"We should never let our fears hold us back from pursuing our Hopes." John F.Kennedy
( Originally posted Sunday Sept30th eve, moved to Oct2)
I have been having the same dream over and over. And it is not a bad thing, it is merely pieces of the past. I dream I am back in California, living on the Coast, 2 blocks from the Beach. Close enough to hear the Seals barking at the moon and the waves crashing on the rocks.And my bassatt would howl/yodel back, thinking that some poor dogs at the beach must be calling her. And then in the morning the salty sea air would make the curtains dance at the window, a tango breeze.And I am walking to the beach to teach my son how to use a boogie board, and the sand is warm and gritty on the sidewalk, it makes a noise under my flipflops.And we are walking to Our Place, and we will sit on the rocks and feed Vanilla Soft Serve to the Bassatt, and eat sandy fries and guard them from the Gulls.It is my favorite dream, but I also realized recently that it is where I go when I daydream, it is my respite....my sanctuary. I also realized that if I had a Fast Car.....it is Where I would go.
Where would you go ? Do you have a Respite ?
[Click the title: Tracy Chapman "Fast Car"]
Good description of your sanctuary. I can almost hear the seals barking & your bassett responding with her own howl!
One of my favorite daydreams is a late-summer neverending hike over granite rocks in Maine. Getting lost, but somehow forging on, up & up, scrabbling over huge boulders until I finally made it past the treeline & could stare up & down the famous Maine drowned coastline. I vividly recall the exhilaration of the climb, feeling a bit like a mtn goat, sure-footed & confident. The breathtaking view was a wonderful reward.
ps, I hunted around for an easier trail back down, one that didn't involve sliding back down those big granite boulders on my rump. It wound through dark old growth forests that reminded me of an HP Lovecraft story. ~~ D.K.
DK; now that is a nice dream...count me in...Blueberries at the top? and maybe some fresh lobster for dinner ? ( hmm where is that Patriot guy- I bet he has ideas about this ;-)
Thanks....very nice...
Oh Lobster! Yum...blueberries are good with anything too! Not only do you serve great coffee here...your entrees are good too...along with the music of course.
Hmm. Secret places in the mountains or the desert for me.
Colonel: oh my ...a real live Colonel from the South Pacific...speaking of secret places...now that is a good idea....esp in the Mountains...
SUMO: hmmmm, coffee thanks...and yup if we are going to Retreat Away... we need good tunes:)
Lovely to see you...Sending Calgon thoughts your way...
Sometimes, when the pressure rises, I wander to one of the many local estuaries, where the sea meets the mountain spring, so to speak.
There, one can on occasion, see and catch wild salmon and trout, or in summer, sea bass and mullet perhaps.
Often with close friends, we gather a few shrimps or cockles, or other shellfish to make supper, a "freebie" if you will.
Such taste, food that has never been touched by a corporate hand, a reminder of how humans lived for millions of years.
Needless to say, after scrambling over miles of rocks and mud, sleep contented comes.
my apartment used to be my respite- away from the world on a quiet street with a big picture window that the cats and i could watch the birds. sigh. no more. people move and new people move in and it isn't peaceful. i suppose i have to find a new place. i do enjoy my other blog but it isn't the same as real time.
I daydream about being with all my kids and grandkids on Christmas morning and throughout the day at our home, which is something that will probably never happen...but it's a nice thought. They are spread all over the country now, sigh.
MaryE: oh I am so sorry they are spread so far...but it is a very nice day dream...
Betmo: I am sorry that your respite changed...I hope you still have a place to daydream to...
Landksr: Oh my I loved your respite...I would love to stumble along for such a venture...and oh the nibblies...fresh cooked..and what a lovely venture...next time you go on your "freebie" , know that there is a redhead in your pocket ;-)
I started and will finish someday my dream. I still live it every day and will forever. It was my dream childhood. The title I think about often but I grew up in 1960s Salem, Ma. It was a rough childhood to most but like Tom sawyer, it was heaven to me. Lived on gallows Hill, hung around daily in historic salem, and had my own row boat so I went fishing every day. Fishing, Lobsters, and digging clams, was every day. The sun rise in the morning and sunsets on Marblehead are nice. Lobsters in Maine, preferably York beach area or New Hampshire is a treat.
Enigma, I have a place I'd rather be than Detroit but for sanctuary...anywhere other than in my mind...anywhere to get me away from me would be fine at least for a while.
One of my scrips inhibits REM sleep so no dreams there and I am too controlled in my thoughts to dream when I am awake *sigh* even when I write fiction it is work time for me (not that I submit any of it) I just work it out of my fingers.
I was right there with you.
I spent a couple days in an old, old house right on the beach in SC. It was surrounded by screened in porches. YOu could leave your door to the porch open at night. The breeze from the ocean came in. The sound of the waves breaking....
