I know I was disheartened that the Media was not investigating the Death of Carol Gotbaum story with any respect. I stand corrected, Anderson Cooper is investigating her death, and I watched part of it last night, and he is asking Valid Questions. ( Some of the questions that we were discussing over on my post at Cosmic Messenger even came up, please see my post over there if you are not aware of the Death of the This Mom in the Arizona Airport). So to AC, I say thank you. Very Much.
*[Click the Title: GooGoo Dolls"Name"]*
For those of you that have not read his book, "Dispatches from the Edge", get it, it is an amzing book, and not what you think. ( Sorry but I was thinking that it would be Broadcaster Bravado Tales- and it isn't at all, it is sensitive and very reflective). I mention his book because his brother committed suicide many years ago, and the loss and how he died has had an impact on Anderson. and it has made him more sensitive than most. I also think that the "accusation" that she strangled herself or committed suicide did inspire him to take a look at Carol Gotbaums Death....
I hope that him giving it some scrutiny helps her family get Answers.
I just saw a little blurb on CNN that Carol Gotbaum's husband was on the phone with the airport begging, pleading with them not to leave her alone, that she was depressed & suicidal & should not be left alone. He stressed that he was afraid they would not recognize how seriously ill she was. This was an hr after she had already died, but he hadn't been notified. This really pulled at my heartstrings.
DK: Last night AC played the Tapes..it was haunting, and THEY lied to him, and I have no idea why, there is definently something veyr stinky about this whole case...The tapes were indeed heartbreaking, but the tapes of the officers planning how to lies to him were worse, you can hear them discuss that he does not know the truth, and planning What to tell him....urgh...
Anything about what I posted on her death?
I doubt we will ever know the truth. Our country is now a Dictatorship country and they never tell the truth about anything they do.
God Bless.
Alas anon..he has not started to interview others at the airport..I wish...but the story is far from clear...and atleast he is doing it..finally...
thanks for caring about her..
Very informative post for me, since I don't own a television.
I watched most of the CNN video. What struck me the most is how this woman is obviously distressed, and is calling for help (or more likely, a compassionate ear). Did anyone try talking to her, explaining that disruptive behaviour in the middle of an airport is frowned upon, and would she like to have seat and discuss her problems? As well, I've seen diabetics exhibit similar frantic, hopeless behaviour when their levels swing. Was she Dangerous? Didn't look so to me. Looked lost, alone, desperate and confused to me...
Goose-stepping tactics are not a particularly good replacement for a little human compassion, now are they. A sad reflection on our society as a whole.
I love Anderson Cooper. He's amazing, and I have read his book. What an interesting life.
I watched the program this evening, and I was shocked at the way that woman was treated. I wonder what might have happened if her nervous breakdown had happened anywhere else but in an airport.
Another must read but Cooper needs to go more in depth.
Any of us who have worked in the health care field know there were or could be protocals for the distressed and agitated that do not involve a take down or let alone tasering (how many deathes have we had from those ?) Carol died due to the rough treatment she recieved as some have said , a punctured lung or something perhaps..Airports are now police central. If that nervous breakdown had occurred anywhere else her chances of survival would have been 99.9%
Our culture now pays for homeland security (gag) but not for treatment of any kind. TSA are under trained its a big racket..Airport police in Maracopa county the land of Sheriff ArpieO the guy who keeps prisoners in tents dressed in pink - most of the attitude is thugs in suits. Tuff on crime. Lets hope this case , does not get dropped. It is another example NOT THE FIRST of a police state out of control.
And that woman is DEAD ! so is that guy (who turned out to be bi polar) who acted up on a plane. I hope the Airlines go bankrupt - i do. I hope no one flys anymore..soon it will be too expensive for most , anyhow.
enigma my sweet rose...
Thank you for helping too bring another voice to blogtopia.
I have already added d.k.raed to my sidebar. You are such an inspiration to all of us who strive for a free and democratic society again.
God Bless.
The truth is no one will taake responsibility because they do not have to anymore and that is the way it will be until we change it. By change it i mean not electing fools into a office just because they have money or a daddy that has been there first.
America use to be a nation of proud honorable people. Sadly, most of us are now ashamed of the governemt that was created for and by the people. When we can not take care of our own the RIGHT way, we have lost our humanity and no better than those countries that slaughter their own.
DK , just left under your post a new blogstess i think and hell yeah WE got a lot in common ..and some nice friends out there in the blogoverse.
oh by the watch out - its a jungle out there..Kind people are the true stars in my blogoverse...Kind people rule !! Mean people do indeed suck - hey that would make a good bumper sticker ..ya think ?
It's a very tragic situation.
Many are trying to write it off because she was on her way to rehab or had a drug problem or was unstable or whatever the excuse may be.
Reality is there is no excuse for the cops to use excessive force that kills someone. Especially a 100 lb petite unarmed woman.
