"The Better Part of One's Life is One's Friendships" Abe Lincoln
*{click the title; Van Morrison" Moondance"
This is just a quick Sunday Night Update:
( and please note there are not links- you all can find your way over to the blogroll-right? Give enigma's old eyeball a break- okay? thanks....)
Fran over at Ramblings is getting out of the Hospital , and she has been very sick with a Kidney Stone, please go give her a Hug, she has been through Hell....
Josie went through some real Soul Searching about continuing her blog, and she is ....phew...So she has a new blog , and it is on my blogroll- JOSIE"S PLACE....
(3) MIRTH:
Mirth left for a bit, and many of us were heartbroken, and we had no way to tell her how much we missed her. BUT now she is back, more bold and beautiful than ever.
Bluegrrrrl is back, I am so happy to say, and her blog is so amazing, with photos and prose that will take your breath away.
(5) BlOGGER ROUND TABLE & Proud Progressive:
Has really interesting information and updates on Burma
Spado and the Missus have a big Anniverary coming up,and the Grandpalace is indeed gearing up for a party- we have not had a good party in a long time....go and join the celebration.
(7)Please stop by and see DEUD, and wish him well, he entered a Big Poker tourney...and he has had a hard time lately...we are his friends and his circle..let him know that....
**** ADDENDUM: Truthout has an amazing roundup of ALL posts,articles and information on Burma from all over.
More Later....namaste.
Good blog list. Thanks for the headups.
Your so nice taking care of everyone even w/the bad eye.
E i just am popping in to say a couple of things..one i love ya gal, you are a force of nature and a sweet , evolved soul. Two happy columbus DID NOT Discover america day. I hope all who have the day off however enjoy a needed rest. ok since i am feeling sappy (((group hug)))
- fondly PP
and i swear it once i get over my latest outrage , i will be here as a more regular visitor..this blog is wonderful and it always has been, at least thats the word on the blogoverse street..but hey you regulars already knew that.
Everybody - have a good day, enjoy your world, enjoy some inner peace.
our love is stronger than the hate.
Proud: love is always stronger than hate..always..thank you for saying that...and such kind words..thank you...don't lose your passion, your writing is fierce...we need that ;-)
Mary: ahhh thanks...I do what I can..eye is healing..thanks..
Larry: I do what I can when I can...thanks for all that you do...
New posts up later today and also over at Cosmic....
Have a good Monday...
Uh, are you trying to steal the Blog World Report's thunder? LOL
Great job!
ahhhh Robert- no way..YOU are the KING of Blog Round Ups...this was just a little mini roundup of the blogatopia news....So that being said Everyone go over to Robert's and see THE BEST Roundup around...
Soon you'll stop doing a pirate impersonation, Enigma. Hope you recover fully and get back to setting the blogging agenda for the rest of us.
Take care now. Cheers.
Thank you for the pretty picture.... love the colored bottles w/flowers. I'm out of the hospital now, which is a huge step in the right direction.
Hope you too are on the mend. thanks for your good healing energy.
Thanks for the kind words E! I found someone else on your blog who's actually an Austinite as well, how fun!
Isn't it something? So many neat and interesting people and soo little time. I will make an effort to check them out, right now, the youngest has a temp of 102.. it's that time again..
yes dear, mommy's coming!
Ingrid: hang in there...I hope your little one is okay....I will try to put together my Texas list for you...email me at enigma4ever@earthlink.net, and I will give you the list....take care...
Fran: I had to put something pretty in the window for you....hope you are mending..take care...drink lots of fluids flush it out my friend...take care...
Daniel: Yar Matey...I think at heart I am still a pirate...and I definently am still putting the tunes on...( so I think I will stay a pirate DJ...could be my next career...) I hope your Utopian Movement is still open...
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