I made the calls this week, nagging Repugs about WHY Children (OUR Greatest Resource) Matter. I wish I could send them my cellphone bill.Obviously this will come back to bite them next November.So I am going to hang out and lie low tonight....There is so much good New Music out there...Joni Mitchell, and New Paula Cole, and next week Finally THE EAGLES....( but I could not find any on YouTube) so for tonight you will just have to suffer with the Boss...I hope that is okay....
BTW: Here is My Mantra I would use when Making Phone Calls to Repug Offices:
"Hello I am calling to ask Mr or Ms. So and So , to reconsider their stance on the Bill for Childrens Health Care, and here is Why....I would speak clearly, precisely, and not let them get a word in edgewise...and also I have to say- this little speech out of the 10 calls I made- 8 the Phone Person was rendered speechless.
(1) Because Even Republican Families have CHILDREN, and NOT all of them can afford Insurance, esp in the South and the Midwest, that has been hit the hardest with Katrina Losses and Job Losses, there are millions of Uninsured Families and Kids, and they won't vote for you ever again, much less send you money for the 2008 Campaigns.
(2) Bush's Job Approval Rating is 22 % , I am sure that you don't want to joining Such A Legacy.
(3) I thought So and So was a Good Christian, and we ALL KNOW What Jesus would do, and this is NOT IT.
Thank you very much for allowing me to express my concerns as A Taxpaying Working Voting American Woman".....
and I was very very polite...my Southern Aunties would have been very proud.... I don't even feel bad bringing up the Religous Issue, as they have all Claimed to Be Good Christians and Worried About Our Family Values....and what I said is the Truth.
( BTW I also did not See Ms Pelosi or MrReid bring up ANY of these Issues, Shame on them. They should have fought a hulluva lot Harder for OUR Kids).
Interesting that you should mention music, nurse today. I just left a link on my blog to Phil Ochs Draft Dodger Rag which I much enjoyed AFTER I got out of the Army. Wish I had heard it first. Also, mentioned Country Joe's Fixing to Die Rag, an anthem and background to Vietnam that is just as relevant today for Iraq.
As for the Eagles, there's nothing to compare to their classics: Take it Easy, Hotel California, Desperado. That last one especially; I was going through some changes about then, and Desperado seemed to speak to me directly. I am sure glad those guys got back together.
I heard Ochs sing that in person, during the Cambodian War protests.
Phil Ochs and Country Joe...names from another era that are still so revelant...loved....missed...needed...sigh...thanks...both of you.,.....I am off to find Country Joe...g'nite...
Renegade: I found a ton of Phil Ochs on Youtube..really amazing...
Nothing better than a night of Friday night music at Enigma's!
it's actually 7am here and I'm drowning my sorrows for a dying nation with a little Billie Holliday.
Nice picture of you at the beginning of this post. That is you, isn't it Enigma? Red hair and all. Now smile and enjoy the music. And no music until after the game tonight. Cleveland rocks!
spado you are sooo funny...oh yeah that is me....( I am sitting here in scrubs and fliflops eating Ben&Jerrys out of the container with a bent spoon...)
soooo tres Elegante....wow..
( Seriously do you know how hard it is to find a respectable art of a "woman on phone"....let me tell you some were NOT respectable at all!!!!)
yup ...bit nervous here...THEY MUST WIN....
ZIEM: if Cleveland does not win- god fibid and bite my tongue....I will put up Billie- because I will need Consolation Music- and she is amazing...
Larry: wow thanks...and if you are listening to Friday night music at 7am saturday- SOMEONE had a good Friday night ;-)
I am banking on that and all the rest of their crap will catch up with them and bite them in 08. It is whether or not there will be elections that concerns me.
By the way, game 6 tonight, I wish you and the tribe luck!
OKAY.. so here is the thing- people emailed me and said WHAT did you say on your phone calls. Well, I updated the post- because I was pretty proud of my little speech....it actually felt good to remind them of the truth..
Patriot: hey there friend...I am still hoping the 08 elections finish them off...they have even hurt their own voters and supporters...You have to Believe there will be Elections, You have to have Hope....
The BOSS (aka the patron saint of Jersey aka the homeland) has NOT given up on the USA so neither should we!
right on Tom....you are sooooo right...
BTW I also did not See Ms Pelosi or MrReid bring up ANY of these Issues, Shame on them. They should have fought a hulluva lot Harder for OUR Kids
Neither knows the Bill exists, yet. It would be very advantageous for us, if we thought of those two in terms of a pimple on our ass.
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