1939 Charles W.Cushman Kodachrome photo
So I got up this morning and we still have 172 days until the end of this Criminal Titannical Regime. For some reason in the Summer the days of this hell sure seem longer. I joked last night to 6-6 that if I saw one more McGramps ad on TV I was going to puke..oh well...(6-6 pointed out that McGramps has not even started with the Geesusmongering and TerraMongering...sigh).....My point is that with 96 more days to go until the Election....the ads are only going to get more sophmoric and insipid....so maybe we need to find our sense of humor and laugh at them, because what else can we do ? Maybe it is because I am in Everlovin' Rethuglican Ohio, but he really is blowing alot of money here, putrid ads morning,day and night.
And his new ad really does take the cake....So Bob Cesca put together his OWN Ad..Enjoy. It's Perfect .....
Now if you Click the Title of the post- Obama's people have a site set up to Fight the McCain Smears, called the
Low Road Express to counter negative attacks and Fact Check his insipid ads...Skippy Blogged on it- and also has interesting post about the $$$$ Repercussions over at McCrampland.....
And if you still need something to make you smile ? Click the "W" trailer below...King George must be choking on his pretzels that the Bush dynasty is being portrayed in such a craven criminal hillbilly manner.
I have to go out and do some errands ....I will be back later...You can scroll down and see my nest this month, or read some or hear some Humor...or have some music....or So you need some Other Blogs to explore and ponder ? From the Blogroll 10 Good Things:::
(1) Ramblings ....Cuz there is a way cool Map Game and other Wonders
(2) Dean Wormer ... Cuz he is just so damn funny and insightful and wise.....
(3) Bob Cesca's Awesome blog...Cuz well because it is awesome....
(4) Dadda's Blog....Cuz he takes us to The Market.....
(5) Betty Cracker.....Cuz she is so damn smart, sharpest knife in the drawer.........
(6) RedHeaded Wisdom ....Cuz she explains the Banking Fubar so well...
(7) Guys from Area 51.....Cuz they are worth finding (and I lurk there too much)
(8) Distributor Cap...........Cuz he has a post up about Our Way of Governing that is Thoughtprovoking....
(9) Morning Martini..........Cuz your day is not complete without her wisdom....
(10) Dusty........................Cuz she is watching it all and speaking the truth....
Wisdom For the Day From Someone Else...
"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”
Lao Tzu
And Need Some Political Wisdom ?
"Each party steals so many articles of faith from the other, and the candidates spend so much time making each other's speeches, that by the time election day is past there is nothing much to do save turn the sitting rascals out and let a new gang in."
H. L. Mencken
"If a politician found he had cannibals among his constituents, he would promise them missionaries for dinner."
H. L. Mencken