DiscoveryNews reporting New NASA photos late Thursday Night show the Slick is reaching the Shoreline,
especially the Mouth of Mississippi River. Sadly the Leak is now 3 leaks and conservative estimate is 5000 gallons /day, which at 42 gallons/barrel is 200,000 gallons/day.DiscoveryNews has great article with great pictures and diagrams showing the total scope of the situation.
Within the last 24 hours the Scenario has changed drastically, BP has asked for help from our Government and our Military. President Obama has sent three cabinet members to the region and also been emphatic that our Government and Military will assist and work on this situation rendering any and all aid needed and that BP will be billed appropriately.It is clear to all involved that 8 days passed before BP admitted how significant the situation actually was. It is fortunate that the Coast Guard was monitoring and involved from the first day. Obama has also made clear that there will be thorough review of the situation and as well as of all the other platforms in the Region.
As of 4am Newspapers including the WSJ are reporting that Obama is calling in the Navy to assist with the Slick. I remember the Valdez Disaster and I even remember the Santa Barbara Incident in 1969 and I don't ever remember the Navy being called in. I don't even think Bush allowed the Navy to help with Katrina.
BBC has whole page with video,updates and map that is also monitoring the situation. They are covering it thoroughly and also point out BP's role in this disaster.
And SkyNews has more on BP's Safety records and fines and problems that is worth reading.
LATimes has more as this crisis grows in the past 24 hours and recognizing that the situation is worsening as the oil gets closer to shore.Discovering that there is a 3rd leak at the Site only added to the situation.,
Nasa has amazing sattelite photos that really show the extent of the situation.Excellent website to visually connect to the situation.
PBS News Hour...Late ThursdayNight 4.29.10
And just when we think this Disaster can not get any worse, we learned Thursday Night that Halliburton did "repair" the Sunken Rig and that raises many questions and concerns. As we all know their work in Iraq has been dangerous on multiple levels.
NYT update late Thursday night mostly focused on BP and it's image and it's Responsibility.
NOAA Forecast Map , it could reach Pensacola by Monday.....

Times Picayune is covering the Disaster in great depth and really showing the Damage Potential and risks to Gulf Coastline. Do read all of their coverage.
Deep Sea News is a site that has great information explaining area,risks and history of damage and spills to ecosystem.
Oceana Beacon Blog has great scientific information and updates on the situation.
Possible Damage to Fishing Industry and Ecosystem is Critical Situation for the Gulf Coast.
Shrimpers file first lawsuit as of April 29th.
This website explains more about the shrimping Industry and it's history in region.
More on the Fragile Gulf of Mexico Ecosystem here in this Earth Encyclopedia explains some of the finer details of this vulnerable coastline.
This is an another article on the Coastline and some of the history of the region and other geographical aspects.
NOAA Website that has Fish Identified and the maps showing regions. For the people in the region they should be encouraged to document and photograph and video everything, all damage to shoreline, including fish, birds and wildlife.Carry ruler with them to help show size and age of specimans and also plastic bags and sturdy rubber work gloves and masks.
CNET has amazing Images and carefully shows all the changes occurring in the images from NASA.
It's easy to forget What is at stake, this MSNBC post reminds us all all the amazing birds in the Gulf and the wetlands by the Gulf.
Seattle Times has more about Wildlife at stake from Otters to Pelicans all call the gulf and the wetlands their home.
Shannyn Moore's insightful post about Alaska and Palin and Oil Spills is worth the read. Great Insights from someone who really remembers Valdez, and the risks of Oil.