***[ 1-800-Red-Cross for donations/or to tell them your location. Offering Shelter or Updates:Email enigma4ever@earthlink.net. Originally posted 10.22.07 AM, Now kept at Top, Running thread with Updates ; New Post Below on Keeping the Faith and Shelter and Assistance Being Offered By Bloggers]***


California is On Fire...or atleast Southern California.
First Update 10.22.07
Atleast 250,000 Homes have been evacuated from San Diego County and 7 other Counties it is being fed by High Winds and Dry Heat. Many prayers to our friends of Blogatopia out there. We hope they find shelter up the Coast. ( I think this means some of our Southern California Bloggers include, Newsguy,Diva, Bluegrrrl,Sumo, and Thorne ,Dusty,Skippy Crew etc. and I am not sure of everyone's locale...). I encourage if you KNOW anyone, esp. Bloggers down in this area, do offer shelter, the Hotels have already upped the Rates up the Coast. Or even post Shelter offer on your blog.There is a Scramble going on, and also a scramble to set up mobile shelters. Pepperdine University and Military Bases and Hospitals have been evacuated as well.
( The irony of our Caligula Rulership continues, on one channel we had Gov of California giving a Press Conference about California being on Fire, and Bush gives a petulent press conference demanding Money for Security ( which means Blackwater), and he has not even acknowledged the West is on Fire. ( Oh, that 's right it is Dem State and no Oil at risk, so he will probally do a flyover later).
I have a request....that you remember the Red Cross will need donations of money and supplies, I will try to research what they will need. But for sure they will need money , to buy more fluids,IV fluids, and water and food, these will be for the Firefighters, they will need supplies to care for them.If you donate money be SPECIFIC Pick a County in the 7 Disaster Declared Counties,they will need money first,( even write it on your Check) before Federal Aid Kicks in. Thank you.
10.23.07 TUESDAY UPDATE: (Thread will be updated throughout day)
12 Noon Eastern, 9 AM Pacific Time
I will keep this post at the top while these Fires rage in California. Over 400 Square Miles have burned, Hundreds, maybe thousands of homes burned.325,000 Homes have been evacuated ( so that means that atleast 300,000 People have had to find shelter). 10,000 Stayed at the QualCom Center last night, 25,000 are expected by Tonight. The Concern is about whether the Fires will reach the Ocean, this is a critical issue, as there will be nowehere for 1000's of Evacuees already by the sea,will have nowhere to go if that happens. They also are concerned that the Fires could strengthen and actualy Merge ( the Ranch and Magic Fires).
The Winds have Not died down, winds are 30-50 MPH , at dusk they have been up to 80 MPH. ( Laguna Beach clocked 83 MPH, that is Hurricane Strength) ( People from Ca. will tell you the winds usually die down at night, this is not usual Santa Ana wind pattern). Bush finally declared Seven Counties An Federally Recognized Disaster Area.Guard, and Marines have also been brought in ( I don't have numbers). Stay Posted. Rep Duncan Hunter has asked for Military help, General Bloom has been moving units, he did not wait for orders, C130's are on the way. Stay Posted.
4PM UPDATE (1PM West Coast Time)
More than 500,000 Families have been issued the Emergency MANDATORY EVAC order , ( logistically that means up to 2 Million will be impacted for shelter). QualComm will be full tonight- 25,000. If you live in San Diego and need to Check on Status of Home : website sandiego.gov will have a link to check Damage Status. So far only two deathes. Gov. says that Aid is coming from Other States and Feds are involved, let's hope that is true. ( I will believe it when I see it). PLEASE DO READ DIVA'S COMMENT ON THREAD- SHE HAS UPDTATES FROM SD. We are still waiting to hear from Thorne and Dusty and Bluegrrrl have both posted updates as well.
8PM Tuesdaa Night Update:
Best Estimates are 950,000 to over 1 million displaced people. ( Remember these are families, just middle class families). Best estimate of 400 Square Miles. Worse drought since 1877, this is as bad as it gets, between the Winds and the Heat, adn the the Lack of Water, this is a reciepe. This crisis will require ALL to band together, how dare Bush push a single finger, and god help him if he does a Photo-Op Fly-over on thursday, personally I hope Arnie sets him straight in no uncertain terms.
We don't need any more Brownies or Heckuva ob Brownie Moments. ( Bush is spuposed to arrive there on Thursday, today he went had another Brownshirt moment, speaking to military students in his normal petulent pissed off manner). At this point only 2 dead, there are a number wounded by fires and smoke inhalation, I wil try to post these numbers....Stay Posted.
10.24.07 Wednesday Update 1pm:
So far most of the evacuations and movement of Families in California is contiunuing to go smoothly. Up to 25,000 are staying at Qualcomm ,but it seems to running smoothly, there is food, medical care, pastoral care and services, and plenty of cots,clothing, and holistic care and services.People also were allowed to bring their pets. Inusrance Companies are there on site providing servcices, State Farm and Famers Insurance.Volunteers have made a huge difference and also local leadership were and are organized in meeting the needs of these people. Officials have admitted that atleast 1 Million people are indeed displaced. So far since people are being cared for and offered substantial shelter and provided in an effective manner, there is relative calm. It is such a relief compared to the images of Dead sitting by the NOLA Convention Center.
The Bigger Questions persist, can California sustain this level of care for this Volume of people for an extended period of time.The fires continue, and the firefighters continue in their persistance in this battle. It is also important to note that these Fires are not like anything that has been battled before, so Air Support could not be used effectively due to the High Winds, so much of the fighting has been on the ground. 433,000 acres destroyed. The Fires did cross the I5 near Camp Pendleton, and off and on during the night and early am, it was closed on both sides, this Base has been closed and evacuatated other than Fire Fighting Effforts, but as of 12Noon the I5 is open again and the 2 fires on the base are still burning , but are being battled. The Heat and the Winds will determine how the Fires will burn today. The President did sign a Federal Major Disaster Bill today.
[[Click the title: "Trouble Me" 10,000 Maniacs - without Natalie Merchant]]
**** CRITICAL***** BLOGGER UPDATES:10.22.07: Read Divajood's report- she checked in below and it is amazing what she says...Good thoughts and prayers to you and your family....stay safe.....So Far Blugrrrrl's Blog has also anupdate, and has been leaving us updates as well and amazing photos. Kitchen Window Woman is so far okay. We heard from Thorne and she and family are away from the fires and safe, please go see her blog tomorrow and give her some love....Newsguy checked in , and is okay. Please do keep leaving Updates in the Comments as the Events Unfold.