Go to Weather UnderGround on the Blogroll to learn More. ( Behind Dolly are Geneive and Fausto- yeah- Fausto?) WeatherUnderground is a great site with aerial maps and information....Including estimated times of when it will hit shore and different locations, placing the Times on the Maps.It also has links to NOAA and other needed sites. ( I have used this site for the past two summers and it has been very helpful).
The only good thing about Katrina, is people seem to take hurricaines more seriously.
I caught some interviews with people saying they are not messing around... taking no chances, evacuating.
Even the guvmnt has some busses ready to take people to safe haven.
the gvmt- military moved it's planes..and boats..yup..they are taking serious..
Wed Night- it did hit shore today- StPadre Island...Brownsville-100mph and was a CAT 2 when it landed....
so far so good..
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