*[Click the Title: Peter Gabriel "In Your Eyes" Live]*
I confess after Kerry "lost" (cough..cough was Robbed) of the 2004 Election, 6-6 and I entered into a deep funk, and we often talked about Leaving the States. ( Broken Hearted Pissed Off Enigma more than the Teenage Son ). So we would sit and throw darts at a map.....that is how "scientific" our "Search " was, and it never went further than hole in the map...But do any of you think of leaving ? Where would you go ? Now I am not saying anyone should leave, I was just wondering....
If I were younger and had something to offer our neighbor to the north, I'd consider it.
Let's start backwards. With Australia about to boot a government which I abhor and replace it with one which scares me; I long to be back in North America.
Not the US, admittedly, though I enjoyed the proximity and access, but to Canada.
The time I spent 'over there' was incredibly enriching. Maybe this old bloke was just ready for a change of scenery - still is. Perhaps the grass is just greener - not hard in Canada :)
Cartledge: hmmm, Canada eh...that sounds good..I know that you all are undergoing changes down there...and I really have been stunned watching the politics down there...
Granny: I know..I know...I think many have been thinking about it...
I know that it has been discussed here...and definently darts were thrown...my ended up in the sea...( I was aiming for Thailand...but they just hit blue)...Son does not want to give up...
I did a whole poll on the subject, with some pretty surprising results.
Emigration, apparently, is something a lot of people are seriously considering.
yep- but i haven't figured out where anything would be any better. the neo cons have pretty much ruined the world for americans- and the western countries in europe aren't much better these days. i often just dream of running away from everything but i can't run from myself- so here i am! even if i could run away from fascism- you can't outrun global warming.
Come to England and ill buy you an ice cream on the pier !! : )
At this point, I would go in a heartbeat. While my circumstances my be biased by my particular in-depth involvment with these NeoCon scum types, I nevertheless have abandoned all hope that this country will ever become equitable again. New Zealand or Canada would be my off the cuff choices.
In 1980, when Reagan was running for the presidency, I stated "If they elect Reagan, I'll leave this country, I will."
I stayed and lived through it. I saw how he lied and cheated for the rich to get richer with Iran contra, I saw him bust the Air Traffic Controllers Union with his sites set on ALL other unions. I lived through it.
When bush was elected in 2000, I wanted to leave then, too. The man who got the popular vote didn't get to represent the people. A flawed system. Those with the money winning out over those without enough cashola to fight them.
Evben now, the front runners in the 2008 elections are already being touted and chosen, with no votes counted, based on their war chests of money. War chests, for an electionb. It is part of the vernacular.
I've thought of it, leaving, but I won't. This is MY country. I will fight to my death trying to make what I know to be wrong right again. That is not to say I will "start" the fight, but I won't leave and allow them to win it.
Now I visit Canada. I would love to visit Australia and New Zealand. There are places in Central and South America that I fantasize with, seeing myself ala "The Shawshank Redemption", on a beach, naked to the waist, in the sun, and left alone to the problems of man hating man.
But I wouldn't make the effort to leave where I come from. This is my flag, my country. In the world I live in.
The government makes choices and has evolved little from the beginning. Rich white men deciding who to save and who to kill, who to make rich and who to throw into the depths of poverty, who to feed and who to starve. Their choice is not my choice.
I hope and pray that I am showing others what peace is. When my heart falters and I have pent up emotions and show anger and am judgemental of others, I hope I recover and forgive myself for getting caught up in being a human being. For this hatred and judgement exists everywhere, not just here in America.
Peace to all.
Consider this an echo of Spadoman.
There is a reason we have such an IMMIGRATION problem, not an emigration problem. And it is not because America is such a horrible place to live.
I suppose I would move to Vermont - as long as they follow through with leaving the United States.
Canada oh Canada! Our local newspaper ran a story about it, right after the last stolen election.
