you in the past, Watergate Summer is a VERY important site, and you do an EXCELLENT job of helping to expose the lies and deception from our government while still providing a pleasant oasis for those of us who feel sore and wounded from our campaigns against injustice.
We need you, and are always glad to hear from you in our comments section or to communicate with you here at the "Summer".
After all, it is always summer here.
Keep up the wonderful work darling.
Thank you for being a friend not only to me, but to all who fight to restore our country back to the goodness and greatness it once was.
I pray you have a prosperous and very Happy New Year.
God Bless you.
AnonP:, Dear Friend....
Thank you for your kind thoughts and for understanding that I am trying to help us all spiritually fight on and fight together....as a Nurse, it is my nature to heal..to tend to people...but it does not mean that I dont value fighting back...but we can not do it if our souls are Broken....In France in WWII there was a Spiritual Resistance Movement, they too taught some of this...and Ghandi, Mandela and MLK taught us that we must Have Hope to fight back...to Make Change...even if it is a small amount, if we nurture it and tend it , it will spread...grow...and gain Strength....
Together we are strong....
A Circle of Strength....
Gryphen.....wow....that was such a nice comment...you made me smile..and I don't even know what to say...But you are right here it is Always Summer....there is always warmth...and yes, I do try to Expose and Document the Truth while still giving Something Back....What I said about Bloggers being important during these Dark Times is so important..and your Blog is also making a difference...your Voice is Valuable...thank you..
Hey Enigma!
You're so beautiful!!
You've got an excellent point...As usual.
Great song, Simon and Garfunkel, great, great, great.
I hope you're having an amazing holiday season and Happy New Year, thanks for spreading a little love and calm around. We do need it.
VB...so good to see you, please do come by anytime- you have been missed...I too wish you a wonderful New Year...
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