So it is ON tonight 8pm....and They Better WIN.....we are all on pins and needles...but yes, Cleveland Rocks Still....Root for the Indians....
(Originally posted Wednite Oct 17th)
So tonight the Indians WON.....and so they are up in the series 3-1, that means that if they win on Thursday , they are going to the World Series, for the first time since 1948. WOW......
( my apologies to our Boston friends....but I can't help myself...I am dancing around the house now....tooo happy to stop...Wahooooooo )
TomDem55 says
Ok, Ok, you beat my Yankees,so go and BEAT BOSTON
and then win it for the American League
and for mom's apple pie
I've always said Ohio is most attractive when viewed in your rear view mirror, but I must say I smiled when that final came in.:)
You have a good team there and I hope they go all the way. A Colorado/Cleveland series would be great. Two smaller market teams. FOX will be pissed because their ratings will be down without Boston or NY or LA or Chicago. Of course I feel real, real bad for FOX about that. I've had to watch the games with the sound down, however, because I just can't bear to listen to that idiot, Tim McCarver.
Cleveland Rocks!
Anybody who puts paid to Boston is good in my book.
Congrats on those wins. I think that Cleveland has an excellent chance of winning. You can't beat their bullpen. Boston may give you guys quite a fight in the next game,however. They aren't going to go down without a fight. They weren't doing so hot at the end of their season, so unless someone comes up with some good voo-doo, you guys may have this thing wrapped up.
I do think if the Indians go to the series, they have a damned good chance of taking it.
Good luck!
Hey, I'm sure you had a better time watching Cleveland Rock, than I did watching Cheney on Frontline (there's a pbs-link at my place if you want to catch it in online)
Am I going to hell because i don't like any sports, except when they occupy the wife and let me write in peace?
Enigma, I love baseball. My Dad and I always used to watch the World Series together.
Congratulations! I'll keep an eye out to see how your team does on Thursday. Let's hope they make it to the World Series :-)
Enjoy it! We will be pitching Becket Thursday and he may win but the series belongs to the tribe.
They should savor the moment because the World Series belongs to Colorado.
They have won 21 out of the last 22 and are not going to lose 4 of 7. Like I said, my liesure attention is on football because we do not have the pitching to support a series.
Enigma is riding high on the hog now.
Okay...I know I am being obnoxious and yes, I am riding the Hog...and yes, I realize that even if they go to the Series, and that they would meet up with the Indomitable Rockies...BUT I gotta Root for them...because they are underdogs..they were not suposed to even be there...sigh...okay I will dance around the living room some more...Yahoo....thanks for you patience you all ;-)
Yup 8pm tonight...let's see what happens...they must win...
Thanks for the comments on Randi.
Lovely blog. Adding you to my list of the esteemed!
Will Enigma still be riding high on the hog after tonight?
Ok, Ok I will root for the Indians
but please beat the Bosox
Every once in a while the underdogs deservedly win. I will be rooting for you tonight...!
Sat.11:30 Pm....the game is well....awful....score is 12 to 2.....I need to go find more ice cream....
Sorry to admit I don't follow baseball anymore...but I hope you get your wish!
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