Mr.Bush sat there looking bored and uncomfortable during the Moment of Irony, like a small child that is suffering through the sunday church service again.Or maybe since his "approval" ratings are surging to 21-24%, he felt like his prescious time was being wasted.I didn't want to watch Mr.Bush, but I did really want to hear the Dalai Lama. For Mr.Bush we know he does love the Pomp and Circumstance of The Event. ( Or maybe that he is relishing yet another Pompous Moment. ) My First Impression was that Perhaps there had been a Luncheon Event and perhaps he was again driving the Podium again Drunk.....again..
NOW then I happened upon THE PRESS CONFERENCE over on cspan he held. Now I am concerned and confused, was the Presser held Before or after the Award Ceremony. NOW I have to ask was he Drunk ??? or Is he Losing HIS MIND??? He sat there and called it the Bully Pulpit, and he meant it, and he gave a psychotic performance, alternating laughing ( yes, really) and then stuttering about World War III. At this Point he should not be driving the Podium, much less OUR Bus.....It made me uncomfortable, it reminded me of October 2002, when he snorted and giggled through press conferences, mugging and lying.
Footnote about the Song:The song with the Title is Ray Charles, his very first Appearence on the Ed Sullivan Show, Decemeber 3rd, 1967. I remember this show...I remember how I was amazed that he KNEW what color dresses the ladies were wearing....I was seven, I was at my grandparents for dinner, I was happy I had survived the Canned Peas again, and yes, I danced all around the living room.
Happy Birthday to Dizzy it's her birthday this week....stop over and see this amazing woman's blog and wish her the Best....She writes Everyday....Go to the Blogroll...she is there.
I couldn't watch as thankfully I was engaged with a client.From what I have read though it was another dispiriting performance and offered us, once again, no hope for the balance of this year and next. My fear is that we are becoming desensitized to his moronic and embarrassing behavior and have lost the capacity for outrage and disgust. He has lowered the bar so far that we no longer have a rational benchmark.
yup..Monk..the bar is so low that I can't even find it...and well, rational...that went out the window a long time ago...I wish I had not seen it too...I just wanted to watch the Dali Llama speak that is all...silly me....
And just so we all know atleast I don't ever try to use the Enigma Cafe as the "Bully Pulpit"...I am still stunned that he said that...
You stay cool down there...in the Drought Land....( another thing that the MSM has barely covered)
From "Psychology Today" come the following characteristics of a bully (these are nos. 5 and 6 of a total of 6):
"5. Most bullies have a downwardly spiraling course through life, their behavior interfering with learning, friendships, work, intimate relationships, income, and mental health. (Unless they become president of the United States, in which case their downward life spiral and income [via corruption] are inversely related).
"6. Bullies turn into antisocial adults, and are far more likely than non aggressive kids to commit crimes, batter their wives, abuse their children, and start World War III."
(Okay, okay! So I may up the part about income and inserted the "start World War III" in part 6. So torture me! ~Dada)
I said it many times that the Decider will start World War III and he's there on TV smirking and invoking mushroom clouds.
Then I see Boxer saying that she thinks he may be unstable and yet still they won't impeach him and the Dark Lord Dick {Heinrich Himmler} Cheney.
Man or man were so screwed. They have all betrayed us our supposed representatives. There nothing but a bunch of Fascist Nazi's and Nazi Enablers.
May the Lord have mercy upon us.
God Bless.
p.s. "WORLD WAR III"....are we all shaking-in-our-boots scared to death yet???
C'mon Americans, that's enough to change a few voters minds away from Hillary and Obama. Guiliani for Prez! (gag)
Oh the WW3 thing, had to agree, such an incurious and scary moment even for him, but as he spent his youth stoned and evading responsibility it is not so odd that he would throw around such terms, the rest of us who lived through the cold war, and duck and cover in grade school know what that term really means, thermonuclear war...... I think we just have to keep on repeating
We even have the Russians flying cold war air combat patrols off our borders again.......
I didn't see the CMO presentation, or his press conference - I long ago learned to stop watching those abuses of hooked on phonics. But the rest? Looong ago!
Future: as I said, I had to watch the Dali...had to..I have never heard him speak and I wanted to see how he handled Bush....I actually muted Bush when he was at the podium- his body language told me everything....I am sorry...and I rarely blog on him anymore- if you have noticed- I can't...it makes me too ill...( my BP can only take so much- thank you..)
tgm: he spent his youth more than stoned...and we all know it..at the press conf. he could NOT remember what he was doing in 1980...shoot..that is unreal...he was a "family man" suposedly by then..and helping his dad run for office and he does not remember????what the....
