Saturday, February 02, 2008


**( Not fit for Young Innocent Children)**
How the Ground Hog Scene REALLY went Down...Notes from the Little Bugger's Diary:
Dear Diary:
I heard Noises outside, excited Humanoids getting ready for their godamned perdictions, waking me so they can figure out if it is godamed cold out there. And I was told that Homeland Security might want to check my home for weapons or some kind of Terra Crap, so I am ready for the Idiots, all of them. I mean haven't they learned that you just don't Wake a Sleeping Rodent ? Assholes. So find I stuck my Godamned Head out and they learned that there was going to be 6 more weeks of godamned Winter- Heartless Bastards- someone should wake THEM and ask them HOW COLD IS IT ? !!! THINK IT IS GOING TO STAY COLD ? ?? So yeah, Now I am Armed because of these morons. I mean Bears are Armed, so Why NOT Me ?!!

Have a GOOD Rest of Winter , I hope you Freeze Your Dumb Asses off....


Cartledge said...

A groundhog with attitude already? So I'm sitting here bored because the cricket has been rained out again, in this land of bloody drought...
I'm sure the antipodean groundhog either died of thirst or was drowned, there doesn't seem much alternative.

pygalgia said...

That's funny. Thanks for coming by my place, and with posts like this, I'm only to happy to add you to my 'roll.

John Good said...

Yikes! Thank God I only lost a watch!!