This could happen to anyone.
Imagine going to the air port only to find your flight canceled. Let's say you had to be wherever you were going. Maybe it's a court date you can't miss. Maybe you need to sign loan papers and if you don't you lose your house. Maybe you're getting married and will miss your wedding with hundreds of guests waiting after spending tens of thousands of dollars for it.
Whatever the reason, you are likely to be upset.
And if the authorities come to drag you away like a criminal you are likely to get even more upset. It's a normal human reaction. It may not be the "right" reaction. Maybe we should all learn to be calm in pressure situations but we're not wired that way.
People train for that.
The spectre here is that any one of us could find ourselves aprehended and if one of the cops doesn't like the cut of our jib, we could find ourselves being pummled by authorities until we die.
I know it's nothing, new, it's called police brutality.
But that this happened at the airport over a missed flight changes the dynamic.
Don't tase me bro.
Our society is sullied by the glorification of torture, the suspension of habeas corpus, and no expectation of privacy.
We have become violence. We are war. We are empire.
Thanks for the information, I too am tube-less and need to be directed to the decent programs.
I missed the Anderson Cooper show...darn.
i got so excited when i found that DK had a blog - i forgot to leave a comment - grin
great song...and i can say that losing someone close does have a profound impact on a person...hugs...
Polishifter and others, yes exaclty - airports tight flight schedules. Who among us when we have flown does not have "connection anxiety" boarding the flight anxiety. One would think after all the experience airports have had with "crowd control" during winter weather/ on tarmac waiting incidences - they would all airports actually have "trained psych teams around " at least ONE, trained crisis interventionist to train other staff including the TSA.
The voilence and suspicion of police , authoritarian types has visited itself on people of color here since forever. There is alway s a chasism caplacentcy in the face of groos repeated injustices and death - that "distance" one may feel, somehow they are not at risk for this..you know the quoate..first they came for the (fill in the blank) i did not speak out for i was not (fill in the blank)
What we see in this case - and i hope this woman's case becomes an historical touchstone for our complete dissent into fascism - its a personal story - its an individual's story/tragic event - needless death at the hand of the police state we live in today NOW - we "are soaking in it" as madge would say -
Many of us here of course see the connections and are involved in coalitions...that are unifying of diverse single issues stuff. - we get it.
Too many individual do not think this could happen to them ...its that same mentality that says "well i am not doing any thing wrong - we should i worry about surveilance "
Coral Ann Gotbaum - died at the hands unnecessarily , criminally at the hands of Airport Police in Phoenix Arizona. Makes me want to tune into court tv to see if Nancy (i know what you did last summer) Grace and Catherine Cryer are giving this case some more coverage.. if i find out i will report back.
Like racial profiling shows a larger problem of institutionalized racism in our culture - this case shows..any citizen even the pink with purple poka dots ones - ARE FAIR GAME now - its a new level of hate - we are all suspects since 2001 - the patriot ACT.
Been stopping in every day but I am finding healing this arm 1000 times worse than breaking it and having a full cast. I have 10 days to try this on my own so this is what I spend most of my time on. Hope I don't overdue it as per my nature. Just wanted you to know I see you and your good words every day and they are envigorating. I will be back to normal soon.
Patriot: I hope this does make you feel better- anything to help heal that arm...take care of yourself...
Proud Progressive: you said it ALL...and then some..sadly all that you said is soooo true, I am just sitting here shaking my head...
AZ: Many hugs friend..many hugs...
ME: I think if you got o Anderson's Blog over on the Blogroll there is some posts and links about it.
Aaron: I think like I just told ME, that might help?
Polshifter: you nailed it- this could have happened to anyone- that that is the angst of it...and that we are in a Police State...and that is why it could even happen to a mom in trouble...what you wrote is all true and could be it's own post..sadly...
Proud: thank you for your welcome to DK..I am trying to let her ease in...but I am hoping that a slow ease in will make it easier for her...( she is a thoughtful soul- it is about time she had a blog;-)
Inside Our Hands: everything you said about shame and dismay is so true...but we did not create this - all if it...some of it is like sitting on a hijacked bus...after two stolen elections...atleast that is what it feels like to me..but thank you for pointing out how painful it has been to watch all the changes..you always have thought ful repsonses...
ANON: i sit here nodding..so sorry that is has some to this...
Renegade,: what I said to Arron and ME, please hit AC's blog over on blogroll- it might help..
Larry: I agree, he does need to dig more..
Josie; sadly anywhere else- she would be alive..that we all know...
DrKNOW: yes...it is a sad statement about a much larger problem..sad...so sad..
She may have been having a NES (non-epilectic seizure), which would account for her falling, appearing to be resisting arrest, shuffling, and her erractic behaviour. Read the various NES scenarios in this informative article.
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