Dada: you are right on ALL counts...even the parts you ahem...added...thank you...and yes,...ANYONE is surely looking better...I can't wait to see WHO Bush endorses- because that will kill their run...( I think he wants Freddy...)
ANON: I know I am so sorry...I have always agreed with you about this....it is okay...to know that he is dangerous...and that we need to pray that the world someday forgives us...I think if we impeached that would happen a lot sooner...
I left a comment on suzy-q about this and its under her convention post.
I called Pelosi's office and left a message. Check out suzy-q to see what I said.
Now I'm probably in deeper sh*t than I need I think.
God Bless.
Wasn't near a tv set during the presser. All I heard later was some shock and awe at the WWIII reference. It's all he's good at: invoking fear and loathing, to get the public to support his bullying upon the world stage. I think fewer and fewer people are buying the act, considering his ratings.
NEWSGUY: I am sure that less and less people are buying the act...but he was really odd today.,..sneering and making bad jokes, and laughing when talking about WWIII..What the?? too odd....now about bullying, he doesn't care..he is not in his right goard....( hmm, a goard would be smarter)...anyways...I am sure you are right but it is worrisome....
ANON": thanks..I did head back...and I think you are fine..you need to widen your call list though..call Boxers' office, she basically raised some very good concerns during Hardball about Bush and his right mind...
Thank the angels I'm on the other side of the world. I was concerned enough when I heard reports that the presntation would happen.
A couple of thoughts struck me; first the ability of George W to present himself credibly alongside the humble Dali Lama.
The second, given the first, was even risking the fallout from China who are increasingly the holders of US debt.
Personally I would put the debt second to greeting the DL in an appropriate way. But if you can't do that why risk the bank?
Senator Boxer expressed concern about Bush's "stability" on Hardballs today. When Matthews asked her if she was saying he's unstable, she said "I didn't say that" ... thus exemplifying what is so frustrating to all of us who voted for change, for actions that would lead toward change, in 2006. I respect Boxer, she is one of the best, but she backed-down & side-stepped, like they always seem to be doing. Tell me, Senators, will the first sign of Impeachment come in the form of a Mushroom Cloud?
Like you, I almost fell off the couch when he SMIRKED and giggled about the possibility of WWIII. I thought his meds had that smirk under control? Better get his nurse to up the dose!
I think it's obvious he just doesn't give a holy flying f*ck anymore. Not that he ever did, it's just now with his #'s in the toilet & his rapturous belief in biblical endtimes, he's no longer shy about showing it. Thus he and we enter the most dangerous period of his presidency.
I saw it and he definitely was on something. His handlers aren't watching him very close. He probably misses Condi. He creeped me out too...I had 4 thongs to throw at him and could have used more.
Was the Dweeb clowning for the cameras again, Enigma ?
Sorry but somehow I completely missed his latest redundancy. :)
Cosmic: yes, indeed...it was a Banner day for the King of Delusions....
SUMO: I too ran out of flipflops...but I am certain that this is NOT the first time that Thongs have been thrown at the king...
DK: I agree it was all so surreal and Boxer was right to Question WHAT was that...and the Stablilty question is delicate...sadly..would not be if I was there....
Cartledge...you are soooo wise down there..one of our favorite World Watcher...so you named all the needed issues to light ( do read my Olympics Post today- I too am worried about many of the same issues).
I watched it and I thought it was great. The light of the dali lama blotted out the darkness of the craven Democrats and Republicans in the room.
Bush is certifiable.
Fred: you are right he was filled with light and he had such dignity, and it did make Bush look even more oafish...
NO Blood: good to see you....I have missed bumping into you .....and yes indeed he is certifiable...for sure...
I can't watch that man drink tea, he makes me want to throw things!
Thanks for the linky!
I love music because for 3 1/2 minutes at a time, I can escape the lunacy that is Bush (although 3 1/2 minutes is not nearly enough).
I cannot wait to wake up from this long horrible national nightmare...
I missed it - does anyone have a link to the highlights at least? Hmmm...better trot off to YouTube.....
It sounds like this is scarier than hell. eesh.
Anok: seriously, it was scary...because he was sitting sneering and chuckling..the next 458 days can not go fast enough....
Dizzy: I am so with you...this Nightmare can not pass soon enough, and we can wake up and fix all the damage...I post music with every post...that way if anyone is needing a break ( and even me) we get a nice retreat away from the insanity. And Since I do feel like my blog is a coffee shop...it simply must have a good jukebox....what we need sometimes is a good DJ ;-)
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