What Does Change Look Like ? Does it Look Like Long Lines of people stretching around and around blocks and down roads ? Does it look a beautiful quilt patched and woven of all ages and colors ? Does it look Black, White, Hispanic,Latino, and Native American and Old and Young, Men and Women, and Young People.I see as much White Hair as I see young hair. I see Poor People and People of Means, makes NO Difference. All of these People have watched what Bush did to OUR Country, ALL of these People want OUR Country back.This is OUR Time, there are NO Second Chances for this time. It is Time to End Dynasties, and Make New Government.
These photos are from New Mexico, and long long lines again as people waited to see Obama. The Media Never Shows this- because it is Too Inspiring , Too Hopeful. It shows the Strength of People Coming together Waiting in Line , Getting in Line to Make Change.
In the past 36 Hours., MoveOn.Org Endorsed Obama ( nationwide Membership of 3.2 Million, 1.7 Million are Voting this Tuesday). SIEU Endorsed Obama with a membership of 650,000 people. The LA TIMES endorsed him ( I don't think they have endorsed a Democratic Candidate in over 35 years).Native Amercian Times Endorsed Obama. Momentum is Moving and Roling Now.....People are Fired Up. Yes We Can has Meaning......It is Real People standing in Lines and Cramming Halls and Auditoriums. Share the Hope.
Tonight Obama is On MTV at 6pm, share this information with young people ( they probablly already know.).
(((( Click the title it is "Passing the Flame" really beautiful Video.))))
Please know that the photos on this Post are from Obama's Website and were Friday Night in Sante Fe, People waited in the Cold for hours to see Obama. In the Dead of Winter People have stood in hundreds of lines for thousands of hours to see and hear HOPE....that is Amazing..we should let No One Discount that ....ever.
Great post Enigma. There is a new age coming for the United States as the 60's generation passes the torch of leadership to the next generation. I talk to my children and my nieces and I can hear the enthusiasm and idealism I felt when Kennedy took office.
The Grateful Dead are reuniting for a benefit concert for Obama!
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker is the latest big-name endorsement for Democratic Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, lending his gravitas in the financial world to a presidential candidate whose biggest hurdle is to convince voters he is experienced enough to be president.
“After 30 years in government, serving under five Presidents of both parties and chairing two non-partisan commissions on the Public Service, I have been reluctant to engage in political campaigns. The time has come to overcome that reluctance,” Mr. Volcker said in a statement today. “However, it is not the current turmoil in markets or the economic uncertainties that have impelled my decision. Rather, it is the breadth and depth of challenges that face our nation at home and abroad. Those challenges demand a new leadership and a fresh approach.”
He concluded: “It is only Barack Obama, in his person, in his ideas, in his ability to understand and to articulate both our needs and our hopes that provide the potential for strong and fresh leadership. That leadership must begin here in America but it can also restore needed confidence in our vision, our strength, and our purposes right around the world.”
SOURCE: The Wall Street Journal
Your right enigma my sweet.
If not now, when?
God Bless.
You're an RN? Really?
My partner is making a midlife career change and is in college to become an RN.
That's why we're living in the NE.
yup...an old Nurse....an RN...I would love to help you and your partner with this Midlife Career Change, email me at enigma4ever@earthlink.net...and would love to hear more about it....( I live by the Great Lakes- but I have lived and worked in the NE too- New England- and North New York....I also have lived and worked in the NW and Ca.....a bohemian RN I guess would best describe me ? ) I have worked AIDS/ Homecare&Hospice/ ER/PICU/PEDS...( I also did research and ran a Non Profit in the NW)...anyways get in touch...okay?
AnonP: lovely to see you...and YES....NOW IS THE TIME....YES WE CAN.....
Christopher: great news about Volkcer wonderful...
Ceejay: it is a NEW age...time for Change....Time For History to be made...
Larry: the Grateful Dead MONDAY NIGHT in SF.....wow..that is Sooooo amazing...and moving...Beb Weir is pretty politcal ( and Jerry was ....well, he can be there in spirit)
100% JFK!
You have mail.
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