If I recall, a family needs to have about $6000 available cash to live on until the find work to immigrate to Canada. You must be medically examined...These examinations are intended to detect any conditions, which may affect the health of the Canadian public, or which may result in excessive demands being placed upon Canadian health or social services.
The medical examination includes a standard physical examination, blood tests, urine tests, and X-Rays.
You hae to pay a few thousand in application fees for the permanent Visa & processing. You also have to undergo Canadian Police Security clearance. You have to live in Canada for 3 years before you can apply for Citizenship.
You can apply for dual citizenship- but the US requires you pledge your allegiance to the US.
If you already have many years of paying into the Social Security system, you'd need to keep your citizenship to get any benefit from what you've put into it. So as much as I have dreams of moving to Canada, having explored the details, makes me realize it is not so easy. there may be other pathways-- educational, spiritual in which to make the process easier, but overall, it seems quite complex. That being said, I visited Canada last year, and Canadians seemed happier. And they really do say *Eh?* a lot!
Canada has her troubles and woes as well, you would probably pay higher taxes, but you get health care. There are always tradeoffs. I iwsh I had the funds to wander the globe.
I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here and fighting the Nazis and Huns. I live on the Canadian border; Canada is a great place to visit but it's too bland to live in.
I keep hoping the rednecks and neocons will leave the country, except, where would they go?
Who Hijacked Our Country
We do need art to feed our souls. I attended two regional art shows here & left there feeling refreshed. It's kind of the ultimate free expression,
and it takes you in to a whole different world.
I love it on antiques roadshow when someone bought an interesting piece of art for a few bucks at a yard sale, only to find it is worth many thousands of dollars & a rare work of art.
I’m more than happy with the antipathy toward Canada, ‘the land of the bland’, though antipathy might be too strong a word.
It is the blandness that appeals to me. Sure they have their own problems, but nowhere near the intensity of expression (except for Ricky, my old canasta partner).
One of the great attractions for me is the fact that I can feel the intensity of those other place and then relax in a place where no one else really seems to give a fig.
But, I would hate to see my nirvana over run and changed.
If I could leave the country, I have no doubt where I'd head: NEW MEXICO!
"Have you Ever thought about Leaving the States?" ... only every day! I've even looked over the emmigration forms. I give a lot of thought to how many europeans in the 1930's postponed leaving until it was too late. Other days, I get a kind of perverse thought that this country is my birthright, and that it's too bad they are stuck with me cuz I'm not going down easily!
I won't respond to all Individually, this was more a matter of having people think and talk to each other...and think about it in public....Do I think about it ? sure...that is why I wrote the post in Sept. comparing America to 1930's Germany....but the bottem line it is My Home, OUR Home ( before some madcoyboytexan wreaked havoc on all of us and the world) and Yes, the Bushco Regime has made my life a living hell...from TWO Lost Votes to TSA stealing my belongings when I shipped them east and then of course the godawful NO FLY LIST....so do I have some feelings about it? yes....But I also know that this IS MY HOME...and it is where my son was born...and it was NOT like this before...I want OUR COUNTRY BACK...and I am committed to fighting for that possibility .....that HOPE....we all fight in our own ways..for me ..everyday that I still WRITE that is my way of giving something Back to what we have Lost......
So I hang my flag ...and I put PEACE signs in my garden and on my windows..and I pray that OUR Country can be revived.....and the Criminals Put where they belong..I still believe in Justice...
Thank you all for sharing and thinking about it...
Oh just to be clear...the discussion is still wide open...I am just a bit distracted watching the Indians game...
Oh dear, as Patrick Henery said
Forbid it almighty god forbid it I ask not what course others might take but as for me give me liberty or give me death
Well not so much the death part, but STAY and FIGHT
One fellow at a Democratic meeting said he was moving, I told him to go, but I would STAY AND FIGHT!
I think this country is worth fighting for! So are its symbols, I am a proud Liberal Dem who flies the US flag every day, it is not the symbol of the right wingers
I take it back from them
WE will take our country back!!!
Leave Texas for ANOTHER country??? Bite you tongue...;)
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