My sanctuary changes from time to time, and season to season. I often find myself thinking about colors - warm autumn colors sometimes, the cool grays dark earthy colors before a storm but always from inside a warm orange-ish lit classroom from when I was a child. I often think of the youngest years in school, in a very fond but inaccurate way. Then there is the pitch-black with stark-white moonlight nights with deep blue tree-shadows falling across crisp, glistening, undisturbed snow. I remember the soft glow of the Christmas candles we would have in every single window of the house. The warmth of the fireplace, you could feel it from the top of the wide staircase as you walked down to it.
In spring I often think of the crisp, yet warm and clean air. There is a particular smell and light that I cannot describe - but it is of spring cleaning.
And in summer I think of laying lazily about, looking up at the sky and trying to figure out how hot it will be by the number of katydids chirping away. The smell of the salt air, and the spray of it hitting me like a refreshing breeze when there is none. Cool summer nights are always a surprise on the hottest of days, and always welcomed.
There was a spot, on the rocks on the beach near my old home (which has now been developed) but it was here that I would always retreat to - no matter the season. To watch the waves crash lightly, or to listen to the breath of the water as it flowed in, and out again. No matter how bad things were - I could always find peace here.
Mary, Patriot, and Walking Man....thank you for sharing...as long as we all have ways to get through these times...and speical places to go...even in our minds..
love the music - listening to it as i write this comment...
and i am a lucky one as i live in my sanctuary...
but where would i go in that fast car?? ah now that's a wonderful thing to ponder - smile...the mountains...mexican beach...red rocks...huge canyons?? so many directions to go...so many decisions...
okay enigma it makes sense. You know I have ideas. Know where the best wild Blueberry spots are too. Being in nature period is heaven isn't it?
I would go back to Vancouver Island, on a hot summer's day, and go swimming in the Somass River, and smell the huckleberries. We used to take a picnic lunch of lettuce and tomato sandwiches and orange crush, and we would get an ice cream cone for desert.
That's where I would go.
We were there this last weekend - Moonlight Beach in Encinitas, Ca - just a block form the beach. We went and walked the beach, watched the waves and rested. I was thinking of how timeless the ocean is and of how children have played in the waves for centuries. I loved watching the seagulls and took some photos. The sunsets were beautiful and so was the breeze.
enigma you know how I feel but being a nature freak just being outside looking at the living plants and trees, staring at the sky, breathing the fresh air,and feeling the weather whatever it is, is invigorating. Every day is a new experience and like starting anew. Love it!
I'm always torn between locations. The winter seas near Pacific Grove or up among the pines in the Sierra where the wind makes them sound like the sea.
I also have a recurring dream where I am a seal basking on the rocks outside of Enigma's house. Wow how weird is that?
It is always so pleasant to visit here and let my troubled mind drift to salty seascapes and wafting breezes, rather then nasty politics and disappointing leaders.
"To find your own way is to follow your bliss. This involves analysis, watching yourself and seeing where real deep bliss is--not the quick little excitement, but the real deep, life-filling bliss".
Joseph Campbell
I'm sorry to say that over the past 7 years that the Decider has been deciding our countries fate my dreams for my later years have been diminished.
The only dream I have now is too see my country and Constitution returned to America.
I just don't know if that is any longer possible in whatever years I may have left through the grace of God.
God Bless.
Anon P : don't lose hope...there is still time..we can do this...dont ever give up...remember..
Larry: thank you....namaste..
gryphen: thank you...a seal eh ? You can always bring your troubled mind here friend...
Jamie: thank you- those are both heavenly...
Partiot: ahhhh I so agree....
Kitchen Woman : ahhhh somebody had a lovely anniversary- so good to here....lovely...
Josie: I too know that is indeed a wonderful spot...one of the best of the West..
AZ: that is so good to hear...your spots are soo good..
Oh, Tracy Chapman remainds me of my "Soulmale", my Jerry, my late husband. "Fast Car" reminds me of our early dating, speeding around in my 260 Z. "The Promise" is another really important one of Tracy's. It speaks of our promise to reuinite in another life to come... "save a place for me..."
When I want to get away physically, I head for San Luis Obispo, and my friend, Susan, who is the "hostess with the mostest"... with whom I simultaneously feel perfectly at home and as pampered as in any 5 star bed and breakfast. When I get away astrally, I travel to Greece. Another life in which the small circular temple at Delphi which overlooks the ocean was not in ruins, but covered in carrera marble and surrounded by roses.
When you do get into that fast car and head for the beach, come to me for your tattoo, my sister/friend...
My respite is daydreaming about my childhood home. It was a h-u-g-e old 2 story with an equally h-u-g-e yard with gorgeous trees, a swingset, my mom's various flower gardens, and plenty of room to imagine, pretend, and roam with my sisters. Funny, but whenever I have a really important dream of some significance, it always takes place in that house.
And sorry to see that a slimey troll has slithered into your coffee shop. I firmly believe deleting such spew is exactly what is called for to remove such vermin.
Tina: oh what a nice dream...and a nice place to go back to.....it is interesting how that house comes to you when you need it...I am working hard to keep MrTroll out...and keep the coffee shop warm and cozy....
Thorne: many hugs to you as you remember Jerry...and I too love the Promise song...it is about the threads that connect us...all of us...and Greece is always a haven .......sigh..
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