Well, The Shock and Shame of it....
The King did indeed VETO Healthcare for America's Children as any true Tyrant would.....
Call the Capital Hill Switchboard, and raise some hell for OUR CHILDREN, esp.call your Repug Reps,
Remind them of Upcoming Elections in 2008. Senator Leahy and Senator Kennedy's websites
have Letters Lists and Lists of Repugs to Call and Write.
*{Click the title: "For the Love of the Common People" by Paul Young}*
The White House
Switchboard: 202-456-1414
Comments: 202-456-1111
( I guess the Whitehouse is too damn cheap to have an 800 Number for us Common People...and the WH Website is now practically written in braille...so small pinhead fairies can dance on the letters.....but still call, 2 am is when Enigma leaves her Special Comments....polite...but special )
I can no longer be surprised, only appalled.
He vetoed the bill because it gave medical to kids from families making up to $80,000. That's 4 times the poverty level. The Dem's knew he would veto the bill at that salary level.It's a move by the Dem's to be able to kick the President. If Dem's really wanted poor kids to get medical, they should have written it that way. It's a game for BOTH sides.
Anonymous...for whatever reason it was written, kids who had no health care would have gotten it so for the minority of them who's parents could have afforded private coverage he stopped 5.8 million more from being covered. The point is he vetoed it because it was going to take to much money from your and his war for oil in Iraq, for which he now is telling congress he needs 200,000,000,000 more?
Small minded dork 80K for a family of four is nothing, my wife and I eek out on $23,000 a year, wish this was available when my kid was home I wouldn't have worked two jobs at 18 hours a day for more than a decade.
Or is it that you are a manager at Wal-Mart and the company pays your medical while the cashiers go on Medicaid?
ANONY:First off it is a discount program of care, that was suposed to be opening to higher levels of the lower middle class, I am not sure about the 83,000 part, I just heard that number for the first time today....it fell out of Bush's mouth at a contrived speech event with repugs, so how meaningful or sincere or accurate is another question. I have to check on that number, I do know that it was suposed to COVER and Provide healthcare to 5 million more children that are UNCOVERED at this time, there are 9.5 million children that have NO healthcare in this country, and NEED care and their parents need assistance. It is a serious issue, considering we are spending 30-60 Biillion a month in Iraq ALONE right now, it is not right that we are Domestically neglecting OUR children. Also Under Bush the Middle Class is shrinking and many Middle class families are indeed falling under the Poverty line, including many single moms with children, more than 27 million total. This is shameful for an Industrialized Country- Inexusable. And you are correct BOTH sides NEED to Override Bush; assanine shameful veto and do the Right Thing by OUR Children.
( oh, and anony, I am a single mom , a nurse who is at the bottem of the middle class- so I take this VERY seriously- and just so you know my son is insured- but not me...)
Walking Man: thank you for speaking up and I wil give you the Working Man Coffee discount- because your response said it all- 60-80,000 for a family of foud barely covers the bills- and definently NO ONE can afford 400-1600/month for insureance prems ,and that does not cover meds or therapies, or deductables, while the Insurance Execs get Bonues in the Millions and Have Multimillion dollar salaries....
oh, thorne- sorry I forgot to say , it is appallling and shameful, please do call the Repug reps and let them know they have to do the right thing- there are only 15 that have to find their Souls and their Conscience.....
First off lets get some things straight, unless you are TIME, and NOT so new here, just Rude....My Blog- and My Coffee Shop and Guess What - MY rules- if you are Rude and abrasice and argumentative , and full of hate- away you go out the door.
(1) I think Nincompoop was actually referring to Bush- not anyone else.
(2)NO HATE comments, NO Insults, if you want those things- there are plenty of right wing blogs for those type of discussions.
(3) This Issue is not up for debate- I made myself clear about that this issue as a mom and as a Nurse is very dear to my heart- so I advise you to leave with your insults- My Research is fine...and believe me I have done a ton.
(4) Due to Recent Threats and harrassment- up to 50 a day- you are indeed being deleted. I worked hard getting rid of the Hate, Anger and Misinformed Comments.
I reccomend Blogs for Bush....thank you for your Time....
To Watergate ReadersL I did indeed have to delete Anony Number 2 Comment becuase it was rude. I need to ask if TIME or His Disguise comes , please try not to bait him, I don't feel like being called many names, and getting more death threats....it has been a hellish week....that I didn't need. I do want to leave ANony people to be able to comment....BUT I don't want more pain or problems. And I will delete ANY Hate or Namecalling.....I have to. This is OUR Oasis, and I will not have ANYONE or TIME disrupting it.
But you're wrong about Bush. He really does care about children. But only while they're still fetuses. As soon as they're born, they're expendable.
Oh Tom...you made me laugh..thank you....
For the cost of a month and a half of his disastrous occupation of Iraq he could have insured millions of children. How can someone's priorities be so backward?
so true monk...awful...
and look at Oct3 Factsheet.
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